The OLA-HD frontend is the frontend for the OLA-HD Service build with Vue.js.
Table of Contents
OLA-HD Service is one of the module projects funded within the DFG initiative OCR-D. The main goal of OCR-D is the conceptual and technical preparation of the full text transformation of the 16th to 18th century prints published in the German language area. The task of automatic full-text recognition will be broken down into its individual process steps, which can be reproduced in the open source OCR-D software. This makes it possible to create optimal workflows for the prints to be processed and thus generate scientifically usable full texts.
The goal of OLA-HD Service is to develop a productive service for long-term archiving of historical prints in the context of OCR-D. This OLA-HD Service builds on the corresponding prototype from OCR-D Phase II, extends it according to the requirements of the implementation projects, is integrated into the OCR-D framework, and is generically designed and implemented according to the tender requirements.
To run, the OLA-HD Service currently uses the classic yarn package manager. This must be installed to run the frontend.
Clone this repository
git clone
cd olahd_user_frontend
yarn install
The frontend needs the backend to query search results and other data. The connection is set in the
file src/axios-config.ts
. By default, the application is supposed to run with Docker, so the
is set to '/api/'. This is because the backend is expected to run on the same host and to
be available at path api
. For development purposes, this could be changed to a local running
OLA-HD backend: http://localhost:8080
or to the running service:
yarn run dev
starts the frontend on the local machine.
The frontend is supposed to be run together with the
OLA-HD Service backend. Therefore docker-compose.yml is
provided in this repository. It expects the backend to be running alongside and in the same network
called olahd
. If the backend runs according to its documentation the frontend can be started
simply with docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
or with docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.https.yaml up -d
if HTTPS is used. In the latter case the
file docker-compose.https.yaml
must be created according to docker-compose.https.example.yaml
By default users are authenticated through the backend. Keycloak can optionally be configured to be
used to authenticated users. See docker.env
for more information.
OLA-HD Service uses Cypress E2E to test the application. The tests are executed on a running OLA-HD
Service application. Therefore the service must run locally. It is also possible for example to run
the tests on a remote-running instance of the service. The URL of the service (where the frontend is
available) must be set to baseUrl
in the file cypress.config.js
The tests can be started with yarn run cypress open
which starts Cypress in a browser for running
the tests.
For some of the tests environment variables are needed. The password is necessary to upload data to
the OLA-HD Service. The environment variables can be set in the file cypres.env.json
, for example:
"PASSWORD": "xyz"