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Sign recognition with haptic gloves for Computer Science Master in the University of Kent


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Visual Communication with haptic gloves


Sign Recognition

Move to sign recognition folder

$ cd Source_Code/version_1.0_CORPUS/sign_recognition

Install the dependencies

$ pip -r requirements.txt

Web Interface

Move to web interface forlder

$ cd Source_Code/version_1.0_CORPUS/web_interface

Install the dependencies

$ npm install

Install and calibrate the Sensogloves

Steps Instruction
1 plug your bluetooth dongle
2 connect the glove to the dongle: (SENSO_BLE_SERVER.exe)
3 start the UI: (SENSO_UI.exe)
4 click on 'Connect to server'
5 select your glove in the list
6 click on 'Connect to glove'
7 click on 'calibrate', follow instructions on the images
8 test vibration 'Test vibro' to make sure the glove is connect. Futhermore you should see the data refreshing every ~10ms

How to start the project

1. Start web interface

Start the web interface and listen on the port 8080 for any data the glove send us

$ yarn start 3000

2. Open Website

Open the web page in your browser

$ firefox localhost:8080

3. Start the Sign Recognition script

Start the script in order to receive the signs and send them to the web interface

$ python3 <glove_host> <glove_port> <webinterface_host> <webinterface_listing_port> <signsbank_file.dat>


  • glove_host and <glove_port> can be found on the SensoUI.
  • webinterface_host is usually localhost since you're going to open the website on your computer.
  • webinteface_listening_port corresponds to the first command you did above (1.), here 3000.

Your command should look like this (with your own server_address/ip): python3 53450 localhost 3000

Record new signs

If you want to create a new sign you need to start as follow:

$ python3 <glove_host> <glove_port> <file_name.dat>

The <file_name.dat> is of your choosing. By default you can use signDataBank.dat

In the end you should get this command:

$ python3 53450 signDataBank.dat

Once the script executed, make your sign then press r to record the position and name it (follow instructions). Repeat the process as long as you want to insert signs into your signDataBank. When you are done can press q to quit.

Restart the the software (3.), go on the website and have fun !




Copyright (c) 2018 Anthony ABRAMO, Hugo DARSES, Thibault Miranda de Oliveira