elly.vim is a nostalgic and brown-based Vim color theme.
- Add
Plug 'ulwlu/elly.vim'
in your .vimrc within vim-plug's loading function. - Run
- Activate by
colorscheme elly
- Use
set termguicolors
as well
elly.vim is compatiable with Nerdtree, Airline, Lightline, coc.nvim, fzf-preview, and etc.
set below in vimrc
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'elly',
\ }
set below in vimrc
let g:airline_theme='elly'
set below in coc-settings.json
"git.addedSign.hlGroup": "CocDiffAdd",
"git.changedSign.hlGroup": "CocDiffChange",
"git.removedSign.hlGroup": "CocDiffDelete",
"git.topRemovedSign.hlGroup": "CocDiffDelete",
"git.changeRemovedSign.hlGroup": "CocDiffDelete",
- elly-iTerm2
- elly-VSCode
- elly-tmux
- elly-kitty - This is made by Benoit Pingris.
- elly-simple-bar
- elly-chrome
- tilix-elly - This is made by Nirna Kajanovszki.
If your terminal becomes like below,
This means your terminal doesn't support gui colors. In this case, please set below in vimrc before you set colorscheme elly
let g:elly_termmode="cterm"
If you found some highlighting strange, please execute the command below and paste the result in issue.
:echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<' . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") ."> lo<" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . ">"