REST API server which will serve all requests from frontend client and desktop app.
Attention! This project is in active development. Please don't use it in production until the 1.0.0 release.
$ git clone
$ cd backend
$ npm install
Before starting the server, you should specify following properties in config.js
api: {
yandex: {
clientId: '', // ID from
clientSecret: '' // Password from
google: {
clientId: '', // Client ID from
clientSecret: '' // Client secret from
When all required properties are specified, you can start the server:
$ npm start
By default, the server will start serve requests on http://localhost:3000
and will use file
as default data storage.
But you can change default config properties by overriding it in config.js
All available properties (with specified by default values) are listed below:
api: {
yandex: {
oauth: '', // Yandex oAuth url
url: '', // Yandex API endpoint
clientId: '', // ID from
clientSecret: '' // Password from
google: {
oauth: '', // Google oAuth url
url: '', // Google API endpoint
clientId: '', // Client ID from
clientSecret: '' // Client secret from
security: {
password: { // password is generated with crypto.pbkdf2
iterations: 1e3, // iterations number
keylen: 256, // key length
digest: 'sha256', // digest type
minLength: 6 // password min length
salt: {
size: 128 // salt size
authToken: {
size: 128 // user authToken size
cache: {
period: 18e5 // the period after which data will be requested from Google and Yandex API instead of cache (30 minutes by default)
backend: {
url: 'http://localhost:3000/',
redirectGoogle: 'connect/google/token', // you should specify (url + redirectGoogle) as redirect URI in
redirectYandex: 'connect/yandex/token', // you should specify (url + redirectYandex) as callback URL in
port: 3000 // port on which server will start
tmp: {
path: './tmp/'
db: {
type: 'file',
redis: {
port: 6379,
host: '',
prefix: 'the-ring:demo:'
file: {
path: './tmp/db/',
prefix: 'the-ring:demo:'
memory: {
prefix: 'the-ring:demo:'
Methods which don't require authentication marked with: π
Methods which require authentication marked with: π
A simple method to test the server.
If all is OK, you will get:
Register, login and logout user.
This method will register new user.
- login (String) - User login.
- password (String) - User password.
- rePassword (String) - User password again.
post('http://localhost:3000/auth/registration', {
body: {
login: '[email protected]',
password: '123456',
rePassword: '123456'
If all is OK, you will get:
If login
and/or password
isn't specified, you will get:
{"status":403,"data":"Login and password is required","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If password
length less than required, you will get this:
{"status":403,"data":"Password should contain at least 6 characters","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If password
and rePassword
doesn't match, you will get this:
{"status":403,"data":"Password and re-entered password does not match","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If something went wrong, you will get:
{"status":500,"data":"Something went wrong","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
This method authenticates the user and create new authToken
- login (String) - User login.
- password (String) - User password.
post('http://localhost:3000/auth/login', {
body: {
login: '[email protected]',
password: '123456'
If all is OK, you will get:
If login
and/or password
isn't specified or they are incorrect, you will get:
{"status":403,"data":"Wrong login and/or password","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If something went wrong, you will get:
{"status":500,"data":"Something went wrong","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
Authentication required: you can provide userId
and authToken
as query parameter, body parameter or as headers.
This method invalidate specified authToken
- userId (String) - User id.
- authToken (String) - User auth token.
post('http://localhost:3000/auth/logout', {
headers: {
'X-User-Id': 'ce4e8f0f-239b-40d0-877e-a60a74ec3a01',
'X-Auth-Token': 'bcda773628a1e369fc666f88568f94bb53f080e...1c2d94e7e682c5afc06003177b62a61f50d'
body: {},
If all is OK, you will get:
If userId
and/or authToken
isn't specified or they are incorrect, you will get:
{"status":403,"data":"Wrong userId and/or authToken","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If something went wrong, you will get:
{"status":500,"data":"Something went wrong","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
Methods which connect Yandex and Google accounts with user.
This method will redirect user to Yandex Auth page.
- state (String) - User state which is base64 string of
const state = window.btoa('ce4e8f0f-239b-40d0-877e-a60a74ec3a01|http://frontend.url/connect');`http://localhost:3000/connect/yandex?state=${state}`, 'connectYandex', 'width=800,height=600,scrollbars=yes');
Yandex will redirect to this method with authorization code
and state
from previous method.
On success user will be redirected to http://frontend.url/connect?yandex=true
On fail user will be redirected to http://frontend.url/connect?yandex=false
- code (String) - Yandex authorization code
- state (String) - User state which is base64 string of
This method will redirect user to Google Auth page.
- state (String) - User state which is base64 string of
const state = window.btoa('ce4e8f0f-239b-40d0-877e-a60a74ec3a01|http://frontend.url/connect');`http://localhost:3000/connect/google?state=${state}`, 'connectGoogle', 'width=800,height=600,scrollbars=yes');
Google will redirect to this method with authorization code
and state
from previous method.
On success user will be redirected to http://frontend.url/connect?google=true
On fail user will be redirected to http://frontend.url/connect?google=false
- code (String) - Google authorization code
- state (String) - User state which is base64 string of
Get user info, update user info and get user counters.
Authentication required: you can provide userId
and authToken
as query parameter, body parameter or as headers.
This method returns basic user info. Where:
- login - user login
- name - user name
- image - link on user image
- yandex -
, Yandex is connected or not - google -
, Google is connected or not
- userId (String) - User id.
- authToken (String) - User auth token.
get('http://localhost:3000/user', {
headers: {
'X-User-Id': 'ce4e8f0f-239b-40d0-877e-a60a74ec3a01',
'X-Auth-Token': 'bcda773628a1e369fc666f88568f94bb53f080e...1c2d94e7e682c5afc06003177b62a61f50d'
If all is OK, you will get:
{"status":200,"data":{"login":"[email protected]","name":"Demo User","image":"","yandex":true,"google":true},"timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If userId
and/or authToken
isn't specified or they are incorrect, you will get:
{"status":403,"data":"Wrong userId and/or authToken","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If something went wrong, you will get:
{"status":500,"data":"Something went wrong","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
Authentication required: you can provide userId
and authToken
as query parameter, body parameter or as headers.
This method changes user info. And returns basic user info. Where:
- login - user login
- name - user name
- image - link on user image
- yandex -
, Yandex is connected or not - google -
, Google is connected or not
- userId (String) - User id.
- authToken (String) - User auth token.
- [login] (String) - User login.
- [name] (String) - User name.
- [password] (String) - User password.
- [rePassword] (String) - User password again (required if password specified).
- [google] (Boolean) - Google connect status
- [yandex] (Boolean) - Yandex connect status
put('http://localhost:3000/user', {
headers: {
'X-User-Id': 'ce4e8f0f-239b-40d0-877e-a60a74ec3a01',
'X-Auth-Token': 'bcda773628a1e369fc666f88568f94bb53f080e...1c2d94e7e682c5afc06003177b62a61f50d'
body: {
name: 'New Name'
If all is OK, you will get:
{"status":200,"data":{"login":"[email protected]","name":"New Name","image":"","yandex":true,"google":true},"timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If userId
and/or authToken
isn't specified or they are incorrect, you will get:
{"status":403,"data":"Wrong userId and/or authToken","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If password
length less than required, you will get this:
{"status":403,"data":"Password should contain at least 6 characters","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If password
and rePassword
doesn't match, you will get this:
{"status":403,"data":"Password and re-entered password does not match","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If something went wrong, you will get:
{"status":500,"data":"Something went wrong","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
Authentication required: you can provide userId
and authToken
as query parameter, body parameter or as headers.
This method returns all user counters (from Yandex and Google).
- userId (String) - User id.
- authToken (String) - User auth token.
get('http://localhost:3000/user/counters', {
headers: {
'X-User-Id': 'ce4e8f0f-239b-40d0-877e-a60a74ec3a01',
'X-Auth-Token': 'bcda773628a1e369fc666f88568f94bb53f080e...1c2d94e7e682c5afc06003177b62a61f50d'
If all is OK, you will get:
If userId
and/or authToken
isn't specified or they are incorrect, you will get:
{"status":403,"data":"Wrong userId and/or authToken","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If something went wrong, you will get:
{"status":500,"data":"Something went wrong","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
Get sites and add new site.
Authentication required: you can provide userId
and authToken
as query parameter, body parameter or as headers.
This method returns all added sites.
- userId (String) - User id.
- authToken (String) - User auth token.
get('http://localhost:3000/sites', {
headers: {
'X-User-Id': 'ce4e8f0f-239b-40d0-877e-a60a74ec3a01',
'X-Auth-Token': 'bcda773628a1e369fc666f88568f94bb53f080e...1c2d94e7e682c5afc06003177b62a61f50d'
If all is OK, you will get:
If userId
and/or authToken
isn't specified or they are incorrect, you will get:
{"status":403,"data":"Wrong userId and/or authToken","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If something went wrong, you will get:
{"status":500,"data":"Something went wrong","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
Authentication required: you can provide userId
and authToken
as query parameter, body parameter or as headers.
This method adds new site and then returns it.
- userId (String) - User id.
- authToken (String) - User auth token.
- id (String) - Site id.
- title (String) - Site title.
- url (String) - Site url.
- google (String) - Google counter.
- yandex (String) - Yandex counter.
post('http://localhost:3000/sites', {
headers: {
'X-User-Id': 'ce4e8f0f-239b-40d0-877e-a60a74ec3a01',
'X-Auth-Token': 'bcda773628a1e369fc666f88568f94bb53f080e...1c2d94e7e682c5afc06003177b62a61f50d'
body: {
id: 'example',
title: 'Example',
url: '',
google: 'ga:111111111',
yandex: 'ga:111111'
If all is OK, you will get:
If userId
and/or authToken
isn't specified or they are incorrect, you will get:
{"status":403,"data":"Wrong userId and/or authToken","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If one of the properties is missed, you will get:
{"status":400,"data":"One of the properties is missed","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If something went wrong, you will get:
{"status":500,"data":"Something went wrong","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
Get sites and add new site.
Authentication required: you can provide userId
and authToken
as query parameter, body parameter or as headers.
This method returns site info.
- userId (String) - User id.
- authToken (String) - User auth token.
- id (String) - Site id.
get('http://localhost:3000/site/example', {
headers: {
'X-User-Id': 'ce4e8f0f-239b-40d0-877e-a60a74ec3a01',
'X-Auth-Token': 'bcda773628a1e369fc666f88568f94bb53f080e...1c2d94e7e682c5afc06003177b62a61f50d'
If all is OK, you will get:
If userId
and/or authToken
isn't specified or they are incorrect, you will get:
{"status":403,"data":"Wrong userId and/or authToken","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If site id
is missed, you will get:
{"status":400,"data":"Missed site id","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If site id
is wrong, you will get:
{"status":404,"data":"Site with ':id' id doesn't exist","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If something went wrong, you will get:
{"status":500,"data":"Something went wrong","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
Authentication required: you can provide userId
and authToken
as query parameter, body parameter or as headers.
This method updates site info and then returns updated info.
- userId (String) - User id.
- authToken (String) - User auth token.
- id (String) - Site id.
- [title] (String) - Site title.
- [url] (String) - Site url.
put('http://localhost:3000/site/example', {
headers: {
'X-User-Id': 'ce4e8f0f-239b-40d0-877e-a60a74ec3a01',
'X-Auth-Token': 'bcda773628a1e369fc666f88568f94bb53f080e...1c2d94e7e682c5afc06003177b62a61f50d'
body: {
id: 'newid'
If all is OK, you will get:
If userId
and/or authToken
isn't specified or they are incorrect, you will get:
{"status":403,"data":"Wrong userId and/or authToken","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If site id
is missed, you will get:
{"status":400,"data":"Missed site id","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If site id
is wrong, you will get:
{"status":404,"data":"Site with ':id' id doesn't exist","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If something went wrong, you will get:
{"status":500,"data":"Something went wrong","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
Authentication required: you can provide userId
and authToken
as query parameter, body parameter or as headers.
This method deletes site.
- userId (String) - User id.
- authToken (String) - User auth token.
- id (String) - Site id.
delete('http://localhost:3000/site/example', {
headers: {
'X-User-Id': 'ce4e8f0f-239b-40d0-877e-a60a74ec3a01',
'X-Auth-Token': 'bcda773628a1e369fc666f88568f94bb53f080e...1c2d94e7e682c5afc06003177b62a61f50d'
If all is OK, you will get:
If userId
and/or authToken
isn't specified or they are incorrect, you will get:
{"status":403,"data":"Wrong userId and/or authToken","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If site id
is missed, you will get:
{"status":400,"data":"Missed site id","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If site id
is wrong, you will get:
{"status":404,"data":"Site with ':id' id doesn't exist","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
If something went wrong, you will get:
{"status":500,"data":"Something went wrong","timestamp":1465064880834,"version":1}
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2016 Alexey Bystrov