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IBKR: Interactive Brokers

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A modern, TypeScript-based Node.js client for Interactive Brokers (IBKR) that provides a simplified interface to the IBKR API. This package is a wrapper around @stoqey/ib, which implements the official IBKR API. It offers a more developer-friendly way to interact with Interactive Brokers' trading platform, abstracting away the complexity of the underlying API.

Key Features

βœ… Accounts
βœ… Portfolios
βœ… Orders
βœ… Historical Data
βœ… Realtime price updates
βœ… Contracts (stocks/forex/options/index .e.t.c)
⬜️ Mosaic Market scanner
⬜️ News

1. Install

npm i @stoqey/ibkr

2. Usage

Create a .env in the root dir of your project, set IBKR_HOST and IBKR_PORT, IBKR_CLIENT_ID(Optional, it'll use 0 by default), and DEBUG for logs, like this



import ibkr from '@stoqey/ibkr';

await ibkr();

// your code

Accounts Summary e.t.c

import { AccountSummary } from  "@stoqey/ibkr";

const accountInstance = AccountSummary.Instance;

// account summaries is automatically updated for you
const accountSummaries = accountInstance.accountSummary;

const accountId = accountSummaries.accountId;

const totalCashValue = accountSummaries.TotalCashValue.value;


import { Portfolios } from  "@stoqey/ibkr";
// Get current portfolios
const portfolios = Portfolios.Instance;

// positions is automatically updated for you
const accountPortfolios = portfolios.positions;

Historical Data + Realtime price updates

  • Market data
import { MarketDataManager } from '@stoqey/ibkr';

// 1. Get market data manager
const mkdManager = MarketDataManager.Instance;

// 2. Get market data async promise
const data = await mkdManager.getHistoricalData(contract, endDateTime, durationStr, barSizeSetting, whatToShow,useRTH );
  • Real-time price updates
import { MarketDataManager, IBKREvents, IBKREVENTS } from '@stoqey/ibkr';

// 1. Get IBKR events
const ibkrEvents = IBKREvents.Instance;

// 2. Get market data manager
const mkdManager = MarketDataManager.Instance;

// 3. Request historical data updates
await mkdManager.getHistoricalDataUpdates(contract,barSizeSetting, whatToShow);

// 3. Subscribe for historical data updates
ibkrEvents.on(IBKREVENTS.IBKR_BAR, (bar: MarketData) => {
     // use the historical data updates here

// 4. get the cached marketdata
const cachedData = await mkdManager.historicalData(contract, start, end)
// Unsubscribe from historical data updates


import { MarketDataManager } from '@stoqey/ibkr';

// 1. Get market data manager
const mkdManager = MarketDataManager.Instance;

const contract = {
  symbol: "PLTR",
  secType: "STK"

const contractDetails = await mkdManager.getContract(contract);

//  or e.g options
const contractDetails = await mkdManager.getContract({
    currency: 'USD',
    exchange: 'SMART',
    multiplier: 100,
    right: 'C',
    secType: 'OPT',
    strike: 300,
    symbol: 'AAPL'

// e.g forex
const contractDetails = await mkdManager.getContract({


import { Orders, OrderStock, IBKREvents, IBKREVENTS } from '@stoqey/ibkr';

// 1. Get IBKR events
const ibkrEvents = IBKREvents.Instance;

// 2. Get orders manager
const ordersManager = Orders.Instance;

// 3. Place order
const contract = await mkdManager.getContract({...})
const myOrder = {...}
const placedOrder = await ordersManager.placeOrder(contract, myOrder);

// 4. Modify order
const modifyOrder = await ordersManager.placeOrder(id, contract, myOrder);

// get orders, this is automatically updated
const orders = ordersManager.orders;

// get filled orders(trades), this is automatically updated
const trades = ordersManager.trades;

// subscribe for trades, when orders are filled in real time
ibkrEvents.on(IBKREVENTS.IBKR_SAVE_TRADE, (bar: Trade) => {
     // use trade here

// other methods e.t.c....
await ordersManager.cancelOrder(orderId)

await ordersManager.cancelAllOrders()        

see any .test.ts file for examples

3. Debug

We use debug library for logging. Run with DEBUG=ibkr:* to see all logs, or DEBUG=ibkr:info for less verbose logs.


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