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FastLED Public
Forked from FastLED/FastLEDThe FastLED library for colored LED animation on Arduino. Please direct questions/requests for help to the FastLED Reddit community: http://fastled.io/r We'd like to use github "issues" just for tr…
C++ MIT License UpdatedFeb 5, 2025 -
FastLED4-ESP32-playpen Public
Trying out some new features of FastLED 4 and playing around as a newbie to ESP32.
HLK-LD2450 Public
Forked from RBEGamer/HLK-LD2450Arduino library for HLK-LD2450 24Ghz Human body Motion Inductive Radar Sensor Module Kit
wokwi-docs Public
Forked from wokwi/wokwi-docsDocumentation for the Wokwi Simulator
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 21, 2024 -
vu2 Public
Forked from ben-xo/vu2Arduino Sound Reactive Lights. Line-in audio -> beat and tempo detection -> 8 visualisers. For 1 Arduino and up to 100 lights.
elfist Public
Forked from wokwi/elfistELF format parser library (TypeScript)
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJul 13, 2022 -
LEDMatrix_22 Public
Forked from Paul47/LEDMatrix_22Update and expansion of LEDMatrix
wokwi-elements Public
Forked from wokwi/wokwi-elementsWeb Components for Electronics and IoT Parts
SmartMatrix-playpen Public
A testing ground for SmartMatrix effects
SmartMatrix Public
Forked from pixelmatix/SmartMatrixSmartMatrix Library for Teensy 3, Teensy 4, and ESP32
C++ UpdatedJun 2, 2021 -
Fun_with_millis Public
Forked from Koepel/Fun_with_millisSmall Arduino examples using the millis() function.
arduino-libraries Public
Forked from wokwi/arduino-librariesOnline Playgrounds for popular Arduino libraries
avr8js Public
Forked from wokwi/avr8jsArduino (8-bit AVR) simulator, written in JavaScript and runs in the browser / Node.js
scintillating_heatshrink Public
Converts animated GIFs to a custom format for playback on microcontrollers
adsl_solos_pci Public
Munin plugin to graph Solos ADSL2+ PCI card line status
Shell UpdatedJan 30, 2013 -
a2billing Public
Forked from Star2Billing/a2billingA2Billing, Pre-Paid and Post-Paid telecom Switch Platform for Asterisk.
sshguard Public
Forked from schmurfy/sshguardgit svn clone of official repo