cli is a simple command line interface framework
package main
import (
func main() {
This app will run and show help text, but is not very useful. Let's give an action to execute and some help documentation:
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Name = "boom"
app.Usage = "make an explosive entrance"
app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Println("boom! I say!")
return nil
Running this already gives you a ton of functionality, plus support for things like subcommands and flags, which are covered below.
Start by creating a directory named greet
, and within it, add a file,
with the following code in it:
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Name = "greet"
app.Usage = "fight the loneliness!"
app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Println("Hello friend!")
return nil
Install our command to the $GOPATH/bin
$ go install
Finally run our new command:
$ greet
Hello friend!
cli also generates neat help text:
$ greet help
greet - fight the loneliness!
greet [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--version Shows version information
You can lookup arguments by calling the Args
function on cli.Context
, e.g.:
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Printf("Hello %q", c.Args().Get(0))
return nil
Setting and querying flags is simple.
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Flags = []cli.Flag {
Name: "lang",
Value: "english",
Usage: "language for the greeting",
app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error {
name := "Nefertiti"
if c.NArg() > 0 {
name = c.Args().Get(0)
if c.String("lang") == "spanish" {
fmt.Println("Hola", name)
} else {
fmt.Println("Hello", name)
return nil
You can also set a destination variable for a flag, to which the content will be scanned.
package main
import (
func main() {
var language string
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Flags = []cli.Flag {
Name: "lang",
Value: "english",
Usage: "language for the greeting",
Destination: &language,
app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error {
name := "someone"
if c.NArg() > 0 {
name = c.Args()[0]
if language == "spanish" {
fmt.Println("Hola", name)
} else {
fmt.Println("Hello", name)
return nil
See full list of flags at
Sometimes it's useful to specify a flag's value within the usage string itself. Such placeholders are indicated with back quotes.
For example this:
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
Name: "config, c",
Usage: "Load configuration from `FILE`",
Will result in help output like:
--config FILE, -c FILE Load configuration from FILE
Note that only the first placeholder is used. Subsequent back-quoted words will be left as-is.
You can set alternate (or short) names for flags by providing a comma-delimited
list for the Name
. e.g.
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Flags = []cli.Flag {
Name: "lang, l",
Value: "english",
Usage: "language for the greeting",
That flag can then be set with --lang spanish
or -l spanish
. Note that
giving two different forms of the same flag in the same command invocation is an
Flags for the application and commands are shown in the order they are defined.
However, it's possible to sort them from outside this library by using FlagsByName
or CommandsByName
with sort
For example this:
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Flags = []cli.Flag {
Name: "lang, l",
Value: "english",
Usage: "Language for the greeting",
Name: "config, c",
Usage: "Load configuration from `FILE`",
app.Commands = []cli.Command{
Name: "complete",
Aliases: []string{"c"},
Usage: "complete a task on the list",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
return nil
Name: "add",
Aliases: []string{"a"},
Usage: "add a task to the list",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
return nil
Will result in help output like:
--config FILE, -c FILE Load configuration from FILE
--lang value, -l value Language for the greeting (default: "english")
You can also have the default value set from the environment via EnvVar
. e.g.
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Flags = []cli.Flag {
Name: "lang, l",
Value: "english",
Usage: "language for the greeting",
EnvVar: "APP_LANG",
The EnvVar
may also be given as a comma-delimited "cascade", where the first
environment variable that resolves is used as the default.
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Flags = []cli.Flag {
Name: "lang, l",
Value: "english",
Usage: "language for the greeting",
You can also have the default value set from file via FilePath
. e.g.
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Flags = []cli.Flag {
Name: "password, p",
Usage: "password for the mysql database",
FilePath: "/etc/mysql/password",
Note that default values set from file (e.g. FilePath
) take precedence over
default values set from the enviornment (e.g. EnvVar
There is a separate package altsrc that adds support for getting flag values from other file input sources.
Currently supported input source formats:
In order to get values for a flag from an alternate input source the following code would be added to wrap an existing cli.Flag like below:
altsrc.NewIntFlag(cli.IntFlag{Name: "test"})
Initialization must also occur for these flags. Below is an example initializing getting data from a yaml file below.
command.Before = altsrc.InitInputSourceWithContext(command.Flags, NewYamlSourceFromFlagFunc("load"))
The code above will use the "load" string as a flag name to get the file name of a yaml file from the cli.Context. It will then use that file name to initialize the yaml input source for any flags that are defined on that command. As a note the "load" flag used would also have to be defined on the command flags in order for this code snipped to work.
Currently only the aboved specified formats are supported but developers can add support for other input sources by implementing the altsrc.InputSourceContext for their given sources.
Here is a more complete sample of a command using YAML support:
package notmain
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
flags := []cli.Flag{
altsrc.NewIntFlag(cli.IntFlag{Name: "test"}),
cli.StringFlag{Name: "load"},
app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Println("yaml ist rad")
return nil
app.Before = altsrc.InitInputSourceWithContext(flags, altsrc.NewYamlSourceFromFlagFunc("load"))
app.Flags = flags
The precedence for flag value sources is as follows (highest to lowest):
- Command line flag value from user
- Environment variable (if specified)
- Configuration file (if specified)
- Default defined on the flag
Subcommands can be defined for a more git-like command line app.
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Commands = []cli.Command{
Name: "add",
Aliases: []string{"a"},
Usage: "add a task to the list",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Println("added task: ", c.Args().First())
return nil
Name: "complete",
Aliases: []string{"c"},
Usage: "complete a task on the list",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Println("completed task: ", c.Args().First())
return nil
Name: "template",
Aliases: []string{"t"},
Usage: "options for task templates",
Subcommands: []cli.Command{
Name: "add",
Usage: "add a new template",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Println("new task template: ", c.Args().First())
return nil
Name: "remove",
Usage: "remove an existing template",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Println("removed task template: ", c.Args().First())
return nil
For additional organization in apps that have many subcommands, you can associate a category for each command to group them together in the help output.
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Commands = []cli.Command{
Name: "noop",
Name: "add",
Category: "Template actions",
Name: "remove",
Category: "Template actions",
Will include:
Template actions:
Calling App.Run
will not automatically call os.Exit
, which means that by
default the exit code will "fall through" to being 0
. An explicit exit code
may be set by returning a non-nil error that fulfills cli.ExitCoder
, or a
that includes an error that fulfills cli.ExitCoder
, e.g.:
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
Name: "ginger-crouton",
Usage: "is it in the soup?",
app.Action = func(ctx *cli.Context) error {
if !ctx.Bool("ginger-crouton") {
return cli.NewExitError("it is not in the soup", 86)
return nil
You can enable completion commands by setting the EnableBashCompletion
flag on the App
object. By default, this setting will only auto-complete to
show an app's subcommands, but you can write your own completion methods for
the App or its subcommands.
package main
import (
func main() {
tasks := []string{"cook", "clean", "laundry", "eat", "sleep", "code"}
app := cli.NewApp()
app.EnableBashCompletion = true
app.Commands = []cli.Command{
Name: "complete",
Aliases: []string{"c"},
Usage: "complete a task on the list",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Println("completed task: ", c.Args().First())
return nil
BashComplete: func(c *cli.Context) {
// This will complete if no args are passed
if c.NArg() > 0 {
for _, t := range tasks {
Source the autocomplete/bash_autocomplete
file in your .bashrc
file while
setting the PROG
variable to the name of your program:
PROG=myprogram source /.../cli/autocomplete/bash_autocomplete
Copy autocomplete/bash_autocomplete
into /etc/bash_completion.d/
and rename
it to the name of the program you wish to add autocomplete support for (or
automatically install it there if you are distributing a package). Don't forget
to source the file to make it active in the current shell.
sudo cp src/bash_autocomplete /etc/bash_completion.d/<myprogram>
source /etc/bash_completion.d/<myprogram>
Alternatively, you can just document that users should source the generic
in their bash configuration with $PROG
to the name of their program (as above).
The default bash completion flag (--generate-bash-completion
) is defined as
, and may be redefined if desired, e.g.:
package main
import (
func main() {
cli.BashCompletionFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "compgen",
Hidden: true,
app := cli.NewApp()
app.EnableBashCompletion = true
app.Commands = []cli.Command{
Name: "wat",
The default version flag (-v/--version
) is defined as cli.VersionFlag
, which
is checked by the cli internals in order to print the App.Version
and break execution.
The default flag may be customized to something other than -v/--version
setting cli.VersionFlag
, e.g.:
package main
import (
func main() {
cli.VersionFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "print-version, V",
Usage: "print only the version",
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Name = "partay"
app.Version = "19.99.0"
Alternatively, the version printer at cli.VersionPrinter
may be overridden, e.g.:
package main
import (
var (
Revision = "fafafaf"
func main() {
cli.VersionPrinter = func(c *cli.Context) {
fmt.Printf("version=%s revision=%s\n", c.App.Version, Revision)
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Name = "partay"
app.Version = "19.99.0"
Notice: This is a contrived (functioning) example meant strictly for API demonstration purposes. Use of one's imagination is encouraged.
package main
import (
func init() {
cli.AppHelpTemplate += "\nCUSTOMIZED: you bet ur muffins\n"
cli.CommandHelpTemplate += "\nYMMV\n"
cli.SubcommandHelpTemplate += "\nor something\n"
cli.HelpFlag = cli.BoolFlag{Name: "halp"}
cli.BashCompletionFlag = cli.BoolFlag{Name: "compgen", Hidden: true}
cli.VersionFlag = cli.BoolFlag{Name: "print-version, V"}
cli.HelpPrinter = func(w io.Writer, templ string, data interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "best of luck to you\n")
cli.VersionPrinter = func(c *cli.Context) {
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "version=%s\n", c.App.Version)
cli.OsExiter = func(c int) {
fmt.Fprintf(cli.ErrWriter, "refusing to exit %d\n", c)
cli.ErrWriter = ioutil.Discard
cli.FlagStringer = func(fl cli.Flag) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("\t\t%s", fl.GetName())
type hexWriter struct{}
func (w *hexWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
for _, b := range p {
fmt.Printf("%x", b)
return len(p), nil
type genericType struct{
s string
func (g *genericType) Set(value string) error {
g.s = value
return nil
func (g *genericType) String() string {
return g.s
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Name = "kənˈtrīv"
app.Version = "19.99.0"
app.Compiled = time.Now()
app.HelpName = "contrive"
app.Usage = "demonstrate available API"
app.UsageText = "contrive - demonstrating the available API"
app.ArgsUsage = "[args and such]"
app.Commands = []cli.Command{
Name: "doo",
Aliases: []string{"do"},
Category: "motion",
Usage: "do the doo",
UsageText: "doo - does the dooing",
Description: "no really, there is a lot of dooing to be done",
ArgsUsage: "[arrgh]",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
cli.BoolFlag{Name: "forever, forevvarr"},
Subcommands: cli.Commands{
Name: "wop",
Action: wopAction,
SkipFlagParsing: false,
HideHelp: false,
Hidden: false,
HelpName: "doo!",
BashComplete: func(c *cli.Context) {
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "--better\n")
Before: func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "brace for impact\n")
return nil
After: func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "did we lose anyone?\n")
return nil
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "dodododododoodododddooooododododooo\n")
if c.Bool("forever") {
return nil
OnUsageError: func(c *cli.Context, err error, isSubcommand bool) error {
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "for shame\n")
return err
app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
cli.BoolFlag{Name: "fancy"},
cli.BoolTFlag{Name: "fancier"},
cli.DurationFlag{Name: "howlong, H", Value: time.Second * 3},
cli.Float64Flag{Name: "howmuch"},
cli.GenericFlag{Name: "wat", Value: &genericType{}},
cli.Int64Flag{Name: "longdistance"},
cli.Int64SliceFlag{Name: "intervals"},
cli.IntFlag{Name: "distance"},
cli.IntSliceFlag{Name: "times"},
cli.StringFlag{Name: "dance-move, d"},
cli.StringSliceFlag{Name: "names, N"},
cli.UintFlag{Name: "age"},
cli.Uint64Flag{Name: "bigage"},
app.EnableBashCompletion = true
app.HideHelp = false
app.HideVersion = false
app.BashComplete = func(c *cli.Context) {
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "lipstick\nkiss\nme\nlipstick\nringo\n")
app.Before = func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "HEEEERE GOES\n")
return nil
app.After = func(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "Phew!\n")
return nil
app.CommandNotFound = func(c *cli.Context, command string) {
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "Thar be no %q here.\n", command)
app.OnUsageError = func(c *cli.Context, err error, isSubcommand bool) error {
if isSubcommand {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "WRONG: %#v\n", err)
return nil
app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error {
cli.HandleExitCoder(errors.New("not an exit coder, though"))
cli.ShowCommandCompletions(c, "nope")
cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "also-nope")
categories := c.App.Categories()
categories.AddCommand("sounds", cli.Command{
Name: "bloop",
for _, category := range c.App.Categories() {
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "%s\n", category.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "%#v\n", category.Commands)
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "%#v\n", category.VisibleCommands())
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", c.App.Command("doo"))
if c.Bool("infinite") {
c.App.Run([]string{"app", "doo", "wop"})
if c.Bool("forevar") {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", c.App.VisibleCategories())
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", c.App.VisibleCommands())
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", c.App.VisibleFlags())
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", c.Args().First())
if len(c.Args()) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", c.Args()[1])
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", c.Args().Present())
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", c.Args().Tail())
set := flag.NewFlagSet("contrive", 0)
nc := cli.NewContext(c.App, set, c)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.Args())
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.Bool("nope"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.BoolT("nerp"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.Duration("howlong"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.Float64("hay"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.Generic("bloop"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.Int64("bonk"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.Int64Slice("burnks"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.Int("bips"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.IntSlice("blups"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.String("snurt"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.StringSlice("snurkles"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.Uint("flub"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.Uint64("florb"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.GlobalBool("global-nope"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.GlobalBoolT("global-nerp"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.GlobalDuration("global-howlong"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.GlobalFloat64("global-hay"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.GlobalGeneric("global-bloop"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.GlobalInt("global-bips"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.GlobalIntSlice("global-blups"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.GlobalString("global-snurt"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.GlobalStringSlice("global-snurkles"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.FlagNames())
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.GlobalFlagNames())
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.GlobalIsSet("wat"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.GlobalSet("wat", "nope"))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.NArg())
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.NumFlags())
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nc.Parent())
nc.Set("wat", "also-nope")
ec := cli.NewExitError("ohwell", 86)
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, "%d", ec.ExitCode())
fmt.Printf("made it!\n")
return ec
if os.Getenv("HEXY") != "" {
app.Writer = &hexWriter{}
app.ErrWriter = &hexWriter{}
app.Metadata = map[string]interface{}{
"layers": "many",
"explicable": false,
"whatever-values": 19.99,
func wopAction(c *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Fprintf(c.App.Writer, ":wave: over here, eh\n")
return nil
Traditional use of boolean options using their shortnames look like this:
# cmd foobar -s -o
Suppose you want users to be able to combine your bool options with their shortname. This can be done using the UseShortOptionHandling bool in your commands. Suppose your program has a two bool flags such as serve and option with the short options of -o and -s respectively. With UseShortOptionHandling set to true, a user can use a syntax like:
# cmd foobar -so
If you enable the *UseShortOptionHandling, then you must not use any flags that have a single leading - or this will result in failures. For example, -option can no longer be used. Flags with two leading dashes (such as --options) are still valid.