A Blockchain based DApp for E-ticketing
- Install Node (12.18.4) and npm (6.14.6)
- MetaMask extension for browser (Link)
- Install Ganache (Link)
- Install IPFS (Link)
- https://docs.ipfs.io/install/
- https://github.com/INFURA/tutorials/wiki/IPFS-and-CORS Run the following commands in Terminal
npm install -g truffle
npm install -g create-react-app
Some Commands for truffle
start develop env truffle develop
Compile: truffle compile --network networkName
Migrate: truffle migrate --network networkName
Test contracts: truffle test
Test dapp: cd client && npm test
Run dev server: cd client && npm run start
Build for production: cd client && npm run build
Develop ---> compile ---> migarte ---> run Dapp
Create a new Workspace in Ganache GUI
Add truffle-config.js file to the project and save the workspace
Go to browser and open metamask extension
Create a new wallet
Go to settings add a local network if not available
Create a new account in the network using one of the private key obtained from truffle
Now we are ready to go!