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Stripe Terminal iOS SDK changelog

This document details changes made to the SDK by version. The current status of each release can be found in the Support Lifecycle.

If you are using CocoaPods, update your Podfile:

pod 'StripeTerminal', '~> 4.0'

4.2.0 2024-02-14

  • Built with Xcode 16.0 Swift version 6.0.
  • New: Added collectionReason to SCPSetupIntentConfiguration.
    • This field can only be changed for Tap To Pay readers. The default value is saveCard.
  • Added a new Terminal.stringFromError method to convert an SCPError to a non-localized string of the enum values name.
  • Update: updatePaymentIntent is now supported when offline mode is enabled.
  • Update: Validation of location services has been added to Tap to Pay and mobile readers during collectPaymentMethod, collectSetupIntent, and collectRefund. This validation was already being enforced by confirmPaymentIntent, confirmSetupIntent, and confirmRefund, and is now extended to return the error earlier in the payment process.
  • Update: Added support for operating offline with simulated Bluetooth and Internet readers.
  • Fix: Resolved a rare deadlock crash during the Bluetooth scan discovery process.
  • Fix: Prevented a minor memory leak each time the SDK connects to a reader.

4.1.0 2024-11-18

  • Built with Xcode 16.0 Swift version 6.0.
  • Update: Added field dynamicCurrencyConversion to SCPCardPresentDetails.
  • New: Affirm support for smart readers is now available in private preview.
  • New: Added an returnUrl parameter to SCPConfirmConfiguration to specify desired return_url to redirect to upon completion of a Redirect Payment Method.

4.0.0 2024-10-31

4.0.0 includes breaking changes in both symbols and behavior. See the migration guide for more details.

  • Built with Xcode 16.0, Swift version 6.0.
  • Update: Minimum deployment target updated from iOS 13.0 to iOS 14.0.

New Features

  • Mail order / telephone order (MOTO) payment support for smart readers.

    • Contact Stripe support to enable this feature on your account.
  • Global card saving after payment support by updating customer consent capture. The following breaking changes are required:

    • A valid allowRedisplay value is now required to be set in collectConfiguration when using setupFutureUsage for SCPTerminal's collectPaymentMethod.
    • Removed the customerConsentCollected parameter from SCPTerminal's collectSetupIntentPaymentMethod and replaced it with allowRedisplay.

⚠️ Breaking changes required

Reader discovery

  • New: Added a new enum value discovering to SCPConnectionStatus to represent when discovery is running.
  • Update: Subsequent calls to SCPTerminal's discoverReaders:delegate:completion: cancel all previously queued discovery operations. Only one discovery operation can run at any given time; all other discovery attempts will fail with SCPErrorCanceledDueToIntegrationError.
  • Update: Internet and Tap to Pay discovery will now call the discoverReaders completion block when the operation completes since these are not long running discovery operations.

Reader connection

  • Update: There is now a single connectReader call used for all connection methods. This replaces the previous methods: connectBluetoothReader, connectInternetReader, and connectLocalMobileReader.

    • For mobile readers and Tap to Pay readers, the ReaderDelegate has been removed from the connectReader method as a parameter, and moved into the connectionConfig, replacing autoReconnectionDelegate. - For smart readers, the InternetConnectionConfiguration now also expects an InternetReaderDelegate to be passed in, which will alert your integration of reader disconnects.
  • Update: Auto reconnect on unexpected disconnect is now enabled by default for mobile and Tap to Pay readers.

    • The SCPReconnectionDelegate has been removed and the methods have been moved to the common ReaderDelegate.
  • Update: The method for handling reader disconnects has changed.

    • Removed terminal:didReportUnexpectedReaderDisconnect: from the SCPTerminalDelegate. Use reader:didDisconnect: to be informed of reader disconnects.
    • When auto-reconnect on unexpected disconnect is enabled, both -readerDidFailReconnect: and reader:didDisconnect: methods will be called if the SDK fails to reconnect to the reader and it becomes disconnected.

Payment acceptance

  • New: Added a new enum value SCPCardPresentCaptureMethodManual to SCPCardPresentCaptureMethod for simplifying manual card capture without affecting automatic non-card payment capture.
  • Update: SCPTerminal's confirmPaymentIntent:completion, confirmSetupIntent:completion, and confirmRefund:completion operations now return SCPCancelable's that allow you to cancel the operation in certain scenarios.
  • Update: Calls to SCPTerminal's cancelPaymentIntent:completion or cancelSetupIntent:completion will now cancel ongoing operations related to the specified intent.
  • Update: SCPOfflineDelegate now conforms to NSObject.
  • Update: SCPPaymentIntentParameters and SCPSetupIntentParameters now keep payment method types as values of the SCPPaymentMethodType enum rather than strings.
  • Update: SCPSetupIntent.stripeId is now nullable to be consistent with SCPPaymentintent.stripeId. The SCPSetupIntent.stripeId will continue to be present.


  • Update: BluetoothReaderDelegate has been renamed to MobileReaderDelegate.
  • Update: In SCPReaderSoftwareUpdate, renamed estimatedUpdateTime to durationEstimate.
  • Update: Renamed SCPUpdateTimeEstimate to SCPUpdateDurationEstimate.
  • Update: Renamed "local mobile" and "apple built in" to "Tap To Pay" in all SDK types, function names, and error codes to align with Stripe branding for this functionality.

Non-breaking changes

  • Update: The SCPInternetDiscoveryConfiguration now supports an optional timeout value, specifying the timeout in seconds for the discover readers request. If the online discovery attempt fails, the operation will automatically fall back to offline discovery if offline mode is enabled.
  • Update: Improved accuracy of smart reader errors that are reported as SCPError. Errors that were previously reported as a SCPErrorGenericReaderError are now mapped to a more specific SCPError type.

3.9.1 2024-09-05

  • Built with Xcode 15.2, Swift version 5.9.
  • Fix #325: Corrects the status of Terminal.shared.paymentStatus and Terminal.shared.connectionStatus after automatically reconnecting to mobile readers during unexpected disconnects.

3.9.0 2024-09-03

  • Built with Xcode 15.2, Swift version 5.9.
  • Beta: WeChat Pay support for smart readers is now available in private beta.
  • New: Adds support for Interac refunds on the Tap to Pay simulated reader.
  • Update: For mobile readers with auto reconnection enabled, the SDK now installs required updates upon reconnection after a reboot. Your application will continue to receive notifications about updates via the BluetoothReaderDelegate and should handle updating its UI to inform the user of the update accordingly.
  • Update: Improved handling of SCPErrorReaderMissingEncryptionKeys error for mobile readers with auto-reconnection enabled. Previously, the SDK would disconnect from the reader without auto-reconnecting when this error occurred. Now, if auto-reconnection is enabled, the SDK will automatically reconnect and recover from this error.
  • Fix #595: Addresses the issue where backgrounding the app while the Tap to Pay PIN collection screen is displayed causes the SDK to become unresponsive until the app is relaunched.
  • Fix: Resolves a race condition that occurs when a card is inserted simultaneously as collectPaymentMethod is being canceled. Previously, this resulted in a SCPErrorReaderBusy error. Now, the collection will complete by returning a SCPErrorCanceled error instead.

3.8.3 2024-08-12

  • Fix the root cause of the deadlocks, further reducing the risk of SDK crashes.

3.8.2 2024-08-08

  • Fix another path that could result in a logger deadlock, further reducing the risk of SDK crashes.

3.8.1 2024-08-06

  • Fix a deadlock in the logger that can cause the SDK to crash

3.8.0 2024-07-31

  • Built with Xcode 15.2, Swift version 5.9.
  • Fix an issue running on iOS 18 where the SDK fails collectPaymentMethod with SCPErrorUnexpectedSdkError when collecting amounts greater than 99999.
  • Fix an issue where the SDK can report a reader as connected if it had disconnected while installing a required update.
  • Fix a rare race condition where confirmPaymentIntent could incorrectly fail with SCPErrorReaderBusy.
  • Fix supportsReadersOfType returning true for SCPDeviceTypeAppleBuiltIn on iOS versions below 16.7 (minimum supported version).

3.7.0 2024-06-24

3.6.0 2024-05-13

  • Built with Xcode 15.2, Swift version 5.9.
  • Update: Using SCPOfflineBehaviorRequireOnline will attempt online network calls regardless of the current network status. This may cause requests while the network is offline to take longer as requests will always be attempted online first.
  • Update: Tapping or inserting an unsupported card will now report SCPReaderDisplayMessageTryAnotherCard instead of SCPReaderDisplayMessageTryAnotherReadMethod.
  • Update: paymentStatus now stays ready while API-only commands are in-progress. This includes createPaymentIntent, createSetupIntent, cancelPaymentIntent, and cancelSetupIntent.
  • Update: paymentStatus now updates to waitingForInput while collectInputs is running.
  • Update: If a reader receives the SCPErrorReaderMissingEncryptionKeys error when collecting a payment the SDK now also reboots the reader in addition to the existing behavior of disconnecting from the reader. Reconnecting to the reader should re-install the keys and allow the reader to collect payments again.

3.5.0 2024-04-12

  • Built with Xcode 15.2, Swift version 5.9.
  • Beta: CollectInputs can now display optional toggles in each input type.
  • New: Support for connecting to mPOS readers over USB-C on iPads with M-series chips.
    • This feature is in private beta. Please contact us if you are interested in joining this beta.
  • New: Added an xcprivacy file to the framework listing our data use and required reason API usage.
  • Update: Added SetupIntentParameters.paymentMethodTypes.
    • Note for internet reader integrations, this feature requires reader software version 2.22 or later to be installed on your internet reader.
  • Update: supportsReadersOfType now returns NO with error SCPErrorInvalidDiscoveryConfiguration if the device type and discovery method are incompatible.
  • Update: When a Bluetooth reader has an error installing a required update the SDK will allow connecting to the reader if the reader is running a recent version. The error installing the update will still be communicated in the reader:didFinishInstallingUpdate:error: callback. The update will be available to be retried using installAvailableUpdate. If the update isn't installed with installAvailableUpdate the installation will be retried the next time connecting to the reader.
  • Fixes #291: Fixes a bug where the cancelable returned by collectPaymentMethod was not responsive in certain conditions when a card was left in the reader or inserted before calling collectPaymentMethod.
  • Fixes a bug where rebootReader would return SCPErrorUnexpectedSdkError if called after the reader received a firmware update.

3.4.0 2024-03-04

  • Built with Xcode 15.2, Swift version 5.9.
  • New: For Tap to Pay on iPhone, added autoReconnectOnUnexpectedDisconnect and autoReconnectionDelegate to the SCPLocalMobileConnectionConfiguration. When autoReconnectOnUnexpectedDisconnect is enabled, the SDK will attempt to restore connection upon any unexpected disconnect to your local mobile reader. See Stripe documentation for details.
  • Update: Formatting on certain fields exposed in SCPOfflineCardPresentDetails is now consistent with SCPCardPresentDetails
    • expYear is a four-digit number
    • receiptDetails.accountType is no longer a number, and is one of default, savings, checking, or credit
  • Update: The SDK now requires that a NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription key be present in your app's Info.plist instead of a NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key.
  • Update: Allow SCPCollectConfiguration.updatePaymentIntent to be true for offline enabled readers when SCPCreateConfiguration has offlineBehavior set to SCPOfflineBehaviorRequireOnline.
  • Update: Added new SCPErrorReaderMissingEncryptionKeys. Returned in a rare condition where the reader is missing the required keys to encrypt payment method data. The reader will disconnect if this error is hit. Reconnecting to the reader should re-install the keys.
  • Update: More descriptive error messages in SCPErrorKeyMessage for operations that fail due to network-related errors.
  • Fixes a bug where SCPPaymentIntent.stripeId was not nil in the response to confirmPaymentIntent when operating offline with a smart reader.
  • Fixes a rare bug where Bluetooth readers could get into a state where they would no longer accept payments and needed to be replaced.

3.3.1 2024-02-07

  • Built with Xcode 15.2, Swift version 5.9.
  • Fixes #282: Fixes a crash when connecting to Stripe Reader M2 or BBPOS Chipper 2X devices that are running older configs.
  • Fixes a race condition that could result in a crash when an internet reader unexpectedly disconnects.

3.3.0 2024-02-02

  • Built with Xcode 15.2, Swift version 5.9.
  • New: rebootReader method to reboot Bluetooth readers.
  • New: An optional reader:didDisconnect: method was added to SCPBluetoothReaderDelegate which provides a new SCPDisconnectReason to communicate known reasons why a Bluetooth reader disconnected.
  • New: Support refunding payments with the SCPPaymentIntent.stripeId.
    • Note for internet reader integrations, this feature requires reader software version 2.19 or later to be installed on your internet reader.
  • New: Added support for retrieving and updating reader settings on WisePOS E and Stripe S700 by calling retrieveReaderSettings and setReaderSettings on SCPTerminal.
    • Beta: Accessibility settings are provided at this time, allowing text-to-speech via speakers to be turned on and off as needed.
    • Please contact us if you are interested in joining this beta.
  • Beta: Added a collectInputs method to display forms and collect information from customers.
  • Fixes a bug where collected offline payments using a reader that wasn't connected to online first would fail to be forwarded.
  • Fixes #272: Removed old note about discoverReaders not returning an error when canceled. In 3.x SDKs canceling discoverReaders reports SCPErrorCanceled.
  • Fixes #251: Allow acceptance of Discover cards stored in Apple Pay.
  • Fixes #279: Canceling collectPaymentMethod no longer hangs if card was removed early and the reader went back to the tipping input screen.

3.2.1 2023-12-18

  • Built with Xcode 14.3, Swift version 5.8.
  • Fixes #276: Fixes a regression introduced in 3.2.0 where reconnecting to a Bluetooth reader can timeout after disabling and re-enabling Bluetooth on the iOS device.

3.2.0 2023-11-17

  • Built with Xcode 14.3, Swift version 5.8.
  • Update: retrievePaymentIntent and retrieveSetupIntent no longer require a connected reader.
  • Update: Adds SCPCharge.authorizationCode to the sdk's SCPCharge model when it is available.
    • Note for internet reader integrations, this feature requires reader software version 2.18 or later to be installed on your internet reader.
  • Update: Added network and wallet to SCPCardPresentDetails.
  • Update: Added paymentMethodId to SCPPaymentIntent.
  • Update: The amount of time a reader can be used offline before needing to be activated online has been reduced to 30 days.
  • Update: SCPReaderNetworkStatus has a new case (SCPReaderStatusUnknown) that represents the network status of an internet reader that was discovered while the SDK is operating in offline mode.
  • Fix: SCPSetupIntent.status is now SCPSetupIntentStatusRequiresConfirmation after the payment has been collected.
  • Fixes a rare crash when connecting to a Bluetooth reader with a critically low battery.
  • Fixes a rare crash when installing a Bluetooth reader update.
  • Fixes a bug where cancelPaymentIntent, createSetupIntent, and cancelSetupIntent were not being queued and could error with an unexpected SDK error if called while another command was in progress.
  • Fixes merchant choice routing not updating upon switching reader regions.
  • Fixes #262: Initial Bluetooth reader battery level is reported immediately after connecting to the reader.
  • Fixes error messaging to not return an unexpected SDK error in some situations when connected to a smart reader.
  • Fixes an issue where integrations could hit SCPErrorSessionExpired when the SDK comes back online while using offline mode.

3.1.0 2023-10-10

  • Built with Xcode 14.3, Swift version 5.8.
  • New: Public beta support for offline payments.
  • Beta: Allow customer-initiated cancellation for PaymentIntent, SetupIntent, and Refund payment method collection with internet readers. See setEnableCustomerCancellation: on SCPCollectConfigurationBuilder, SCPSetupIntentConfigurationBuilder, and SCPRefundConfigurationBuilder.
    • Note: This feature requires reader software version 2.17 or later to be installed on your internet reader.
    • Please contact us if you want to support customer-initiated cancellation.
  • Update: When connecting to internet readers, the SDK no longer relies on DNS. This resolves an error experienced by users of some DNS providers.
  • Fixes an issue where tipping and offline configs may not be fetched when connecting to an mPOS reader. Tipping and offline mode users should upgrade their SDK.
  • Fixes an issue where the SDK wouldn't announce an unexpected disconnect if an internet reader receives an invalid session error. This can happen after the reader reboots while the SDK is in the background.
  • Fixes an issue where the SDK would error with SCPErrorFeatureNotAvailableWithConnectedReader instead of SCPErrorNotConnectedToReader when calling certain commands without being connected to a reader.
  • Fixes a bug where the SDK could deadlock if attempting to connect to the same reader twice.
  • Fixes a crash running Terminal.shared.supportsReaders on M1 Mac.
  • Improved confirmPaymentIntent performance when location is not available.

3.0.0 2023-09-08

3.0.0 includes breaking changes in both symbols and behavior. See the migration guide for more details.

  • Built with Xcode 14.3, Swift version 5.8.
  • New: Private beta support for offline payments.
  • Update: Minimum deployment target updated from iOS 11.0 to iOS 13.0.
  • Update: SCPPaymentIntent.stripeId is now nullable to support offline payments.
  • Update: Terminal.processPayment has been renamed to Terminal.confirmPaymentIntent.
  • Update: Terminal.processRefund has been renamed to Terminal.confirmRefund.
  • Update: ReconnectionDelegate methods now provide the instance of the Reader that is being reconnected to instead of the Terminal instance.
  • Update: Removed the SCPErrorBusy error. The SDK will now queue incoming commands if another command is already running.
  • Update: Removed SCPErrorCannotConnectToUndiscoveredReader and SCPErrorMustBeDiscoveringToConnect errors. The SDK now supports connecting to an SCPReader instance that was previously discovered without needing to restart discovery.
  • Update: Removed Terminal.readReusableCard. This functionality is replaced by SetupIntents.
  • Update: discoverReaders is now completed when connectReader is called. This is a behavior change from 2.x where discoverReaders would continue running until connect succeeded. If connect fails you can retry connecting to a previously discovered SCPReader or restart discoverReaders.
  • Update: Canceling discoverReaders now completes with an SCPErrorCanceled error. Previously no error was provided when canceled.
  • Update: DiscoveryConfiguration is now a protocol with concrete classes for each discovery method: BluetoothScanDiscoveryConfiguration, BluetoothProximityDiscoveryConfiguration, InternetDiscoveryConfiguration, and LocalMobileDiscoveryConfiguration. Each class has a Builder exposing only the configuration values that apply to that discovery method.
  • Update: Configuration and parameter classes are now immutable and need to be built with builders. Example: To create SCPPaymentIntentParameters use SCPPaymentIntentParametersBuilder which has setters for all the parameters and a build: method to create the SCPPaymentIntentParameters instance.
  • Update: Removed CardDetails.fingerprint and CardPresentDetails.fingerprint. You will still be able to access the fingerprint server-side using Stripe server-side SDKs.
  • Fixes #240: SCPDiscoveryConfiguration.timeout is now respected when using simulated Bluetooth scan.

2.23.3 2024-08-14

2.23.2 2023-09-18

  • Built with Xcode 14.3, Swift version 5.8.
  • Fixes an issue where the SDK wouldn't announce an unexpected disconnect if an internet reader receives an invalid session error. This can happen after the reader reboots while the SDK is in the background.
  • Fixes #252: SCPLocalMobileConnectionConfiguration - initWithLocationId:merchantDisplayName:onBehalfOf:tosAcceptancePermitted: now correctly sets the tosAcceptancePermitted value in the retuned configuration.

2.23.1 2023-08-08

  • Built with Xcode 14.3, Swift version 5.8.
  • Fixes a regression in 2.21.0 where the SDK could get stuck running discoverReaders if connectBluetoothReader failed and the discovery cancelable was canceled in the connect completion block.

2.23.0 2023-07-31

  • Built with Xcode 14.3, Swift version 5.8.
  • Support for CVM PIN transactions when using Tap to Pay on iPhone. See Tap to Pay on iPhone docs for specifics on supported countries and payment methods.
  • Fixes a bug where connecting to an internet reader after being connected to a Bluetooth reader could error with "ConnectionToken has already been redeemed".
  • Provides additional debugging information when an Apple Built-In reader fails to prepare. See the new SCPErrorKeyPrepareFailedReason error key.
  • Fixes a regression where SCPErrorUnexpectedSdkError would be returned when connecting to a reader without discoverReaders running. Now returns a specific error, SCPErrorMustBeDiscoveringToConnect.

2.22.0 2023-07-05

  • Built with Xcode 14.3, Swift version 5.8.
  • Tap to Pay on iPhone now returns card read results immediately by default on iOS 16.4+ to reduce transaction time.
  • Fixes #229: connectedReader and connectionStatus is now correctly set when the disconnectReader completion block is run when using the simulated Bluetooth reader.
  • Fixes #232: didReportBatteryLevel now correctly reports batteryLevel as a float between 0 and 1 as documented.

2.21.0 2023-06-05

  • Built with Xcode 14.1, Swift version 5.7.1.
  • Fixes a bug where collectPaymentMethod could have failed with "Transaction is cancelled by the user" shortly after calling collectPaymentMethod.
  • Reduces the latency of subsequent attempts to connect to an Apple Built-In reader.
  • Fixes a crash if the discoverReaders cancelable was canceled in didUpdateDiscoveredReaders after connectReader failed connecting to the reader.
  • Added a new simulated test card .visaUsCommonDebit SCPSimulatedCardType.
  • Fixes a bug where processPayment could result in an error stating "This PaymentIntent could not be updated because it has a status of succeeded" on slow networks.
  • Fixes a crash if the reader disconnects during the /confirm API request as part of processPayment.

2.20.2 2023-05-24

  • Fixes a regression in 2.20.0 where retrieveSetupIntent would fail with an API error stating "The provided key 'pss_test_*****************' does not have the required permissions for this endpoint"

2.20.1 2023-05-16

  • Fixes a latent bug where closing and reopening the app several times leads to increased CPU usage.

2.20.0 2023-05-01

  • Fixes a possible crash if a Bluetooth reader disconnects while connectBluetoothReader is running.
  • Fixes a bug where a PaymentIntent created with captureMethod set to automatic may, under poor network conditions, have a status of requires_capture, when it should have had a status of succeeded.
  • Added error SCPErrorConnectionTokenProviderTimedOut. Returned when the SCPConnectionTokenProvider does not call the provided completion block within 60 seconds.
  • Throws an error when attempting to use the simulated .eftposAuDebit card with an unsupported PaymentIntent capture method. Use this card with the capture method set to SCPCaptureMethodAutomatic or SCPCardPresentCaptureMethodManualPreferred.
  • Added SCPReaderDisplayMessageCardRemovedTooEarly sent when a card is removed too early during a contact payment.
  • Fixes a bug where the SDK would fail processPayment with SCPErrorDeclinedByStripeAPI if the WisePad 3 timed out in between collectPaymentMethod and processPayment. This will now error with SCPErrorCardReadTimedOut.
  • Fixes a bug where SCPReaderEventCardInserted could be announced multiple times for a single card insert.

2.19.1 2023-04-10

  • Fixes an issue where the SDK could get stuck in an "AlreadyConnectedToReader" state when using Tap to Pay on iPhone.

2.19.0 2023-04-03

2.18.1 2023-03-15

  • Fixes an issue where the SDK may report a failure during processPayment when using a WisePad 3 and the reader times out waiting for the /confirm response from the Stripe API. The SDK will now will report success if the PaymentIntent status moved to requires_capture or succeeded.

2.18.0 2023-03-06

  • New: Create PaymentIntent and SetupIntent via the SDK when connected to an internet reader by calling createPaymentIntent or createSetupIntent instead of using your backend.
    • Note: This feature requires version or later to be installed on your internet reader.
  • Fixed bug where the SDK may have not called reader:didReportReaderEvent:info: or reader:didRequestReaderInput: when it should have.
  • Fixed an issue where faulty readers may fail processPayment with "You passed an empty string for 'payment_method_data[card_present][emv_data]'". These readers will now fail collectPaymentMethod with error code SCPErrorMissingEMVData.

2.17.1 2023-02-07

  • Fixes an issue where the SDK may report a failure during processPayment if a reader error or disconnect is received while process is in-progress but the /confirm request was successful. The SDK will now wait for the /confirm API response and will report success if the PaymentIntent status moved to requires_capture or succeeded.

2.17.0 2023-01-30

  • Added amountTip to PaymentIntent that represents the on-reader tip amount, if any, in the Payment Intent returned after collectPaymentMethod when using updatePaymentIntent.
  • Added missing type annotations of <NSString *, NSString *> to all metadata dictionaries.
  • Added support for creating Payment Intents with a requested routing priority (SCPCardPresentRouting) set on the SCPCardPresentParameters.
  • Added CardPresentDetails.incrementalAuthorizationStatus which indicates whether incremental authorizations are supported or not after the PaymentIntent has been confirmed.
  • Added Statement descriptor suffix field added to PaymentIntentParameters, PaymentIntent, and Charge.
  • Added calculated statement descriptor field to Charge.
  • Added more supported currency symbols when collecting payments with a WisePad 3.
  • Fixes #145: Tip amounts are now accessible through the PaymentIntent.amountDetails object.
  • Fixes #119: metadata on RefundParameters is now correctly set when collecting a refund with a WisePOS E.
  • Fixes #184: SCPAppleBuiltInReaderErrorCodeNotAllowed is now returned more consistently when attempting to discover Tap to Pay on iPhone readers on apps with a missing entitlement.
  • Fixes #199: deviceSoftwareVersion on Reader could start returning fw-config-ksid instead of the reader's correct software version.

2.16.1 2022-12-20

  • Fixes an on-reader tipping issue when collecting tips using WisePad 3 readers. If a cardholder selected a tip, they presented their card contactlessly, and the transaction was soft declined due to Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), the tip amount was not included in the authorization amount.

2.16.0 2022-12-12

  • Added -no-serialize-debugging-options to Swift flags to fix lldb "couldn't IRGen expression" issue when trying to do anything in lldb.
  • Fixed an issue where the SDK could stop responding or incorrectly report CardLeftInReader if an unsupported card was inserted during the previous transaction.

2.15.0 2022-11-21

  • Added support for creating Payment Intents with SCPCardPresentCaptureMethodManualPreferred capture method set on the SCPCardPresentParameters.
  • Fixes an issue where processRefund and confirmSetupIntent were returning error SCPErrorUnexpectedSdkError instead of SCPErrorBusy or SCPErrorNotConnectedToReader for those error cases.

2.14.0 2022-10-31

  • Minimum deployment target changed from iOS 10.0 to iOS 11.0
  • Added support for Tap to Pay on iPhone.
  • Added new SCPTippingConfiguration property on SCPCollectConfiguration, which allows for per-transaction tip-eligible amounts to be set on the BBPOS WisePos E. See Stripe documentation for details.
  • Fixes Issue #176: Fixed warning from the SDK umbrella header, StripeTerminal.h, missing an import.

2.13.0 2022-10-03

  • Added new updatePaymentIntent to SCPCollectConfiguration which will attach a PaymentMethod to the server-side PaymentIntent and provide that SCPPaymentMethod on the SCPPaymentIntent returned during collectPaymentMethod. See Stripe documentation for details.
  • Added new networks to SCPCardPresentDetails. The networks property will only be present in the PaymentIntent returned during collect when using updatePaymentIntent set to true.
  • Fixed an issue where CardLeftInReader could incorrectly be returned during collectPaymentMethod if the card was inserted prior to the collect call.

2.12.0 2022-08-29

  • Bug fix: Attempting to connect to a smart reader after an unexpected disconnect no longer errors with "The Stripe Terminal ConnectionToken has already been redeemed".
  • Added support for new currency: Czech koruna ( CZK ) in the Example Terminal app.
  • Added better handling for intermittent network connectivity during payment confirmation.
  • Fixes Issue #166: Removed asserts for missing Info.plist keys if running in a test environment.
  • Bug fix: platform_api_key_expired API errors now get reported as SCPErrorSessionExpired instead of SCPErrorStripeAPIError.
  • Increased the collectPaymentMethod timeout from 5 minutes to 60 minutes.
  • WisePad 3 only: Increased account type selection timeout from 60 seconds to 90 seconds to match application selection timeout of 90 seconds.

2.11.0 2022-07-25

  • Added an automatic capture toggle to example app on the collect card payment view controller.
  • Added autoReconnectOnUnexpectedDisconnect and autoReconnectionDelegate to the SCPBluetoothConnectionConfiguration. When autoReconnectOnUnexpectedDisconnect is enabled, the SDK will attempt to restore connection upon any unexpected disconnect to a reader. See Stripe documentation for details.

2.10.0 2022-06-27

  • Added [SCPPaymentIntentParameters initWithAmount:currency:paymentMethodTypes:captureMethod:] and [SCPPaymentIntentParameters initWithAmount:currency:captureMethod:]. Allows users to opt-in to automatically capturing payments. Existing integrations are unaffected as they will continue to default to manual capture, SCPCaptureMethodManual.

2.9.1 2022-06-02

  • Fixes Issue #155: Bluetooth readers would not correctly identify the SCPErrorCardLeftInReader error if the previous transactions card was left in the reader when calling collectPaymentMethod.

2.9.0 2022-05-23

  • Added compatibility work to support our upcoming React Native SDK.

2.8.0 2022-04-25

  • Added error, SCPErrorInvalidRequiredParameter, reported when a required parameter was invalid or missing. This does not replace more specific errors like SCPErrorNilPaymentIntent and SCPErrorProcessInvalidPaymentIntent, but will be returned when other unexpected inputs were invalid, such as passing a nil or empty string as the client secret into retrievePaymentIntent:completion:.
  • Bug fix: Previously, SCPErrorUnexpectedSdkError was returned when retrying processPaymentIntent: after a previous processPaymentIntent: completed with an error. Now, this behavior should not fail.
  • Bug fix: Location requests no longer time out if Terminal is initialized on a background thread. Previously, even if the device had an accurate location a location request could time out and cause a 5 second delay during processPayment. This was reported in #143.

2.7.0 2022-03-28

  • Bug fix: In certain conditions, after connecting to a reader that had previously been connected to a different device, operations would erroneously fail with an error indicating an API key had expired.
  • Updated the Bluetooth proximity discovery method error reported when Bluetooth permission is unauthorized from generic BluetoothError to the more specific BluetoothAccessDenied.
  • Updated internal dependencies.
  • Beta: Incremental or extended authorization can be requested with CardPresentParameters and PaymentMethodOptionsParameters objects. See extended authorizations and incremental authorizations

2.6.0 2022-02-28

  • Adds support for using SimulatedCard with simulated Internet readers. Note the SimulatedCard is still not supported when performing a card-present refund with a simulated Internet reader.
  • Simulated Bluetooth Proximity discovery will now return a simulated Stripe Reader M2 device instead of a BBPOS Chipper 2X BT.
  • Addressses Issue #133: Fixes a bug where connecting to an internet reader then calling cancel() on the discovery cancelable would cause the SCPTerminal singleton to not reset state properly if that connection fails. As a result, the SCPTerminal singleton would prevent you from restarting discovery.
  • Adds CollectConfiguration object to provide an option to skip tipping during collectPaymentMethod. See Collect on-reader tips for details. Note that on-reader tips is in beta.
  • Adds CollectConfiguration as a parameter on collectPaymentMethod to suppress on-reader tipping on the BBPOS WisePOS E

2.5.0 2022-01-24

  • Adds a new error code, SCPErrorBluetoothConnectionFailedBatteryLow, that is passed into the connectBluetoothReader completion handler when connection failed due to the reader's battery being critically low.
  • Fixes Issue #124: Crash when Bluetooth reader reports low battery but BluetoothReaderDelegate was released.
  • Fixes Issue #121: SCPReader isCharging and batteryLevel weren't being updated if the SCPBluetoothReaderDelegate didReportBatteryLevel: wasn't implemented.

2.4.0 2021-11-15

  • Add 4 new simulated test cards: .onlinePinCvm, .onlinePinScaRetry, .offlinePinCvm, & .offlinePinScaRetry to SCPSimulatedCardType
  • Fixes Issue #119: Refund metadata not being set. The fix only applies to Bluetooth readers for now. Internet readers will still be missing the metadata.

2.3.0 2021-10-18

  • Update: WisePad 3 processing timeout increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds.
  • Update: Added a simulated Stripe M2 device during simulated Bluetooth scan discovery.
  • Bug fix: Fixed SCPSimulateReaderUpdateLowBattery so it more closely matches a real update and announces didStartInstallingUpdate and didFinishInstallingUpdate.
  • Issue #115: Fixed requests to cancel collectPaymentMethod with a WisePad 3 during application, PIN, or account selection now cancel immediately.
  • Issue #104: Fixed missing call to didUpdateDiscoveredReaders: with an empty array if the last Bluetooth reader was turned off or goes out of range.
  • Issue #114: Fixed possible missing calls to didReportReaderEvent: when removing a card during collectPaymentMethod.
  • Updated internal dependencies.

2.2.0 2021-09-20

  • Bug fix: Fixed a possible deadlock when calling readReusableCard and processPayment from background threads.
  • Issue #111: Replaced __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED that was causing some trouble with API_AVAILABLE(ios(10.0)).
  • Updated internal dependencies.
  • Added public convenience methods stringFromCardBrand: and stringFromPaymentIntentStatus:.

2.1.1 2021-08-30

  • Bug fix: Fixed a crash if a Bluetooth reader disconnected during processPayment.

2.1.0 2021-08-23

  • Added SCPSimulateReaderUpdateLowBattery which can be used to simulate an update that fails due to a reader's low battery level.
  • Added setupFutureUsage to SCPPaymentIntentParameters.
  • Invite only: Added support for SetupIntents with the WisePos E, Chipper 2X BT, and Stripe Reader M2 (SetupIntents was previously only supported with the WisePad 3).
  • Updated example app to show both Read Reusable Card and Create Setup Intent (beta) workflows.
  • Updated example app with more currencies in the payment flow and more countries when creating locations from the app.
  • Bug fix: Calling discoverReaders via .bluetoothScan early in application startup should now always discover nearby readers fixing a bug where the discover call may not return the nearby readers.
  • Bug fix: Calling processPayment after the WisePad 3 has timed out now correctly returns a declined error instead of UnexpectedSDKError.
  • Bug fix: When connecting to a simulated Bluetooth reader and simulating a required update, canceling the update now correctly restarts the simulated discovery process and re-discovers simulated readers.
  • Updated internal dependencies.

2.0.1 2021-07-14

  • Bug fix: When using the WisePad 3, not calling processPayment after a successful collectPaymentMethod could cause the SDK to become unresponsive. This is now fixed.
  • Bug fix: When disconnected from an Internet reader the connectionStatus is now correctly .notConnected when the disconnectReader completion block is called.

2.0.0 2021-06-23

This changelog includes a more detailed list of all the API and behavior changes since version 1.4.0 of the Stripe Terminal iOS SDK. In addition to this changelog, we've prepared a migration guide that will help you upgrade your integration and explain the differences between the two SDKs.

iOS Compatibility

The 2.0.0 Stripe Terminal iOS SDK requires iOS 10 and above.

Connecting to a Reader

connectReader is now split into two separate methods: connectBluetoothReader and connectInternetReader.


connectBluetoothReader should be used to connect to any Bluetooth reader like the BBPOS WisePad 3 and BBPOS Chipper 2X BT.

See Updating reader software: Required updates for more details.


connectInternetReader should be used to connect to Internet connected countertop readers like the Verifone P400 and the BBPOS WisePOS E. There are no changes required between connectReader and connectInternetReader for your countertop reader integration.

Bluetooth Reader Updates

The checkForUpdate method has been removed. The Stripe Terminal SDK now checks for required and optional updates during reader connection.

Required update installation is reported to the new BluetoothReaderDelegate with the didStartInstallingUpdate method. Progress will be reported to that same delegate with didReportReaderSoftwareUpdateProgress. When the installation of the required update finishes the delegate will receive the didFinishInstallingUpdate.

For more information about implementing reader updates, see Updating reader software and Testing Bluetooth reader updates.

Collecting Payments

collectPaymentMethod and readReusableCard no longer require a ReaderDisplayDelegate. Instead, the BluetoothReaderDelegate , provided during connectBluetoothReader, is used to communicate the didRequestReaderInput: and didRequestReaderDisplayMessage: methods. These methods are only needed when using a Bluetooth connected reader and do not apply when using connectInternetReader.

Bluetooth Reader Locations

Like Internet readers, Bluetooth readers must now be registered to Locations. Registering your Bluetooth readers to a location ensures that the readers install the proper regional configurations and are properly grouped on your account.

To register the reader to a location, create and use a BluetoothConnectionConfiguration object with the locationId set accordingly, and pass that object in when calling Terminal.shared.connectBluetoothReader().

When discovering readers that have already been registered to a location, those reader objects will have a valid locationId property during discovery. If it makes sense for your application, you can pass that locationId from the discovered Reader object into the BluetoothConnectionConfiguration initializer to keep that reader registered to the same location. This is the pattern we recommend when discovering and connecting to simulated Bluetooth readers, which are now automatically registered to a mock location.

When connecting to a reader, you may want to display a list of Locations in your app. To enable this, the SDK provides the Terminal.shared.listLocations(:completion:) method that takes the same parameters as the List all Locations API endpoint. You may want to adjust your connection flow to allow users to pick a location before they select a reader, should they want to switch that reader's location manually.

Other Changes

New features

  • Added support for Swift Package Manager.
  • Added support for running with iOS Simulator on Macs with M1 processors.
  • The SDK's card-present refund functionality now works with the BBPOS WisePad 3 reader.
  • Invite only: Stripe Terminal now supports creating SetupIntents to save card information outside the United States. When saving card information in the United States, please continue to use readReusableCard.

1.4.0 2020-09-03

  • Added accountType to SCPReceiptDetails.
  • Added SCPDeviceTypeWisePosE to SCPDeviceType.
  • Deprecated the SCPDiscoveryConfiguration initializers that require that you specify the device type to discover and replaced them with initializers that only require that you specify the discovery method. More specifically, if you use any of these SCPDiscoveryConfiguration initializers, you should replace them with the corresponding versions:
    • initWithDeviceType:simulated:initWithDiscoveryMethod:simulated:
    • initWithDeviceType:discoveryMethod:simulated:initWithDiscoveryMethod:simulated:
    • initWithDeviceType:discoveryMethod:locationId:simulated:initWithDiscoveryMethod:locationId:simulated:
  • Added a new interface in the example app to grant easy access to receipts

1.3.0 2020-07-28

This update adds Verifone P400 support for the following methods in StripeTerminal:

This update also introduces a cosmetic change to SCPReader.deviceSoftwareVersion. The Key Identifier number was previously displayed as the five-character string 30000 . This and future updates will display the identifier as a six-character string: 300001. The key itself has not changed.

Not every Stripe Terminal reader supports all the functionality in the SDK. If you call a function that is not supported by the currently connected reader you will receive a SCPErrorFeatureNotAvailableWithConnectedReader error.

1.2.1 2020-06-18

  • Sample app improvements:
    • Hide certain actions, like card-present refunds and reader updates, when the currently connected reader does not support them
    • Add interface to register a Verifone P400
  • Improve the resiliency of Verifone P400 connections
  • Throw an error if collectRefundPaymentMethod is called with an invalid charge ID in the RefundParameters object

1.2.0 2020-05-28

This update introduces support for Stripe Terminal in Canada using the Verifone P400 reader. To get started with Stripe Terminal in Canada, read our Canada documentation.

Stripe Terminal supports Interac Debit payments and refunds. Interac in-person payments must be refunded while the cardholder is present. The Stripe Terminal iOS SDK includes a new card-present refunds API to support in-person refunds:

  • collectRefundPaymentMethod
  • processRefund

To support the card-present refunds API, we also introduce:

  • the SCPRefundParameters object, which you pass into collectRefundPaymentMethod
  • the SCPProcessRefundError class

Other changes

  • Example app is now compiled with Swift 5.2 by default
  • Fixes issue where example app was preventing operation cancellation where it should be possible, and where example app was allowing cancellation where it shouldn't be possible.
  • Fixes example app UI bugs
  • Fixes bug where the SDK doesn't cancel outstanding cancelables when a reader disconnects
  • Updates internal dependencies

1.1.1 2020-04-07

This update introduces support for the new cardholderName field in SCPCardPresentDetails.h, which is currently in beta.

1.1.0 2020-03-24

This update introduces support for connecting to and making payments with the Verifone P400 countertop reader.

iOS connectivity to the Verifone P400 reader is currently in public beta. Not all capabilities of the iOS SDK are available when connected to the Verifone P400, and some features available in the JavaScript SDK are not yet available in the iOS SDK. Future versions of the Stripe Terminal iOS SDK will add these additional Verifone P400 capabilities. Make sure to watch our Github Releases page (RSS link) to get notified about these new updates.

The following iOS methods are not available when connected to a Verifone P400:

The following JavaScript SDK methods, which offer additional Verifone P400 functionality, are not available in the iOS SDK:

Migrating your iOS integration to support the Verifone P400

  • The verifoneP400 is a new SCPDeviceType enum value. To discover Verifone P400 devices you’ve registered to your Stripe account, you’ll need to specify both the verifoneP400 device type and the internet discovery method in your DiscoveryConfiguration.
  • We recommend using locations when working with the Verifone P400. Locations filter the readers registered to your account. When registering a reader, you can associate the reader with a specific location. DiscoveryConfiguration has a new locationId parameter, which can be used to filter readers by location ID.
  • The SDK’s Reader object now contains additional properties that match those on the Reader API object. Many of these new properties only apply to the Verifone P400 reader:
    • ipAddress: The IP address of the reader, used for establishing a connection on the local network.
    • locationId: The Location ID associated with the reader.
    • status: The network connectivity status of the reader, i.e. offline or online. Check that the reader’s status is online before attempting to connect.
    • label: A custom label that can be optionally be associated with the reader.
    • stripeID: A unique identifier for the reader.
  • discoverReaders returns all registered readers, including those that are offline. We recommend that you display offline readers in your app’s UX for discovering readers so your users know which readers are already registered.
  • We have added a new ConnectionConfiguration class (similar to DiscoveryConfiguration), which supports the failIfInUse option when connecting to the Verifone P400.
  • The TerminalDelegate.didReportUnexpectedReaderDisconnect method will be called when the SDK notices it has been disconnected from the Verifone P400 (for example, if the reader loses its connection or power for over a minute). You can test this in your app by turning off the reader. Refer to handling disconnects for more information.
  • Since the Verifone P400 has a built-in display, your application doesn’t need to display events from the payment method collection process to users. You can pass delegate: nil to collectPaymentMethod because the ReaderDisplayDelegate methods will not be called.
  • We introduced three new errors specific to connections with the Verifone P400:
    • SCPErrorUnknownReaderIpAddress: Returned when connecting to a reader that does not have an IP address on the Reader object.
    • SCPErrorInternetConnectTimeOut: connectReader completes with this error when connecting to an internet-enabled reader times out (for example, when connecting to a reader that is offline).
    • SCPErrorConnectFailedReaderIsInUse: Returned when the chosen reader is currently collecting a payment and failIfInUse is set to true. See the Connecting to the Verifone P400 section for more details.

Other Changes

  • Updated internal dependencies

1.0.3 2019-11-21

  • Fixed an unexpected discovery failure when using the bluetoothScan discovery method
  • Updated the example app for better iOS 13 support

1.0.2 2019-09-26

  • Updated CoreLocation usage to make processPayment and readReusableCard more likely to succeed.
  • Removed the need to include NSMicrophoneUsageDescription in your app's Info.plist file.

1.0.1 2019-09-09

  • Removed entries in SCPDeprecations.h from pre v1.0 beta releases. If you still need to update your app from a beta release, we recommend updating using v1.0.0 first, and then updating to the latest.
  • Fixed paymentMethodDetails.cardPresent.brand to return the correct values for .amex and .dinersClub. In v1.0.0, these brands were incorrectly being returned as .unknown.

1.0.0 2019-06-07