Validation output is displayed here
Note: Initial compilation build and simple excecution tests will run in about 5 mins. The validation tests will take longer with results being updated to the webpage when finished.
*** If test fields are green with the excecution time displayed: Then tests have passed (logs files or physics output can be retrived form the text link)
*** If tests fields are red with "Failed" text: Then test have failed (For physics tests validation plots can be accessed from the link. Incorrect plots will be shown with the text "Error!!!". The stars indicate the expected value, and the lines the submission results.)
*** If fields have text similar to "uwr89yh32hrhh3903heText2": Then those tests are not yet complete please wait for output
It is recommended to make the validation plots within a docker container, so that the dependencies are running the same versions that the automated tests will use i.e.
docker run -it --name=WCSimValid docker://
Set GITHUBUSERNAME variable to your github username e.g.
export GITHUBUSERNAME=tdealtry
Then you'll want to run these commands
#Get the Validation package
cd /opt/
git clone [email protected]:WCSim/Validation.git #cloning from WCSim ensures you're up-to-date without conflicts
cd Validation/
git remote add me [email protected]:$GITHUBUSERNAME/Validation.git #this is where you'll push to
#Build the Validation tools
#Make a new branch
git checkout -b update_reference
#Update the reference plots
#Commit the new `.root` files
git add Compare/Reference/analysed_*root Compare/Reference/WCSimSHA
git ci #write why the reference plots have changed e.g. link to WCSim/WCSim PR number
#Push to your repo
git push me update_reference
Then finally, visit (or follow the link from the last command above) to submit a PR
For any questions contact Dr. Benjamin Richards ([email protected]), Dr. Tom Dealtry ([email protected]), or use the issues feature on this repository