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NPM Package provides SDK for the Kucoin cryptocurrency exchange. Typescript compiled to ES5. Includes special sauce. @


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Kucoin SDK 2.0.0

Version 1.x.x Endpoints match the API documentation semantically.

Version 2.x.x is Typescript integrated, partially unit tested, and contains copied docstrings and documentation references for IDE hinting.

Version 3.x.x will contain a WebSocket implementation.

2.x.x User Facing Changes

  1. PASSPHRASE?: string can be added as a parameter to the class instantiation. It is you API creation passphrase, and is required for signing authenticated requests for private endpoints.
  2. isTest?: boolean can be addedas a parameter to the class instantiation to indicate sandbox usage.

Additional Features

  • Axios interceptor callbacks on KucoinInstance
  • Param checker with console.warning or throw e for missing or unused paramters at runtime


npm i --save kucoin-sdk

Import Package(s)

  • const Kucoin = require('kucoin-sdk')
  • Or ES6 imports: import Kucoin from 'kucoin-sdk'


const Kucoin = require('kucoin-sdk')

const KucoinInstance = new Kucoin({
  KEY: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  SECRET: 'xxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx',
  isTest?: true,
  PASSPHRASE?: 'xxxxxxxxxx',

const requestInterceptor = KucoinInstance.addRequestInterceptor(
  config => config,
  error => error

const responseInterceptor = KucoinInstance.addResponseInterceptor(
  response => response,
  error => error


KucoinInstance.getKlines({ symbol: 'BTC-USDT', type: '1min' })



Auxillary Helper Methods


  • Docs

    • Callback to access Axios interceptor.
    • const interceptor = KucoinInstance.addRequestInterceptor(onBeforeCallback, onErrorCallback)
  • Types

  onBeforeCallback (value: AxiosRequestConfig) => AxiosRequestConfig | Promise<AxiosRequestConfig>,
  onErrorCallback: (error: AxiosError) => AxiosError | Promise<AxiosError>
) => any


  • Docs

    • Callback to access Axios interceptor.
    • KucoinInstance.removeRequestInterceptor(interceptor)
  • Types

(interceptor: any) => void


  • Docs

    • Callback to access Axios interceptor.
    • const interceptor = KucoinInstance.addResponseInterceptor(onSuccessCallback, onErrorCallback)
  • Types

  onSuccessCallback: (response: AxiosResponse) => AxiosResponse | Promise<AxiosResponse>,
  onErrorCallback: (error: AxiosError) => AxiosError | Promise<AxiosError>
) => any


  • Docs

    • Callback to access Axios interceptor.
    • KucoinInstance.removeResponseInterceptor(interceptor)
  • Types

(interceptor: any) => void

(Public) API Endpoint Methods

async getSymbolsList

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get a list of available currency pairs for trading. If you want to get the market information of the trading symbol, please use Get All Tickers.
    • KucoinInstance.getSymbolsList().then(console.log).catch(console.error)
  • Types

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ market?: string }>) => Promise<
      symbol: string
      name: string
      baseCurrency: string
      quoteCurrency: string
      baseMinSize: number
      quoteMinSize: number
      baseMaxSize: number
      quoteMaxSize: number
      baseIncrement: number
      quoteIncrement: number
      priceIncrement: number
      feeCurrency: string
      enableTrading: boolean
      isMarginEnabled: boolean
      priceLimitRate: number

async getTicker

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get Level 1 Market Data. The returned value includes the best bid price and size, the best ask price and size as well as the last traded price and the last traded size.
    • KucoinInstance.getTicker({ symbol: 'BTC-USDT' }).then(console.log).catch(console.error)
  • Types

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ symbol: string }>) => Promise<
    sequence: number
    bestAsk: number
    size: number
    price: number
    bestBidSize: number
    bestBid: number
    bestAskSize: number
    time: number

async getAllTickers

  • Docs

    • Request market tickers for all the trading pairs in the market (including 24h volume). On the rare occasion that we will change the currency name, if you still want the changed symbol name, you can use the symbolName field instead of the symbol field via “Get all tickers” endpoint.
    • KucoinInstance.getAllTickers().then(console.log).catch(console.error)
  • Types

() => Promise<
    time: number
    ticker: {
      symbol: string
      symbolName: string
      buy: number
      sell: number
      changeRate: number
      changePrice: number
      high: number
      low: number
      vol: number
      volValue: number
      last: number

async get24HourStats

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get the statistics of the specified ticker in the last 24 hours.
    • KucoinInstance.get24HourStats({ symbol: 'BTC-USDT' }).then(console.log).catch(console.error)
  • Types

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ symbol: string }>) => Promise<
    symbol: string
    high: number
    vol: number
    volValue: number
    last: number
    low: number
    buy: number
    sell: number
    changePrice: number
    averagePrice: number
    time: number
    changeRate: number

async getMarketList

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get the transaction currency for the entire trading market.
    • KucoinInstance.getMarketList().then(console.log).catch(console.error)
  • Types

() => Promise<
    data: string[]

async getCurrencies

() => Promise<
      currency: string
      name: string
      fullName: string
      precision: number
      withdrawalMinSize: number
      withdrawalMinFee: number
      isWithdrawEnabled: boolean
      isDepositEnabled: boolean
      isMarginEnabled: boolean
      isDebitEnabled: boolean

async getCurrencyDetail

(currency: string, params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ chain?: string[] }>) => Promise<
    currency: string
    name: string
    fullName: string
    precision: number
    withdrawalMinSize: number
    withdrawalMinFee: number
    isWithdrawEnabled: boolean
    isDepositEnabled: boolean
    isMarginEnabled: boolean
    isDebitEnabled: boolean

async getFiatPrice

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get the fiat price of the currencies for the available trading pairs.
    • KucoinInstance.getFiatPrice({ base: 'USD', currencies: ['BTC', 'ETH'] }).then(console.log).catch(console.error)
  • Types

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ base?: string; currencies?: string[] }>) => Promise<
    code: number
    data: {
      [currency: string]: number

async getPartOrderBook

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get a list of open orders for a symbol. Level-2 order book includes all bids and asks (aggregated by price), this level returns only one size for each active price (as if there was only a single order for that price). Query via this endpoint and the system will return only part of the order book to you. If you request level2_20, the system will return you 20 pieces of data (ask and bid data) on the order book. If you request level_100, the system will return 100 pieces of data (ask and bid data) on the order book to you. You are recommended to request via this endpoint as the system reponse would be faster and cosume less traffic. To maintain up-to-date Order Book, please use Websocket incremental feed after retrieving the Level 2 snapshot.
    • KucoinInstance.getPartOrderBook(level: 20, { symbol: 'USDT-BTC' }).then(console.log).catch(console.error)
  • Types

(level: 20 | 100, params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ symbol: string }>) => Promise<
    sequence: number
    time: number
    bids: number[][]
    asks: number[][]

async getFullOrderBookAggregated

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get the order book of the specified symbol. Level 2 order book includes all bids and asks (aggregated by price). This level returns only one aggregated size for each price (as if there was only one single order for that price). This API will return data with full depth. It is generally used by professional traders because it uses more server resources and traffic, and we have strict access frequency control. To maintain up-to-date Order Book, please use Websocket incremental feed after retrieving the Level 2 snapshot.
    • KucoinInstance.getFullOrderBookAggregated({ symbol: 'USDT-BTC' }).then(console.log).catch(console.error)
  • Types

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ symbol: string }>) => Promise<
    sequence: number
    time: number
    bids: number[][]
    asks: number[][]

async getFullOrderBookAtomic

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get the Level 3 order book of the specified trading pari. Level 3 order book includes all bids and asks (the data is non-aggregated, and each item means a single order). This API is generally used by professional traders because it uses more server resources and traffic, and we have strict access frequency control. To maintain up-to-date order book, please use Websocket incremental feed after retrieving the Level 3 snapshot. In the orderbook, the selling data is sorted low to high by price and orders with the same price are sorted in time sequence. The buying data is sorted high to low by price and orders with the same price are sorted in time sequence. The matching engine will match the orders according to the price and time sequence.
    • KucoinInstance.getFullOrderBookAtomic({ symbol: 'USDT-BTC' }).then(console.log).catch(console.error)
  • Types

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ symbol: string }>) => Promise<
    sequence: number
    time: number
    bids: number[][]
    asks: number[][]

async getTradeHistories

  • Docs

  • Types

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ symbol: string }>) => Promise<
      sequence: number
      price: number
      size: number
      side: string
      time: number

async getKlines

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get the kline of the specified symbol. Data are returned in grouped buckets based on requested type.
    • KucoinInstance.getKlines({ symbol: 'USDT-BTC', type: '1min' }).then...
  • Types

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
    symbol: string
    startAt?: string
    endAt?: string
      | '1min'
      | '3min'
      | '5min'
      | '15min'
      | '30min'
      | '1hour'
      | '2hour'
      | '4hour'
      | '6hour'
      | '8hour'
      | '12hour'
      | '1day'
      | '1week'
): Promise<KucoinSDK.Http.Data<number[][]>>

(Private) API Endpoint Methods

async getUserSubInfo

() => Promise<
      userId: string
      subName: string
      remarks: string

async createAnAccount

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ currency: string; type: 'main' | 'trade' | 'margin' }>) => Promise<
    id: string

async listAccounts

  • Docs

    • Get a list of accounts. Please deposit funds to the main account firstly, then transfer the funds to the trade account via Inner Transfer before transaction.
    • KucoinInstance.listAccounts().then...
  • Types

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ currency?: string; type?: 'main' | 'trade' | 'margin' | 'pool' }>) => Promise<
      id: string
      currency: string
      type: string
      balance: number
      available: number
      holds: number

async getAnAccount

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ accountId: string }>) => Promise<
    currency: string
    balance: number
    available: number
    holds: number

async getAccountLedgers

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get the account ledgers. Items are paginated and sorted to show the latest first. See the Pagination section for retrieving additional entries after the first page.
    • KucoinInstance.getAccountLedgers({ accountId: 'xxxxxx' }).then...
  • Types

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
  accountId: string
  startAt?: string
  endAt?: string
  direction?: 'in' | 'out'
    | 'DEPOSIT'
    | 'WITHDRAW'
    | 'TRANSFER'
  }>) => Promise<
    currentPage: number
    pageSize: number
    totalNum: number
    totalPage: number
    items: {
      id: string
      currency: string
      amount: number
      fee: number
      balance: number
      bizType: string
      direction: string
      createdAt: number
      context: {
        orderId: string
        txId: string

async getHolds

  • Docs

    • Holds are placed on an account for any active orders or pending withdraw requests. As an order is filled, the hold amount is updated. If an order is canceled, any remaining hold is removed. For a withdraw, once it is completed, the hold is removed.
  • Types

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ accountId: string }>) => Promise<
    currentPage: number
    pageSize: number
    totalNum: number
    totalPage: number
    items: {
      currency: string
      holdAmount: number
      bizType: string
      orderId: string
      createdAt: number
      updatedAt: number

async getSubAccountBalance

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ subUserId: string }>) => Promise<
    subUserId: string
    subName: string
    mainAccounts: {
      currency: string
      balance: number
      available: number
      holds: number
      baseCurrency: string
      baseCurrencyPrice: number
      baseAmount: number
    tradeAccounts?: {
      currency: string
      balance: number
      available: number
      holds: number
      baseCurrency: string
      baseCurrencyPrice: number
      baseAmount: number
    marginAccounts?: {
      currency: string
      balance: number
      available: number
      holds: number
      baseCurrency: string
      baseCurrencyPrice: number
      baseAmount: number

async getAggregatedSubAccountBalance

() => Promise<
      subUserId: string
      subName: string
      mainAccounts: {
        currency: string
        balance: number
        available: number
        holds: number
        baseCurrency: string
        baseCurrencyPrice: number
        baseAmount: number
      tradeAccounts?: {
        currency: string
        balance: number
        available: number
        holds: number
        baseCurrency: string
        baseCurrencyPrice: number
        baseAmount: number
      marginAccounts?: {
        currency: string
        balance: number
        available: number
        holds: number
        baseCurrency: string
        baseCurrencyPrice: number
        baseAmount: number

async getTheTransferable

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ currency: string; type: 'MAIN' | 'TRADE' | 'MARGIN' | 'POOL' }>) => Promise<
    currency: string
    balance: number
    available: number
    holds: number
    transferable: number

async transferBetweenMasterAndSubUser

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
    clientOid: string
    currency: string
    amount: string | number
    direction: 'OUT' | 'IN'
    accountType?: 'MAIN'
    subAccountType?: 'MAIN' | 'TRADE' | 'MARGIN'
    subUserId: string
) => Promise<
    orderId: string

async innerTransfer

  • Docs

    • The inner transfer interface is used for transferring assets between the accounts of a user and is free of charges. For example, a user could transfer assets from their main account to their trading account on the platform. Support transfer between main account and pool account.
  • Types

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
    clientOid: string
    currency: string
    from: 'main' | 'trade' | 'margin' | 'pool'
    to: 'main' | 'trade' | 'margin' | 'pool'
    amount: string | number
) => Promise<
    orderId: string

async createDepositAddress

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ currency: string; chain?: string }>) => Promise<
    address: string
    memo: string
    chain: string

async getDepositAddress

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ currency: string; chain?: string }>) => Promise<
    address: string
    memo: string
    chain: string

async getDepositList

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get deposit list Items are paginated and sorted to show the latest first. See the Pagination section for retrieving additional entries after the first page.
  • Types

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
    currency?: string
    startAt?: string
    endAt?: string
    status?: string
) => Promise<
    currentPage: number
    pageSize: number
    totalNum: number
    totalPage: number
    items: {
      address: string
      memo: string
      amount: number
      fee: number
      currency: string
      isInner: boolean
      walletTxId: string
      status: string
      remark: string
      createdAt: number
      updatedAt: number

async getHistoricalDepositsList

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
    currency?: string
    startAt?: string
    endAt?: string
    status?: string
) => Promise<
    currentPage: number
    pageSize: number
    totalNum: number
    totalPage: number
    items: {
      currency: string
      createAt: number
      amount: number
      walletTxId: string
      isInner: boolean
      status: string

async getWithdrawalsList

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
    currency?: string
    startAt?: string
    endAt?: string
    status?: string
) => Promise<
    currentPage: number
    pageSize: number
    totalNum: number
    totalPage: number
    items: {
      id: string
      address: string
      memo: string
      currency: string
      amount: number
      fee: number
      walletTxId: string
      isInner: boolean
      status: string
      remark: string
      createdAt: number
      updatedAt: number

async getHistoricalWithdrawalsList

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
    currency?: string
    startAt?: string
    endAt?: string
    status?: 'PROCESSING' | 'SUCCESS' | 'FAILURE'
    currentPage?: number
    pageSize?: number
): Promise<
    currentPage: number
    pageSize: number
    totalNum: number
    totalPage: number
    items: {
      currency: string
      createAt: number
      amount: number
      address: string
      walletTxId: string
      isInner: boolean
      status: string

async getWithdrawalQuotas

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ currency: string; chain?: string }>) => Promise<
    currency: string
    limitBTCAmount: number
    usedBTCAmount: number
    limitAmount: number
    remainAmount: number
    availableAmount: number
    withdrawMinFee: number
    innerWithdrawMinFee: number
    withdrawMinSize: number
    isWithdrawEnabled: boolean
    precision: number
    chain: string

async applyWithdrawal

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
    currency: string
    address: string
    amount: number
    memo?: string
    isInner?: boolean
    remark?: string
    chain?: string
): Promise<
    withdrawalId: string

async cancelWithdrawal

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ withdrawalId: string }>) => Promise<KucoinSDK.Http.Data<{}>>

async placeANewOrder

  • Docs

    • You can place two types of orders: limit and market. Orders can only be placed if your account has sufficient funds. Once an order is placed, your account funds will be put on hold for the duration of the order. How much and which funds are put on hold depends on the order type and parameters specified. See the Holds details below.
  • Types

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
    clientOId: string
    side: 'buy' | 'sell'
    symbol: string
    type?: 'limit' | 'market'
    remark?: string
    stop?: 'loss' | 'entry'
    stopPrice?: string
    stp?: 'CN' | 'CO' | 'CB' | 'DC'
    tradeType?: 'TRADE' | 'MARGIN_TRADE'
    price?: string
    size?: string
    timeInForce?: string
    cancelAfter?: string
    postOnly?: boolean
    hidden?: boolean
    iceberg?: boolean
    visibleSize?: string
    funds?: string
) => Promise<
    orderId: string

async cancelAnOrder

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to cancel a single order previously placed. You will receive cancelledOrderIds field once the system has received the cancellation request. The cancellation request will be processed by the matching engine in sequence. To know if the request is processed (successfully or not), you may check the order status or the update message from the pushes.
  • Types

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ orderId: string }>): Promise<
    cancelledOrderIds: string[]

async cancelAllOrders

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ symbol?: string; tradeType?: 'TRADE' | 'MARGIN_TRADE' | string }>) => Promise<
    cancelledOrderIds: string[]

async listOrders

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get your current order list. Items are paginated and sorted to show the latest first. See the Pagination section for retrieving additional entries after the first page.
  • Types

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
    status?: 'active' | 'done'
    symbol?: string
    side?: 'buy' | 'sell'
    type?: 'limit' | 'market' | 'limit_stop' | 'market_stop'
    tradeType: 'TRADE' | 'MARGIN_TRADE'
    startAt?: string
    endAt?: string
) => Promise<
    currentPage: number
    pageSize: number
    totalNum: number
    totalPage: number
    items: {
      id: string
      symbol: string
      opType: string
      type: string
      side: string
      price: number
      size: number
      funds: number
      dealFunds: number
      dealSize: number
      fee: number
      feeCurrency: string
      stp: string
      stop: string
      stopTriggered: boolean
      stopPrice: number
      timeInForce: string
      postOnly: boolean
      hidden: boolean
      iceberg: boolean
      visibleSize: number
      cancelAfter: number
      channel: string
      clientOid: string
      remark: string
      tags: string
      isActive: boolean
      cancelExist: boolean
      createdAt: number
      tradeType: string

async getHistoricalOrdersList

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get your historical orders list of the KuCoin V1. Items are paginated and sorted to show the latest first. See the Pagination section for retrieving additional entries after the first page.
  • Types

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
    currentPage?: number
    pageSize?: number
    symbol?: string
    side?: 'buy' | 'sell'
    startAt?: string
    endAt?: string
) => Promise<
    currentPage: number
    pageSize: number
    totalNum: number
    totalPage: number
    items: {
      symbol: string
      dealPrice: number
      dealValue: number
      amount: number
      fee: number
      side: string
      createdAt: number

async recentOrders

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get 1000 orders in the last 24 hours. Items are paginated and sorted to show the latest first. See the Pagination section for retrieving additional entries after the first page.
  • Types

() => Promise<
    currentPage: number
    pageSize: number
    totalNum: number
    totalPage: number
    items: {
      id: string
      symbol: string
      opType: string
      type: string
      side: string
      price: number
      size: number
      funds: number
      dealFunds: number
      dealSize: number
      fee: number
      feeCurrency: string
      stp: string
      stop: string
      stopTriggered: boolean
      stopPrice: number
      timeInForce: string
      postOnly: boolean
      hidden: boolean
      iceberg: boolean
      visibleSize: number
      cancelAfter: number
      channel: string
      clientOid: string
      remark: string
      tags: string
      isActive: boolean
      cancelExist: boolean
      createdAt: number
      tradeType: string

async getAnOrder

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ orderId: string }>
) => Promise<
    id: string
    symbol: string
    opType: string
    type: string
    side: string
    price: number
    size: number
    funds: number
    dealFunds: number
    dealSize: number
    fee: number
    feeCurrency: string
    stp: string
    stop: string
    stopTriggered: boolean
    stopPrice: number
    timeInForce: string
    postOnly: boolean
    hidden: boolean
    iceberg: boolean
    visibleSize: number
    cancelAfter: number
    channel: string
    clientOid: string
    remark: string
    tags: string
    isActive: boolean
    cancelExist: boolean
    createdAt: number
    tradeType: string

async listFills

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get the recent fills. Items are paginated and sorted to show the latest first. See the Pagination section for retrieving additional entries after the first page.
  • Types

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
    orderId?: string
    symbol?: string
    side?: 'buy' | 'sell'
    type?: 'limit' | 'market' | 'limit_stop' | 'market_stop'
    startAt?: string
    endAt?: string
    tradeType: 'TRADE' | 'MARGIN_TRADE'
) => Promise<
    currentPage: number
    pageSize: number
    totalNum: number
    totalPage: number
    items: {
      symbol: string
      tradeId: string
      orderId: string
      counterOrderId: string
      side: string
      liquidity: string
      forceTaker: boolean
      price: number
      size: number
      funds: number
      fee: number
      feeRate: number
      feeCurrency: string
      stop: string
      type: string
      createdAt: number
      tradeType: string

async recentFills

() => Promise<
    code: number
    data: {
      counterOrderId: string
      createdAt: number
      fee: number
      feeCurrency: string
      feeRate: number
      forceTaker: boolean
      funds: number
      liquidity: string
      orderId: string
      price: number
      side: string
      size: number
      stop: string
      symbol: string
      tradeId: string
      tradeType: string
      type: string

async getMarkPrice

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ symbol: string }>) => Promise<
    symbol: string
    granularity: number
    timePoint: number
    value: number

async getMarginConfigurationInfo

() => Promise<
    currencyList: string[]
    warningDebtRatio: number
    liqDebtRatio: number
    maxLeverage: number

async getMarginAccount

() => Promise<
    accounts: {
      availableBalance: number
      currency: string
      holdBalance: number
      liability: number
      maxBorrowSize: number
      totalBalance: number
    debtRatio: number

async postBorrowOrder

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
    currency: string
    type: string
    size: number
    maxRate: number
    term: string
) => Promise<
    orderId: string
    currency: string

async getBorrowOrder

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ orderId: string }>) => Promise<
    currency: string
    filled: number
    matchList: {
      currency: string
      dailyIntRate: number
      size: number
      term: number
      timestamp: number
      tradeId: number
    orderId: string
    size: number
    status: string

async getRepayRecord

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ currency?: string }>) => Promise<
    currentPage: number
    items: {
      accruedInterest: number
      createdAt: number
      currency: string
      dailyIntRate: number
      liability: number
      maturityTime: number
      principal: number
      repaidSize: number
      term: number
      tradeId: number
    pageSize: number
    totalNum: number
    totalPage: number

async getRepaymentRecord

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ currency?: string }>) => Promise<
    currentPage: number
    items: {
      currency: string
      dailyIntRate: number
      interest: number
      principal: number
      repaidSize: number
      repayTime: number
      term: number
      tradeId: number
    pageSize: number
    totalNum: number
    totalPage: number

async oneClickRepayment

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{
    currency: string
    size: number
) => Promise<KucoinSDK.Http.Data<{}>>

async repayASingleOrder

  params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ currency: string; tradeId: string; size: number }>
) => Promise<KucoinSDK.Http.Data<{}>>

async marginTradeData

  • Docs

    • Request via this endpoint to get the last 300 fills in the lending and borrowing market. The returned value is sorted based on the descending sequence of the order execution time.
  • Types

(params: KucoinSDK.Http.Params<{ currency: string }>) => Promise<
      tradeId: string
      currency: string
      size: number
      dailyIntRate: number
      term: number
      timestamp: number

async serverTime

() => Promise<
    code: number
    msg: string
    data: number


  • 1.0.0 Initial Commit
  • 1.1.0 Added untested routes for Deposits, Withdrawals, Margin Trading, Account Info, Orders, and Fills
  • 2.0.0 Integrate Typescript
  • 2.0.0 Integrate Docstrings for IDE comment hinting
  • 2.0.0 Added Param Checker for all endpoints, emits console.warning if unused and throw e if missing required.
  • 2.0.0 Added Axios callbacks for interceptors on request and response
  • 2.0.0 Added non-breaking PASSPHRASE?: string and isTest?: boolean as paramters for KucoinInstance


  • Company: ©2019 The Launch
  • Author: Daniel Griffiths
  • Role: Founder and Engineer
  • Project: ©2020 CryptoDock


MIT Licence ©2020 Daniel Griffiths


NPM Package provides SDK for the Kucoin cryptocurrency exchange. Typescript compiled to ES5. Includes special sauce. @








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