A simple template for building a fast, static website using the Eleventy static site generator, with Netlify CMS baked-in, ready to deploy to Netlify in a couple of clicks.
Use it as a starter for your own projects or as an easy way to get started building websites with Eleventy.
Based on the Eleventy Base Blog repo (see there for additional info on Eleventy usage).
🔥 This project is featured on Netlify's official template showcase 🔥
git clone https://github.com/danurbanowicz/eleventy-netlify-boilerplate.git my-blog-name
cd my-blog-name
Specifically have a look at .eleventy.js
to see if you want to configure any Eleventy options differently.
npm install
This file contains your site title and author details.
npx eleventy
Or build automatically when a template changes:
npx eleventy --watch
Or in debug mode:
DEBUG=* npx eleventy
Or to start up a hot-reloading local web server:
npx eleventy --serve
This is an ongoing project and I welcome contributions. Feel free to submit a PR.
If you need any help with setting up Netlify CMS, you can reach out to the Netlify team in the Netlify CMS Gitter.