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The web server for GrowBot Web.

Contributing & Installing

  1. Make sure Go is set up (you should have GOROOT and GOPATH set up appropriately).

    Don't have Go? Please follow the Go installation instructions.

    You should also add $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH. This is so that any self-built binaries (such as goimports) are easy to run.

  2. Already have Go set up? Make sure go version says you are running go 1.11 or later. We use the new Go Modules system, so if necessary, follow the Go installation instructions to upgrade.

    Curious about Go Modules? See the Go Modules wiki page!

  3. Make sure your editor is set up correctly. All files should be correctly formatted as per go fmt.

    We recommend you to use any of the following extensions with the obvious editors: vscode-go, GoSublime or vim-go. These all run gofmt whenever you save a .go file. (You may find using goimports instead of gofmt more convenient.)

    If you choose to use Goland, please:

    • do not add any IDEA-related workspace folder to Git.
    • configure gofmt on save—it is not a default feature. Here are instructions to configure gofmt on file save. (This Stack Overflow link has not been tested, so you may find other instructions online that are easier to follow.)
  4. Git commits must be clean, atomic, and most importantly, follow the seven sacred rules.

    If you have a big commit that needs splitting up, you can use git add --patch (in short, git add -p) to interactively stage hunks.

    If you are stuck, please ask for assistance!

  5. In your folder of choice run git clone

    If you clone the repository inside your $GOPATH, make sure the root of the repository is situated at exactly $GOPATH/src/

    If you clone the repository anywhere else on your filesystem, the folder does not matter.

  6. Run go get ./... to download dependencies. Once you have the repository cloned, type go mod download to download dependencies. Then type go mod verify to verify that all is OK.

    If you run into a command not found error, please jump to step 1 and re-read the Go installation instructions.

  7. Now, from any directory, you can run the following command: go install

    • This will build the command-line program (from ./cmd/growbot-api) to your $GOPATH/bin directory (in step 1 you should have added this path to your $PATH).
    • You can now simply type growbot-api from any directory to start the API.

Set up database

Install postgresql (on macOS)

  • Run brew install postgresql
  • Read the caveats
  • Run brew services run postgresql (start will run & also tell postgresql to start on boot, you probably don't want to start it on boot)

Set up permissions

  • Run psql postgres to open a postgres shell
  • Execute create role growbot with login; to create a growbot "role" that is able to log in (so it's basically a user). This user has no password for convenience.
  • Run make reset_schema to create a database, give our growbot user admin permissions on db growbot_dev, and set the database schema
  • If you make updates to the database structure: run make schema.sql to dump the database schema. It is not a full data dump with all rows.

Live reload

  1. Install Gin (same name, different project).

  2. Use the following command, run from the project root. Note that 9999 can be any random port as we don't want to use the reverse proxy.

    config=config.yml gin --notifications -i --path="." -d "cmd/growbot-api" --appPort 8080 --port 9999 --bin "cmd/growbot-api/growbot-api" run main.go


Command line documentation is available by supplying the --help argument. As of 737fa69e9799f8886103180ed318395b8a863c96 the following text is printed:

➜ growbot-api --help
Usage of growbot-api:
    	Change value of BindAddress. (default
    	Change value of LogLevel. (default debug)

Generated environment variables:

flag: help requested

Refer to ./internal/config to see what each of these options mean.

Please note that means "bind to all addresses, port 8080". You should try to connect to your loopback address instead of This is usually or localhost.

Instead of using environment variables or command-line arguments, you can use a YAML, JSON or TOML file.

  • Just use the argument names as a data key. See config.example.yml as an example.
  • To use a config file, e.g. config.yml, set the config environment variable, like so: config=config.yml growbot-api.

Test websockets

You can use wsc. Just do yarn global add wsc and then wsc -er "ws://localhost:8080/stream/<uuid> should work!


  • uuids are provided by

    UUIDs will generally be used as the serial number of the robot. User accounts will most likely use an int64 as their primary key.

Software License

This software is governed by the license defined in /LICENSE at the root of this repository.