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This repository is related to our paper titled "FastDCFlow: Fast and Diverse Counterfactual Explanations Using Normalizing Flows"

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This is our implementation for the paper:

Model-Based Counterfactual Explanations Incorporating Feature Space Attributes for Tabular Data [arXiv link]

Yuta Sumiya, Hayaru shouno

at IEEE WCCI, 2024


  • Python 3.9
  • Pytorch 1.13.1
  • Numpy 1.23.5
  • Pandas 2.0.1


To evaluate the proposed approach, we used three open datasets: Adult, Bank, and Churn, which integrate both categorical and continuous variables:

There is a small dataset sample included in the folder Eval/test_input, which can be used to test the correctness of the code.


You shold first edit Eval/config/ as below:

class Config:
    data_name = 'adult'           # dataset name
    pretrain = True               # pretrain flag
    total_cfs = 1000              # total cfs
    num_inputs = 500              # number of inputs
    pop_size = total_cfs*10       # population size
    maxiterations = 10            # max iterations
    lr_init = 1e-3                # learning rate
    epochs = 10                   # epochs
    batch_size = 64               # batch size
    print_freq = 5                # print frequency
    pred_thrsh = 0.5              # prediction threshold
    lambda_1 = 0.01               # lambda 1
    temperature = 1.0             # temperature
    device = 'cpu'                # device
    cvae_encoded_size = 12        # encoder dim (default: 12)
    cvae_hidden_size1 = 20        # hidden size (default: 20)
    cvae_hidden_size2 = 16        # hidden size (default: 16)
    cvae_hidden_size3 = 14        # hidden size (default: 14)
    wm1 = 1e-2                    # weght decay 1
    wm2 = 1e-2                    # weght decay 2
    wm3 = 1e-2                    # weght decay 3
    encoded_size = 4              # encoder dim (default: 12)
    hidden_size1 = 8              # hidden size (default: 20)
    hidden_size2 = 6              # hidden size (default: 16)
    p_drop = 0.5                  # dropout prob
    gamma = 0.5                   # initialize param of bn scale
    gamma_train = True            # initialize BN params (scale and mean)
    delta_rate = 1.0              # control hyper-parameter alpha of dropout
    seed = 42                     # seed

To use the FastDCFlow framework, follow these steps:

  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Run Eval/ to split train and test data.
  • Run Eval/ to train the binary classifier.
  • Edit Eval/config/ and set pretrain to False
  • Run FastDCFlow/ to train the normalizing flow model on the training data.
  • Edit Eval/config/ and set pretrain to True
  • Run FastDCFlow/ to generate counterfactuals for each test input.


Please cite our paper if you use our codes. Thanks!

coming soon.

In case that you have any difficulty about the implementation or you are interested in our work, please feel free to communicate with us by:

Author: Yuta Sumiya ([email protected] / [email protected])

Also, welcome to visit my academic homepage:


This repository is related to our paper titled "FastDCFlow: Fast and Diverse Counterfactual Explanations Using Normalizing Flows"






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