Replace with Register Operator
- Neovim >= 0.10.0
Take a peek at these demo clips.
Rereope provides only one method
first inputs the trigger key, followed by the register key.
For example: <trigger-key>[register-key]{motion}
Additionally, it is also possible to perform the operation in the original way
by inputting the register key first, followed by the trigger key.
For example: "[register-key]<trigger-key>{motion}
It is also possible to set an alternative-key
for the unnamed register.
This can be done by placing the trigger key and the alternative-key in close
proximity (or assigning them to the same key), which can lead to a reduction
in key operation effort.
---@param alternative-key string|nil
-- The specified key will be used as a alternative key for the unnamed register.
---@param options RereopeOptions, { end_point, beacon, hint, motion, replace })
---@class RereopeOptions
---@field end_point boolean
--- Move cursor to end of past range.
---@field beacon [ hlgroup:string, interval:integer, winblend:integer, decay:integer ]
--- Flash the replaced text.
---@field hint { winblend:integer, border:string[]|nil } Floating window option values
--- Popup hint select register contents.
---@field motion fun()
--- Automatically execute motion after register selection.
---@field replace {
--- mode:string|nil,
--- regname:string|nil,
--- regtype:string|nil,
--- fallback: fun(line:string):line:string
--- }
--- Format the register contents before pasting them.
--- Specifying `mode`, `regname`, and `regtype` will perform conditional judgment.
--- You can use fallbacks to process replacements line by line.
- lazy.nvim
opts = {
map_cyclic_register_keys = nil -- { prev = '<C-p>', next = '<C-n>' },
keys = {
has been added. Passing a table to this value adds
an omap
to cycle through registers 0-9 in rereope's operator-pending mode.
Standard replace
local opts = {
end_point = true,
beacon = {},
hint = {},
-- Respects vim-operator-replace
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'x'}, '_', function()
local opts = {}
return require('rereope').open('_', opts)
end, {desc = 'Rereope open'})
-- Respects vim-ReplaceWithRegister
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'x'}, 'gr', function()
local opts = {}
return require('rereope').open('r', opts)
end, {desc = 'Rereope open'})
-- Linewise auto motion
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'x'}, 'gR', function()
local opts = {
motion = function()
return require('rereope').open('R', opts)
end, {desc = 'Rereope open linewise'})
FIFO with format
local opts = {
end_point = false,
beacon = { 'IncSearch', 100, 0, 15 },
hint = { winblend = 20, border = { '+', '-' } },
replace = {
fallback = function(line)
return string.format('<%s>', line)
With Flash.nvim
local opts = {
motion = function()
if vim.treesitter.get_node() then
However, special operations such as Remote Actions
may not work correctly.
You can execute a Remote Actions by calling it normally as an operator
without using the motion option.
) Uses popup hintRereopeHintBorder
) Uses popup hintRereopeVisualFlash
) Uses replaced linewise contents
Regarding the beacon functionality, it has been replaced with a built-in feature due to the considerable effort required for its application to the visual-mode range. It is currently undecided whether we will address this functionality in the future.
Pasting blocwise excluding spaces such as
is not supported.
The planned implementation has been completed. Next,
- write tests,
- fix bugs,
- write help document,