- react 16.9.0
- react-native 0.60.5
- typeScript 3.6.3
- redux
- redux-saga
- redux-ducks-ts
- jest
- enzyme
- eslint
- storybook
- react-navigation
- styled-components
NOTE: The environment for this was done with macOS 10.14.X
- Node >= 10 (LTS)
- NPM or Yarn (Optional)
- Watchman
- XCode
- Android Studio
All code of the app exist into the app
directory, all files or folders outside of this directory are configuration files except the android and ios directories.
- android/
- ios/
- app/
- assets/
- components/
- routes/
- screens/
- state/
- App.tsx
- common/
- http/
- utils/
- config/
- declarations/
- environments/
- storybook/
The Redux Store it's contained under the state
directory, into of this must exist a directory for each module in the store with some minimal files and others optional.
In a module of the state, must exist some minimal files and others optionals:
_ _duck.ts (Required)
- actions.ts (Required)
- index.ts (Required)
- reducer.ts (Required)
- sagas.ts (Optional)
- selectors.ts (Optional)
- services.ts (Optional)
- types.ts (Required)
- _duck: Module definition.
- actions: Definitions of bindings with actions creators of the state.
- index: Initial point of the module and export.
- reducer: Definitions of mutations in the state using the actions creators defined in the types.
- types: Definitions of types of actions possibles in the state.
You should create minimal two .env.*
files in the environments
In these you should replicate the vars in the file .env.template
with the correct values.
- Clone this repository:
$> git clone https://github.com/tarmac/rn-boiler-ts
- Inside the project run:
$> rm -rf .git/
$> git init
$> yarn
$> yarn renameApp <NewNameOfTheApp> -b "[domain].[company].[project]"
The platform in the command bellow must be one of android
or ios
$> yarn run:[platform]
$> yarn run:[platform]-storybook
NOTE: It's automatically start the metro server.
Please contribute with ideas on GH issues or create PR to improve this repository.