Komiser is an open-source cloud-agnostic resource manager. It integrates with multiple cloud providers (including AWS, OCI, DigitalOcean, Kubernetes and CIVO), builds a cloud asset inventory, and helps you break down your cost at the resource level π°
This chart bootstraps a community edition Komiser instance.
- Kubernetes 1.6+
Enable service accounts to access AWS resources in three steps
Create an IAM OIDC provider for your cluster β You only need to do this once for a cluster.
Update templates/service-account.yaml with the IAM role you've created previously.
Steps for a container to access the resources in multiple AWS accounts.
We are working with two example clusters, ADMIN and DEV cluster.
β Attach the recomended Komiser policy
β Create a Trust Relathionship with the kubernetes ServiceAccount
β Attach an additional policy to assume the DEV IAM role. -
β Add the recomended Komiser policy
β Create a Trust Relathionship with the ADMIN role
Tutorial walkthrough:
Note that even though the video covers Amazon EKS, the Helm chart can be deployed to any Kubernetes cluster no matter the provider.
To install the chart:
$ helm install -f values.yaml komiser .
The above command deploys Komiser on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration.