I am a French Software Engineer working as a fullstack developer at Dataiku. I spend my free time doing hacking, skiing, and mountain biking.
Fullstack Developper @ Dataiku 
- Frontend: VueJS, Vuex
- Backend: Django, Flask
- Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Redis, MongoDB, Cassandra
- Workers: Celery, RabbitMQ
- Containers: Docker, Kubernetes
- Cloud: GCP (Associate Cloud Engineer certified), AWS
- System: Linux, MacOS
- My Root Me profile (top 30)
- Web attacks: Burp Suite, sqlmap, nikto, dirbuster
- Reverse engineering: IDA Pro, Ghidra, angr, dnSpy, GDB, Apktool
- Cryptography: Python, a pen and a sheet of paper. I implemented several attacks against AES:
- Network: Wireshark, currently learning RF analysis with GNU Radio
- Misc: Metasploit, nmap, hashcat
- Languages: Python, Javascript, C, assembly (x86, x86_64, ARM)
- Graphics: gimp, inkscape (I used it to create all visuals on this page)