The software downloads Tatort episodes from the mediathek. The tool is aimed for people that want to create a local collection of all episodes.
TRipper comes with two data-wrappers:
Mediathekview - to retrieve the available episodes and their download urls
Wikipedia - to retrieve the metadata
Future releases will therefore also come with a scheduler such that the tool can run peridodicly.
The implementation heavily relies on ffmpeg and youtube-dl (as a python dependency)
Special thanks to the folkes at mediathekview for providing an easy to use api.
apt install ffmpeg # (or similar commands)
pip install git+
to install current development version (or any other branch)
pip install git+
Adapt the config.yaml
to your liking and run the program:
Description=Downloading Tatort collection
User=<user> # if this line is omited the service will be run as root
WorkingDirectory=<path where your collection resides>
ExecStart=/home/<user>/.local/bin/tripper # or whatever "which tripper" returns
Description=Downloading Tatort collection
OnCalendar=Sun *-*-* 20:15:00
Execute the following lines as root
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now tripper.timer
# verify using:
systemctl list-timers | grep "tripper\|UNIT"
Run tripper service
sudo systemctl start --no-block tripper
Inspect complete service logs
journalctl -b -u tripper
- Add docker image