Features • Documentation • Quick Start • Performance • Accuracy • Cite Us • License
HyperPose is a library for building high-performance custom pose estimation applications.
HyperPose has two key features:
- High-performance pose estimation with CPUs/GPUs: HyperPose achieves real-time pose estimation through a high-performance pose estimation engine. This engine implements numerous system optimisations: pipeline parallelism, model inference with TensorRT, CPU/GPU hybrid scheduling, and many others. These optimisations contribute to up to 10x higher FPS compared to OpenPose, TF-Pose and OpenPifPaf.
- Flexibility for developing custom pose estimation models: HyperPose provides high-level Python APIs to develop pose estimation models. HyperPose users can:
- Customise training, evaluation, visualisation, pre-processing and post-processing in pose estimation.
- Customise model architectures (e.g., OpenPose, Pifpaf, PoseProposal Network) and training datasets.
- Speed up training with multiple GPUs.
新宝岛 with HyperPose (Lightweight OpenPose model)
The HyperPose library contains two parts:
- A C++ library for high-performance pose estimation model inference.
- A Python library for developing custom pose estimation models.
The easiest way to use the inference library is through a Docker image. Pre-requisites for this image:
- CUDA Driver >= 418.81.07 (For default CUDA 10.0 image)
- NVIDIA Docker >= 2.0
- Docker CE Engine >= 19.03
Run this command to check if pre-requisites are ready:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tensorlayer/hyperpose/master/scripts/test_docker.py -qO- | python
Once pre-requisites are ready, pull the HyperPose docker:
docker pull tensorlayer/hyperpose
We provide 4 examples within this image (The following commands have been tested on Ubuntu 18.04):
# [Example 1]: Doing inference on given video, copy the output.avi to the local path.
docker run --name quick-start --gpus all tensorlayer/hyperpose --runtime=stream
docker cp quick-start:/hyperpose/build/output.avi .
docker rm quick-start
# [Example 2](X11 server required to see the imshow window): Real-time inference.
# You may need to install X11 server locally:
# sudo apt install xorg openbox xauth
xhost +; docker run --rm --gpus all -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix tensorlayer/hyperpose --imshow
# [Example 3]: Camera + imshow window
xhost +; docker run --name pose-camera --rm --gpus all -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --device=/dev/video0:/dev/video0 tensorlayer/hyperpose --source=camera --imshow
# To quit this image, please type `docker kill pose-camera` in another terminal.
# [Dive into the image]
xhost +; docker run --rm --gpus all -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --device=/dev/video0:/dev/video0 --entrypoint /bin/bash tensorlayer/hyperpose
# For users that cannot access a camera or X11 server. You may also use:
# docker run --rm --gpus all -it --entrypoint /bin/bash tensorlayer/hyperpose
For more usage regarding the command line flags, please visit here.
We recommend using the Python training library within an Anaconda environment. The below quick-start has been tested with these environments:
OS | NVIDIA Driver | CUDA Toolkit | GPU |
Ubuntu 18.04 | 410.79 | 10.0 | Tesla V100-DGX |
Ubuntu 18.04 | 440.33.01 | 10.2 | Tesla V100-DGX |
Ubuntu 18.04 | 430.64 | 10.1 | TITAN RTX |
Ubuntu 18.04 | 430.26 | 10.2 | TITAN XP |
Ubuntu 16.04 | 430.50 | 10.1 | RTX 2080Ti |
Once Anaconda is installed, run below Bash commands to create a virtual environment:
# Create virtual environment (choose yes)
conda create -n hyperpose python=3.7
# Activate the virtual environment, start installation
conda activate hyperpose
# Install cudatoolkit and cudnn library using conda
conda install cudatoolkit=10.0.130
conda install cudnn=7.6.0
We then clone the repository and install the dependencies listed in requirements.txt:
git clone https://github.com/tensorlayer/hyperpose.git && cd hyperpose
pip install -r requirements.txt
We demonstrate how to train a custom pose estimation model with HyperPose. HyperPose APIs contain three key modules: Config, Model and Dataset, and their basic usages are shown below.
from hyperpose import Config, Model, Dataset
# Set model name to distinguish models (necessary)
# Set model type, model backbone and dataset
# Set single-node training or parallel-training
config = Config.get_config()
model = Model.get_model(config)
dataset = Dataset.get_dataset(config)
# Start the training process
Model.get_train(config)(model, dataset)
The full training program is listed here. To evaluate the trained model, you can use the evaluation program here. More information about the training library can be found here.
The APIs of the HyperPose training library and the inference library are described in the Documentation.
We compare the prediction performance of HyperPose with OpenPose 1.6, TF-Pose and OpenPifPaf 0.12. The test-bed has Ubuntu18.04, 1070Ti GPU, Intel i7 CPU (12 logic cores).
HyperPose Configuration | DNN Size | Input Size | HyperPose | Baseline |
OpenPose (VGG) | 209.3MB | 656 x 368 | 27.32 FPS | 8 FPS (OpenPose) |
OpenPose (TinyVGG) | 34.7 MB | 384 x 256 | 124.925 FPS | N/A |
OpenPose (MobileNet) | 17.9 MB | 432 x 368 | 84.32 FPS | 8.5 FPS (TF-Pose) |
OpenPose (ResNet18) | 45.0 MB | 432 x 368 | 62.52 FPS | N/A |
OpenPifPaf (ResNet50) | 97.6 MB | 432 x 368 | 44.16 FPS | 14.5 FPS (OpenPifPaf) |
We evaluate the accuracy of pose estimation models developed by HyperPose. The environment is Ubuntu16.04, with 4 V100-DGXs and 24 Intel Xeon CPU. The training procedure takes 1~2 weeks using 1 V100-DGX for each model. (If you don't want to train from scratch, you could use our pre-trained backbone models)
HyperPose Configuration | DNN Size | Input Size | Evaluate Dataset | Accuracy-hyperpose (Iou=0.50:0.95) | Accuracy-original (Iou=0.50:0.95) |
OpenPose (VGG19) | 199 MB | 432 x 368 | MSCOCO2014 (random 1160 images) | 57.0 map | 58.4 map |
LightweightOpenPose (Dilated MobileNet) | 17.7 MB | 432 x 368 | MSCOCO2017(all 5000 img.) | 46.1 map | 42.8 map |
LightweightOpenPose (MobileNet-Thin) | 17.4 MB | 432 x 368 | MSCOCO2017 (all 5000 img.) | 44.2 map | 28.06 map (MSCOCO2014) |
LightweightOpenPose (tiny VGG) | 23.6 MB | 432 x 368 | MSCOCO2017 (all 5000 img.) | 47.3 map | - |
LightweightOpenPose (ResNet50) | 42.7 MB | 432 x 368 | MSCOCO2017 (all 5000 img.) | 48.2 map | - |
PoseProposal (ResNet18) | 45.2 MB | 384 x 384 | MPII (all 2729 img.) | 54.9 map (PCKh) | 72.8 map (PCKh) |
If you find HyperPose helpful for your project, please cite our paper:
author = {Guo, Yixiao and Liu, Jiawei and Li, Guo and Mai, Luo and Dong, Hao},
journal = {ACM Multimedia},
title = {{Fast and Flexible Human Pose Estimation with HyperPose}},
url = {https://github.com/tensorlayer/hyperpose},
year = {2021}
HyperPose is open-sourced under the Apache 2.0 license.