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Limiting hierarchy exposure of a BoundBox

stephanenicolas edited this page Sep 12, 2013 · 2 revisions

When using BoundBox on a class that has several super classes, the BoundBox can become cluttered with too many fields accessors and methods. To prevent this, you can use an optional parameter with the @BoundBox annotation.

Let's say we have 3 classes A & B & C like :

public class A {
 private int foo = 2;

public class B extends A {
 private int bar = 2;

public class C extends B {

If you specify maxSuperClass = B.class, then the class BoundBoxOfC will not contain any thing related to any super class of B. The hierarchy of Cis not explored above B (included).

public class CTest {
 @BoundBox( boundClass = C.class, maxSuperClass = B.class )
 private BoundBoxOfC boundBoxOfC;
 public void setUp() {
   boundBoxOfC = new BoundBoxOfC( new C() );
 public void testFieldInB() {
   assertEquals( 2, boundBoxOfC.getBar());

 //there is no method boundBoxOfC.getFoo() 