Introduction to Data Visualisation and Analysis with PowerBI
Video Playlist
Presentation to accompany the training videos
- Start PowerBI Desktop
- Visualisation & Fields Panes
- Toolbar
- Help and Support Links
- Preview Features
- Links to web pages to get the sample data
- Get Data
- From Start of Home Toolbar
- Lots of data source types supported.
- Open Csv/text
- Sample Data provided change delimiter
- Load or Edit
- Query Editor allows you to change the data after it's loaded
- Close and Apply
- Drag and drop fields to background to add a couple of quick visuals
- Visuals try to guess what the best type is for the data e.g map for countries
- Cross highlighting
- Save the Document
- We can search for fields
- Fields have indicators for different types e.g. Date, Summary, Measure, Calculated Column, Geolocation
- Change visuals
- Click and then select a different visualisation
- Edit Query
- Opens Query Editor Window
- Name our Query( or File we loaded)
- CSV type uses headers from the file
- Rename Columns
- F2 or Right mouse rename
- Bar under name gives simple profile data
- Column Dropdown to see list and filter
- Lots of toolbar or menu option to help you manipulate you data
Extract Month into a new Column
Formula bar
Column from example
- Select columns
- Enter the Answer in the new Column
- PowerBI tries to create the code to get you this for all other rows
- Change name
Change types
- Try to keep types correct as it can give you problems
- if a field is not a date or number and you want to to behave like one
- Powerbi loads the data and then apply all the changes we make
- If we change the source then it will reapply the steps we added
Date field shows with data icon and automatically adds a hierarchy
Add date based line/bar
visuals understand the hierarchy
- Icons/Right Mouse for drill in/out, expand or go up/down a level
- Data cross filters
- We can edit the levels on the visual e.g. remove Quarter
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- Move/resize the current visuals
- Copy (Ctrl C) and Paste (Ctrl V)
- Edit the fields used by the visual
- Drag fields onto the visual or the visualisation field lists
- Dragging to background creates a new visual
- We can also have tables
- Hover over shows tool tips
- Manually create a hierarchy on some visuals by dragging a column to the axes
- Format pane of the visual has lots of options
- Visuals also have ... which can control items like sort order
- We can add slices to filter that data
- Treeview help show the size
- Ribbon shows the change by types over time
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- We can resize them using the general to get the same size and use the align options to make the tidy
- Change values to use % calcs and show the data labels
- Add tooltips to visuals
- You can add visuals from the toolbar as well and can overlay one on top of another e.g. Card with a KPI behind a Donut
- Everything still cross highlights
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- We can quickly change the colour scheme using themes either built in or we can create our own
- DAX is the name of the language used to create calculations in PowerBI
- Measures are calculations on our data and can be added from the right menu over the fields or toolbar
- The calcuklate is show in the forumlar bar.
- We can add a calcuation similar to exce like Sum
- Then use in our visuals
- Note: Measures work over the data set unless filtered, but are the same calculation for 1 or a million rows
- Lots of functions just like Excel
- Functions with X at the end calculate on a row by row basis
- They appear in our field list with a different icon
- We can show data behind the visuals if we want to check (or use a table visual)
- There is also an option to make the visuals full screen in the corner if you hover
- DAX can be simple or complex and have multiple lines = In order to get a rank we need to Provide a list of things to rank e.g. Country and a value to rank. We have to use a calculate function get the sum
- Calculate can do very advanced things but here it just provides the total for each country
- We can add multiple pages to our document
- Adding data to a table lets use check the calculation is working correctly
- The Measure works on the data given so if want to see it by year it will calculate the rank on each year
- Visuals can have too much data so we can filter to the Top values
- We can also bin or group data to make it easier to work with on our visuals
- Right Mouse on field and select new group
- A new field and icon is created for the group/bin
- We can then use this on an axis
- We can edit the options to make it suit our needs.
- PowerBI does this by creating a DAX in the background for us.
- We can also make use of DAX Quick Measures which are prebuilt calculatutions
- Pick the fields you want and it will create the DAX
- You can then edit it or just learn how to write more advanced DAX
- Here we can create a calculation that shows the spending differemce from a yearly visit purpose from those spend by visiting friends or Relatives
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- PowerBI provides parameters which are very useful for configuration such as the location of your files
- We can then use a parameter in our queries
- Excel or file data can provide us with challenges if it has headers of different structures on different rows.
- Use Get Data or New Source
- We can pick a Sheet from the excel
- Rename the Query
- Make use of our parameter
- Clean up the data removing unwanted rows and getting headers from the top row
- Rename columns
- The Years are missing on some rows so we can use the Fill Down transformation to fix this
- We also have blank rows so filter them out using the Month columns
- Select and remove unwanted columns
- There are some extra characters in the Month that will cause problems so we can use replace to get rid of them
- Use add column by example to create a date field
- Set types manually or use detect data types, but be careful if there is text and numbers of a column as it doesn't look at all the rows.
- You can reorder columns to make it easier to work with
- Close and Apply
- We now have a new Query/Table in our field list
- The grid (Data) view shows the rows
- The third view is relationships and can show how our data is linked
- Again we can use the dates and fields to create a visual
- However the data has a column for each value type this can harder to work with. E.g if we had months columns on or spreadsheet we cannot filter them as they are separate fields
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- We start by duplicating our query.
- This is also useful if you want to try something as there is no undo in the query editor
- If we want to use the results of the first query we could also use reference
- To turn the columns into rows we select the columns we dont want to pivot and then use Unpivot other Rows
- We now have a row for each type of value
- We can then create the same graph with an Area Legend and filter different areas as required
- This will also cross hightlight/filter
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- Use Get Data and paste the web site
- We have 2 options use tables if the web site has provided them or using web by example. Web by example tries to fid the data you want from a web site given columns and values you provide
- If possbile use tables as the data is often more reliable
- Again clean up the data by remoiving unwanted rows renaming fields and setting data types
- Apply and we have a 3rd query/table
- However the dates dont match the other data. How can we fix this?
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In the final video we create a date table and join our different data sets together so they can be filtered
- First filter the exchange rates as we don't have an data as our other data is not as old
- Ensure you filter your data as much as possible before loading into PowerBI whilst it can handle very large data sets it will be slower
- If we use a date slicer it only works on a single data set
- As each data set has different grains(the level of detail) we cannot just join the dates. They have more than 1 row per date So to let use connect them we can create special table that just has a list of dates
- I'm going to use DAX for this, but it can be done in many ways Add new Table in Modelling and use the Calendar function
- This creates a row for each date between the ranges I provided
- I can then join the Date to the other tables on the relationship view
- Change the slicer to use this date table and we can now filter the different date together
- We can use similar techniques to join data and build models
- Dax can also be used to calculate measure across data that is joined like this
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I've added some more data including UK weather with some more examples of visuals and a more complex models