FakeSMTP is a Free Fake SMTP Server for testing emails in applications easily.
You can use it as a normal SMTP server in your applications. All emails will be intercepted and processed by this software.
This project aims to be a successor of the identically named project by Gautier MECHLING aka Nilhem: https://github.com/Nilhcem/FakeSMTP
✌ Thank you very much for your effort and inspiration! ✌
You can find the latest and greates release in the github releases section.
- Java SE JRE 7 (headless will suffice as there is no GUI)
curl -Lo /opt/fakesmtp.jar https://github.com/thomas-mc-work/fakesmtp/releases/download/fakesmtp-3.0/fakesmtp-3.0.jar
You might want to define an alias somewhere (e.g. in $HOME/.bashrc
) to shorten the execution line:
alias fakesmtp='java -jar /opt/fakesmtp.jar'
First you need to create the unit file in /etc/systemd/system/unit
Description=FakeSMTP server
ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -jar /opt/fakesmtp.jar -o /data/mail-output
Next you have to reload the systemd settings:
systemctl reload fakesmtp
Then you can check the status, start the service and finally enable it for autostart:
systemctl status fakesmtp
systemctl start fakesmtp
systemctl enable fakesmtp
This image is not (yet) on docker hub, so you need to create it locally:
docker build -t tmcw/fakesmtp:latest github.com/thomas-mc-work/fakesmtp
docker run -d -p 2525:25 -v /path/to/mail-output:/output tmcw/fakesmtp
The default behaviour is to write all emails to /output
. You can override this parameter of course.
CLI usage:
Usage: java -jar fakesmtp-jar [-hvV] [-b=<bindAddress>] [-c=<cliCommand>]
[-o=<outputPath>] [-p=<portNumber>]
Fake SMTP server with configurable output.
-b, --bind-address=<bindAddress>
IP address or hostname to bind to.
-c, --cli-command=<cliCommand>
Full path to an executable in the file system
-h, --help Print usage help
-o, --output-path=<outputPath>
Emails output directory
-p, --port=<portNumber> SMTP port number
-r, --relay-domains=<relayDomains>
Comma separated email domain(s) for which relay
is accepted. If specified, relays only emails
matching these domain(s), dropping (not saving)
others (default: allow any domain)
-v, --verbose Enable DEBUG logging
-V, --version print version
The selected script via -c
can make use of these environment variables:
A sendxmpp config file ($HOME/.sendxmpprc
user@host s3cr3t-password
A shell script:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
printf "From: ${MAIL_FROM}
To: ${MAIL_TO}
Subject: ${MAIL_SUBJECT}
${MAIL_BODY}" | sendxmpp "[email protected]" -s "email received" -r "cli client"
Starting the STMP server:
java -jar fakesmtp.jar -c "/path/to/the-wrapper-script.sh"
You can replace the former existing GUI by this cli command:
inotifywait -mre create "/path/to/output" | while read dir event file; do
echo "°°°°°°°°°°°"
cat "${dir}${file}"
- Memory footprint: ~23 MB
- Jar file size: 1.6 MB
- Startup time: ~0.27 s
You can use the following open tools to view the eml files:
- Mozilla Thunderbird
(There is no need to create an account even though it's asking for it) - Gnome Evolution
- mpack
command line
First of all: Contributions are welcome!
You can simply implement the org.tmcw.fakesmtp.spi.MailHandler
interface to add a new behaviour to received emails.
You also nedd to add your handler to the mailHandlerList
somewhere here.
There are three test layers that you can use to verify your changes:
- Unit Test:
mvn test
- Mutation Test (testing the quality of the unit tests):
mvn -Dthreads=4 -DwithHistory org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage
- Integration Test:
mvn failsafe:integration-test failsafe:verify
- System Test:
(requires thedocker
tools in your system)
If you plan to implement a feature and you feel unable to provide the tests – that's ok! I can try to add them later.
Run the following command to create eclipse project files:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
From the former FakeSMTP author:
FakeSMTP was created because we couldn't find any free (as in freedom) and cross-platform SMTP server with GUI for testing emails in applications or websites. Listed below are some greats alternatives to Fake SMTP:
- GreenMail
- ± has a nice GUI
- ➕ written in Java
- ➕ Open source
- FakeSMTP legacy
- ± has a nice GUI
- ➕ written in Java
- ➕ Open source
- ➕ Lightweight
- ➖ output is not configurable
- SMTP4dev
- ➕ Nice features
- ➕ Open source
- ➖ Written for Windows in .net
- DevNull SMTP
- ➕ Lightweight
- ➖ Closed source
- ➕ Written in Java 1.4 (cross platform)
- migration to Java SE 7
- removed the GUI
- make the output processing modular
- changed the output filename timestamp format to ISO alike
- add four testing layers for better quality control
Developer related:
- lots of code cleanups and simplifications
- remove some unused dependencies
- many refactorings (e.g. removed enum based singletons)
- removed the site generation