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Puppet module: openssh

This is a Puppet module for openssh. It manages its installation, configuration and service.

The module is based on stdmod naming standars. Refer to

Released under the terms of Apache 2 License.

USAGE - Basic management

  • Install openssh with default settings (package installed, service started, default configuration files)

      class { 'openssh': }
  • Remove openssh package and purge all the managed files

      class { 'openssh':
        ensure => absent,
  • Install a specific version of openssh package

      class { 'openssh':
        version => '1.0.1',
  • Install the latest version of openssh package

      class { 'openssh':
        version => 'latest',
  • Enable openssh service. This is default.

      class { 'openssh':
        service_ensure => 'running',
  • Enable openssh service at boot. This is default.

      class { 'openssh':
        service_status => 'enabled',
  • Do not automatically restart services when configuration files change (Default: Class['openssh::config']).

      class { 'openssh':
        service_subscribe => false,
  • Enable auditing (on all the arguments) without making changes on existing openssh configuration files

      class { 'openssh':
        audit => 'all',
  • Module dry-run: Do not make any change on all the resources provided by the module

      class { 'openssh':
        noop => true,

USAGE - Overrides and Customizations

  • Use custom source for main configuration file

      class { 'openssh':
        file_source => [ "puppet:///modules/example42/openssh/openssh.conf-${hostname}" ,
                         "puppet:///modules/example42/openssh/openssh.conf" ], 
  • Use custom source directory for the whole configuration dir.

      class { 'openssh':
        dir_source  => 'puppet:///modules/example42/openssh/conf/',
  • Use custom source directory for the whole configuration dir purging all the local files that are not on the dir. Note: This option can be used to be sure that the content of a directory is exactly the same you expect, but it is desctructive and may remove files.

      class { 'openssh':
        dir_source => 'puppet:///modules/example42/openssh/conf/',
        dir_purge  => true, # Default: false.
  • Use custom source directory for the whole configuration dir and define recursing policy.

      class { 'openssh':
        dir_source    => 'puppet:///modules/example42/openssh/conf/',
        dir_recursion => false, # Default: true.
  • Use custom template for main config file. Note that template and source arguments are alternative.

      class { 'openssh':
        file_template => 'example42/openssh/openssh.conf.erb',
  • Use a custom template and provide an hash of custom configurations that you can use inside the template

      class { 'openssh':
        filetemplate       => 'example42/openssh/openssh.conf.erb',
        file_options_hash  => {
          opt  => 'value',
          opt2 => 'value2',
  • Specify the name of a custom class to include that provides the dependencies required by the module

      class { 'openssh':
        dependency_class => 'site::openssh_dependency',
  • Automatically include a custom class with extra resources related to openssh. Here is loaded $modulepath/example42/manifests/my_openssh.pp. Note: Use a subclass name different than openssh to avoid order loading issues.

      class { 'openssh':
       my_class => 'site::openssh_my',


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Puppet module for OpenSSH based on stdmod naming standards







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