Here is a collection of my UltiSnips snippets. These may be helpful for typesetting math in LaTeX or generating templates for code.
Refer to SirVer/UltiSnips to install UltiSnips.
git clone
or download the zip.
Copy contents to a directory discoverable by vim (~/.vim/UltiSnips/
) or nvim (~/.config/nvim/UltiSnips/
), or softlink with ln
to allow for updates.
Edit the files in your local directory with desired changes, or create a new discoverable directory:
Add the following to your .vimrc
or init.vim
let g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories=['UltiSnips', 'MySnips']
Additional snippet files for the same filetype can be created by prepending _*
or /*
before .snippets
E.g. tex.snippets
, tex_my.snippets
, and tex/01.snippets
will all be sourced as distinct tex
snippet files.
A number of LaTeX math snippets (fractions, auto-sub/superscript, sympy, among others) are sourced from Gilles Castel's post. Check out his github at gillescastel.