To enable research oppotunities with very few Thai Computational Linguitic resources, we willingly introduce fundamental high-level language resouces built with passion, Thai Treebanks, build from scratch for researchers and enthusiasts.
: Automatically construct from ORCHID corpus- More will be revealed soon...
- CFPlanter: Annotating along with artificial advisors
- Iterative construction: Iterative mechanism to confront issues of imprecise and inconsistent annotations
- AIAT: Artificial Intelligence Association of Thailand
- KINDML: Knowledge Information & Data Management Laboratory at Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology
- Okumura-Takamura-Funakoshi Lab: Natural Language Processing Group at Tokyo Institute of Technology
author={P. {Seenual} and T. {Chay-Intr} and T. {Theeramunkong}},
booktitle={2018 International Conference on Embedded Systems and Intelligent Technology International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems (ICESIT-ICICTES)},
title={CF Planter: A Toolset for Semi-automatic Thai Treebank Construction},
T. Chay-intr, P. Sarakit, and T. Theeramunkong, "Iterative Thai Treebank Construction via Interactive Tree Visualization," in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support System (KICSS2017), 2017, pp. 97–101.