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MycoSNP-WDL Workflow Series

Quick Facts

Workflow Type Applicable Kingdom Last Known Changes Command-line Compatibility Workflow Level
mycosnp_variants Fungi v1.5 Yes Sample-level
mycosnp_tree Fungi v1.5 Yes Set-level


WDL wrappers of CDCGov/mycosnp-nf designed for integration. These workflows conduct Candiozyma (Candida) auris variant calling and subsequent single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) phylogenetic tree reconstruction.


mycosnp_variants calls variants for inputted reads referencing the C. auris B11204 assembly accession GCA_016772135 by default. Users can optionally reference a separate C. auris clade data directory, FASTA, or directory as described below.

Note that mycosnp_tree requires at least 4 genomes that reference the same reference in mycosnp_variants.


  • reference optionally takes a presupplied reference clade directory depicted here. The default is GCA_016772135.
  • ref_fasta optionally takes a reference FASTA (requires suffix .fa) that will be indexed via BWA and generate a reference directory.
  • ref_tar optionally takes a gzipped tarchive (.tar.gz) with the same directory structure as the provided reference clades:
├── B11221                      # Prebuilt clade directory
├── Clade1
│   ├── bwa
|   |   ├── bwa                 # BWA index for alignment 
|   |   |   ├──
|   |   |   ├── reference.ann
|   |   |   ├── reference.bwt
|   |   |   ├── reference.pac
|   |   |   └──
│   ├── dict                    
|   |   └── reference.dict      # Picard dictionary
│   ├── fai                     
|   |   └── reference.fa.fai    # FASTA index file
│   ├── masked                  
|   |   └── reference.fa        # Masked reference sequence
│   └── Clade1.fasta
├── Clade2
├── Clade3
├── Clade4
├── Clade5
└── GCA_016772135               # Default reference
  • strain optionally delineates the strain name for VCF gene name annotation. MycoSNP currently only annotates with respect to the default strain, "B11205", so changing this option will simply bypass VCF annotation.
Terra Task Name Variable Type Description Default Value Terra Status
mycosnp_variants read1 File Illumina forward read file in FASTQ format (compression optional) Required
mycosnp_variants read2 File Illumina reverse read file in FASTQ format (compression optional) Required
mycosnp_variants samplename String Name of sample to be analyzed Required
mycosnp coverage Int Coverage is used to calculate a down-sampling rate that results in the specified coverage. For example, if coverage is 70, then FASTQ files are down-sampled such that, when aligned to the reference, the result is approximately 70x coverage 0 Optional
mycosnp cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 8 Optional
mycosnp debug Boolean If true, keeps .nextflow/ and work/ directories false Optional
mycosnp disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
mycosnp docker String The Docker container to use for the task "" Optional
mycosnp memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 64 Optional
mycosnp min_depth Int Min depth for a base to be called as the consensus sequence, otherwise it will be called as an N; set to 0 to disable 10 Optional
mycosnp reference String Reference clade "GCA_016772135" Optional
mycosnp sample_ploidy Int 1 Ploidy of sample (GATK) Optional
mycosnp strain String Reference strain "B11205" Optional
mycosnp_variants ref_fasta File Reference FASTA file Optional
mycosnp_variants ref_tar File Reference gzipped compressed tarchive Optional
version_capture timezone String Alternative timezone Optional


Variable Type Description
analysis_date String Date of the analysis
assembly_size Int Size of the assembly
average_q_score_after_trimming Float Average quality score after trimming
average_q_score_before_trimming Float Average quality score before trimming
consensus_n_variant_min_depth Int Minimum depth for consensus N variant
full_results File Full results file
gc_after_trimming Float GC content after trimming
gc_before_trimming Float GC content before trimming
mean_coverage_depth Float Mean coverage depth
multiqc File MultiQC report
myco_bam File BAM file
myco_bam_bai File BAM index file
mycosnp_docker String Docker image used for MycoSNP
mycosnp_variants_analysis_date String Date of the MycoSNP variants analysis
mycosnp_variants_version String Version of the MycoSNP variants
mycosnp_version String Version of MycoSNP
number_n Int Number of N bases
paired_reads_after_trimming Int Number of paired reads after trimming
paired_reads_after_trimming_percent String Percentage of paired reads after trimming
percent_reference_coverage Float Percentage of reference coverage
reads_after_trimming Int Number of reads after trimming
reads_after_trimming_percent String Percentage of reads after trimming
reads_before_trimming Int Number of reads before trimming
reads_mapped Int Number of reads mapped
reference_length_coverage_after_trimming Float Reference length coverage after trimming
reference_length_coverage_before_trimming Float Reference length coverage before trimming
reference_name String Name of the reference genome used
reference_strain String Reference strain used
unpaired_reads_after_trimming Int Number of unpaired reads after trimming
unpaired_reads_after_trimming_percent String Percentage of unpaired reads after trimming
vcf File Compressed variant call format (VCF) file depicting SNPs
vcf_index File Compressed index file for the VCF


mycosnp_tree reconstructs an IQ-TREE SNP phylogenetic tree that incorporates representative genomes of Clade1-Clade5 C. auris. VCF data generated from wf_mycosnp_variants.wdl are used as inputs.

NOTE: At least four samples, including reference, are required


  • reference optionally takes a presupplied reference clade directory delineated here.
  • ref_fasta optionally takes a reference FASTA (requires suffix .fa) that will be indexed via BWA and generate a reference directory.
  • strain is passed to output but does not change workflow function.
Terra Task Name Variable Type Description Default Value Terra Status
mycosnp_tree vcf Array[File] VCF files (.vcf.gz) containing SNP data for phylogenetic analysis. These files can be generated from wf_mycosnp_variants.wdl Required
mycosnp_tree vcf_index Array[File] Index files for the VCF files Required
mycosnp_tree ref_fasta File Reference FASTA input Optional
mycosnptree cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 8 Optional
mycosnptree disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
mycosnptree docker String The Docker container to use for the task "" Optional
mycosnptree memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 64 Optional
mycosnptree reference String Preexisting reference directory "GCA_016772135" Optional
mycosnptree strain String mycosnp-nf reference strain name "B11205" Optional
version_capture timezone String Alternative timezone Optional


Variable Type Description
mycosnp_alignment File Concatenated SNP alignment file
mycosnp_docker String Docker image used for MycoSNP
mycosnp_fastree_tree File Phylogenetic tree inferred using FastTree (heuristic maximum likelihood)
mycosnp_iqtree_tree File Phylogenetic tree inferred using IQ-TREE (high quality maximum likelihood)
mycosnp_rapidnj_tree File Phylogenetic tree inferred using RapidNJ (neighbor-joining method)
mycosnp_tree_analysis_date String Date of the analysis
mycosnp_tree_full_results File Full results file
mycosnp_tree_vcf_csv File SNP variants formatted as a CSV table
mycosnp_tree_version String Version of the mycosnp_tree WDL workflow
mycosnp_version String Version of MycoSNP
mycosnptree_snpdists File SNP distances file
reference_name String Name of the reference
reference_strain String Reference strain used


A WDL wrapper of CDCGov/mycosnp-nf for







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Contributors 4
