These notes have been collected over time during my work as a software engineer.
Most of these notes are my own, though occasionally I quote from great books and other resources. Notes with quotations always include references to their sources.
These notes should not be seen as strict instructions that must be followed, but rather as soft guidelines or recommendations. They are most effective when considered altogether. Taken in isolation, some may even contradict one another. Trying to follow these notes too rigidly can diminish their value or even lead to negative outcomes. There may also be some overlap between the notes, so it's important not to take them too literally.
This is currently just a draft which is far from complete and organized arbitrarily. Please don't expect it to be polished.
- Day-to-Day Work of a Software Engineer
- Leave Work Better: Improving Today for a Simpler Tomorrow
- Fast Feedback
- Start Simple
- Habitability
- Avoid Work That Can Be Avoided
- Choose Where to Innovate (Carefully)
- Automate everything
- Quick exploration
- Task Sequencing: Group Related Activities for Efficiency
- Strive for Clarity
- Everything Explicit. No Magic.
- Close the loops
- Learn from Lessons
- Use Diagrams
- Complexity and Cognitive Load
- Design
- Poor Abstraction
- Cost of Abstraction
- Hard Feature
- True Name
- One Pattern per Class
- Archetype
- Prima Materia
- "Magic" is automation that is not adequate
- Poisonous Systems
- Bad Design in House
- Trade-off of Encapsulation
- Unnecessary Flexibility
- Black Box with a Green Play Button
- Single Source Concept and Its Exceptions
- Resilience to Change vs Fixed Perfect Solutions
- Two Almost Identical Entities
- Control
- Feedback
- Separation / partitioning
- Grouping
- Observability vs Correctness
- Don't Use RAII on a Business Logic Level
- Coding, code reviews, and maintenance programming
- Code that Works
- Code Is Not Your Partner
- Two Strategies for Replacing a Feature
- Smallest Scope
- Code Style as a Blocker
- Simplifying Complex Feature Branches
- The Moving and Changing Anti-pattern
- Avoid Plural Names For Classes
- Fast Programming and Slow Programming
- Stable Components
- Boring Code
- Boring Code 2
- Lack of Knowledge
- Lack of Knowledge II
- Goodwill vs Pain
- Biases
- Reliability
- Testing
- Distribution
- Documentation
- Meetings
- Communication and Teamwork
- Systems
- People and Organizations
- Standards
- Requirements
- Safety
- Books
- Similar resources
- Copyright
Always leave the work artifacts – whether code, documentation, diagrams, models, or others – in a better state than they were before, giving future you or someone else the opportunity to improve them even further.
Getting feedback fast is essential for an engineer. The two great ways of getting feedback fast are test-driven development and debugging techniques. When you come to a new project, first of all learn how to run existing and write new tests and also learn how can you debug things the fastest way (can be a real debugger, or just "console.log()").
Start with something simple, then extend it further. Most often a complex problem is a composition of simpler problems. If you are facing a problem and you are afraid of the complexity it exerts, try to make a smallest possible step towards the solution and see what you can do from there. Simple can also mean quick and dirty but that's ok as that's only a start. Once you have something simple working you have a ground to move on further. Most likely this means you have an archetype of a future thing, real and complex system.
See also Kent Beck's Test-Driven Development book where this approach of doing simple things is explained at great depth.
Habitable software is better than perfect software.
Richard Gabriel - Patterns of Software, Habitability and Piecemeal Growth.
Habitability is the characteristic of source code that enables programmers, coders, bug-fixers, and people coming to the code later in its life to understand its construction and intentions and to change it comfortably and confidently. Either there is more to habitability than clarity or the two characteristics are different...
...Habitability makes a place livable, like home. And this is what we want in software – that developers feel at home, can place their hands on any item without having to think deeply about where it is. It's something like clarity, but clarity is too hard to come by.
Before starting or planning any work, always ask: Is this work truly necessary?
Sometimes, tasks are initiated based on uninformed decisions, leading to work that ultimately provides little value or fails to achieve the desired outcomes.
"Busy work" refers to inefficient tasks that consume time and resources while contributing little to the project's success. It can compromise schedules, reduce technical consistency, lower team morale, and create the illusion of progress. The ability to recognize and eliminate busy work is one of the skills that distinguishes a senior engineer from a junior one.
Engineering is sometimes cheating. Instead of implementing something sophisticated, a smarter workaround can achieve the same result with far less effort. For example, rather than building a solution from scratch, reuse existing work – whether by leveraging open-source software or buying an off-the-shelf system.
In software development, there's a well-known saying: "The best code is the code that is never written".
Innovate where your business's focus lies and stay conservative with other areas by using established technologies.
For example, a company focused on rocket software should likely avoid building its own web framework or NoSQL database. Exceptions exist, but they are rare, especially when a company diversifies into a highly successful product unrelated to its core business. Innovating in too many areas can compromise the core product and cause missed deadlines.
For a great explanation, refer to this [Boring Technology presentation] (
Seek opportunities to automate processes or tasks. Automation eliminates busy work, freeing time for more valuable activities. It reduces human error, increases efficiency, and helps to maintain consistency. The best workflows are automated ones.
The solution you're looking for might be just two clicks and a couple of Google searches away.
When reading large documents, it can be helpful to "fly over" them to quickly locate the most relevant section rather than reading from A to Z.
When exploring with code, a combination of quick-and-dirty scripts can sometimes create miracles, giving immediate and valuable insights. Instead of discarding an idea because it's complex and time-consuming, try implementing a very basic version first—it might provide useful insights or even a functional solution right away.
When sequencing tasks (especially repetitive ones), group related tasks together and separate them from others.
One useful pattern is the 'Inbox' approach, where input is first collected and then executed upon. For example, when writing a technical document, split the task of gathering the document content (the 'Inbox' with bullet points) from the task of formulating and spelling out each individual content item.
Strive for clarity in everything you do. Put in the effort to make the products of your work, or the aspects of the system you're working on, as clear as possible. Simplify complexity – either by reducing the complexity itself through development or, if that's not feasible, by explaining the details as clearly as possible.
Avoid owning too many non-obvious details about your work that only you understand. Do not hold onto esoteric knowledge – de-esoterize it. Document it for everyone to access.
Encyclopedism or esotericism is an anti-pattern because it obscures common knowledge about the system for others.
- Document everything, especially the most complex topics.
- Use plain English and diagrams to explain complex topics to your colleagues. Test your content with them to ensure it is accessible. If it's still unclear, ask for their feedback to improve it.
Whenever you face a choice between explicit and magic, always choose explicit.
"Magic" is a term software engineers use for anything that is non-obvious, hidden, overly complex, or no longer suited to the system's current state.
Making things explicit requires a constant effort to ensure clarity, so that others can understand your work without extra effort. A good test for explicitness is whether understanding is immediate, with no mental effort or blockers when going through the material.
A "loop" refers to any situation where one action is followed by another that resolves the first action in some way. Often, these loops are explicitly called "feedback loops" because they are closed with feedback that resolves an outstanding action or state, such as marking it Done, OK, ACK, or something similar.
Loops can exist in both developed systems and producing organizations.
Examples of loops:
- Answering an email from an existing email thread closes the loop created by that thread.
- Closing a Pull Request finalizes its status, either as Done or Won't do.
- Closing a work item ticket to Done.
A task manager is an excellent tool for tracking work items that need to be completed and closed. For tracking non-trivial project development topics and trade-offs, a useful practice is to maintain an "Open Questions Log" – a table where each unresolved or unclosed item is tracked by its current status until it is resolved.
Sometimes a loop may never be closed, or it may be closed with a significant delay. Both scenarios can lead to potential problems or even hazards, depending on the type of system being developed.
Note that 'Won't-do' is also a valid way to close the loop. For example, closing a Jira ticket with "Won't do" or "Won't fix" positively acknowledges that this work will no longer linger in someone's backlog.
Not closing loops is often bad practice. Some examples include:
- Not answering an email can cause project delays or result in the implementation of a broken or inconsistent system, leading to incidents or accidents in the future.
- A missed or forgotten chat message may mean important information is never delivered to a critical person.
- A manager neglecting to follow up on an important topic raised by employees, leaving it unresolved in an inbox without due attention.
Do something, then learn from experience. Don't forget – take deliberate time to reflect. The industry has developed several best practices for capturing lessons learned:
- Standards: Organizational and industry knowledge is captured in standards, handbooks, guidelines, and best practices.
- Post-mortems: When something goes wrong, those involved produce a structured report about the event. Larger companies maintain databases of critical incidents that employees can study to educate themselves.
- Debriefs: After a meeting, the group discusses what went well or wrong.
- Lessons learned documentation and meetings: After completing an important activity, such as a project or milestone, the team takes time to reflect on what went well or wrong, learn from it, and document the findings.
Learning doesn't have to be only organizational – it can also be personal.
- If a project was successful, what made it so? If a project failed, what were the key contributing factors? How can it be improved next time?
- Learning how to estimate software work better – what if a task was estimated to take X weeks but actually took 3X? Wouldn't it be valuable to improve estimation skills?
- If one colleague is significantly more effective than another, what makes them so? What tools, techniques, or habits contribute to their efficiency? Can something be learned from them?
- Observing bugs missed during code reviews – what types of bugs tend to escape static analysis or peer review? What patterns can be identified to prevent them in the future?
Use diagrams as part of your daily work. A diagram can often explain far more than several paragraphs of text.
Use diagrams for:
- Prototyping and documenting software
- Pair programming
- Hardware-software integration testing
- Meetings (including external meetings)
- Onboarding colleagues
- Everything else where a good visualization helps
There are standards and conventions for creating diagrams, such as UML, but in practice, even very basic diagrams can be incredibly useful. Use simple shapes like rectangles and arrows, avoid excessive colors or different shapes, and express your concepts with the fewest visual elements possible. Creating diagrams that are too visually complex hinders understanding and reduces their effectiveness.
"Complexity can be defined as intellectual unmanageability" (Nancy Leveson, Engineering a Safer World, p.4) (and Cognitive Overload)
"Engineers are great at solving problems but they are not always great at identifying the right problems to be solved" (Dr. John Thomas, ESWC 2019).
Even the best solution to a problem is valid only within a given context. A slight change in the context can invalidate the solution, requiring one to start from scratch. This understanding highlights that no solution is universally perfect. Instead, solutions address specific problems or contexts in an "optimal enough" way. It also encourages detachment from ego-driven perfection, allowing solutions to evolve as the environment changes.
- A clean architecture or pattern may shift to a completely different, sometimes opposite, solution due to changing requirements or system environments.
- A "perfect" solution might be discarded because a new team or team leader dislikes technology X and prefers technology Y, or simply because it aligns with emerging industry trends.
- Perfectly clean code may be rewritten and become more obfuscated due to necessary performance optimizations.
- Highly efficient code might be rewritten to sacrifice performance in favor of better maintainability and readability, especially for a larger team.
A piece of information is only as clear as its most ambiguous piece. This is a generalisation from the following fragment from "Patterns for Writing Effective Use Cases" by Steve Adolph et al., Chapter 6.6:
Like the old proverb, "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link", a use case is only as clear as its most ambiguous step.
The right coordinate system can turn an impossible problem into two really hard ones.
The Early History Of Smalltalk
Watching a famous guy much smarter than I struggle for more than 30 minutes to not quite solve the problem his way (there was a bug) made quite an impression. It brought home to me once again that "point of view is worth 80 IQ points." I wasn't smarter but I had a much better internal thinking tool to amplify my abilities. This incident and others like it made paramount that any tool for children should have great thinking patterns and deep beauty "built-in."
If your reasoning is hindered by cognitive overload while trying to solve a problem, and there's no clear first step toward a solution, take a step back and start working with the Periphery. By cleaning up the periphery, you'll often find that the core problem becomes clearer and more approachable.
A good example is legacy code: issues in the periphery, such as poor variable names, incorrect class responsibilities (even those distant from your immediate problem), or a disorganized folder structure, may seem irrelevant to the core issue. However, they still contribute to the cognitive overload. Fixing them will help clear the path for your actual work.
Another word for Periphery is Background, see also Deconcentation of Attention.
Engineers create rational artifacts that may appear simple and mundane. However, the process behind their creation often involves deep reflection and can stem from the unconscious mind.
If you have to work with something that involves a big number of entities, like do something on 10000 files or work with megabytes of data, start with reducing this quantity to a minimum possible number of entities so that still makes sense for a prototype of your final work: make it work with 1 file instead of 10000 or with 20 bytes instead of 20 gigabytes.
Many does exist but it is difficult to cognize with a human mind. Many needs an
Umbrella, that turns it into One in the way we think about it. Many can be
homogenous like Array of objects of the same type or heterogeneous, for example
a bunch of instructions in the code or multiple functions in a test class or a
set of User Profile fields of various types: name (string), age (int), settings
(object). Collections are easier because they hide Many from us behind a
well-defined interface: containsObject
, getAtIndex
, enumerateWithIndex
which saves us from dealing with Many directly. Heterogeneous Many is harder:
you have to cognize and organize it yourself: group instructions into meaningful
functions, group fields into meaningful containers like structs or database
One programming construct that fails to constrain Many is tuple: you start doing
things like let person = ("John", 32)
and let (name, age) = person
or things
like person.1
but then you quickly find yourself in a mess when the number
grows to a real Many (quick lesson: don't use tuples, use structs!). If you have
Many, find a way to think and work with it like One.
Most of the people start saying "so many", "infinite" when there is actually 3 or 4, rarely more, things on the table. Variation is 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b which is still within limit of 3 or 4. This looks like ancient calculator: when 0, 1, 2 and then 'many'. Algebra looks fairly simple: 0 + 1 = 1, 1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 1 = many, 2 + 2 = many, etc. Consequence: people are quite susceptible to small numbers. Say something like "this consists of 3 steps" and people will get it. Don't say "seven". See also Humans are not designed for Big Numbers.
Don't start to abstract or DRY from just two things. Wait until you have at least 3 of them. See also Duplication is better than poor abstraction.
Masking/shadowing of all kinds is dangerous and should be avoided or treated with a great care.
- errors introduced to the systems when overlapping requirements are implemented over time
- masking in MC/DC
- shadowing of variable declarations
- typographically ambiguous symbols with overlapping visibility like
(see MISRA guidelines) - code reviews: real bugs can hide behind less important but more noticeable issues like typos or coding style details
- bugs often hide themselves behind complexity
See also Overlapping Control.
Duplication is better than poor abstraction (Sandi Metz, Rails Club 2014, Moscow).
"...ill-fitting structure is worse than none..." (Eric Evans - Domain-Driven Design, p.446)
A good example from
In lld v2, we decided not to use an intermediate representation. Instead, we directly handle platform-dependent native file formats. lld v2 consists of virtually three different linkers for Windows, macOS and Unix. They share the same design but do not share code. Naturally, we sometimes had to write very similar code for each target. This may seem like an amateur-level programming mistake, but in reality, it's much easier to write straightforward code for each target than writing unified one that covers all the details and corner cases of all supported targets simultaneously.
Software engineering often involves creating abstractions. A solution to a problem can include more or fewer abstractions, but each introduced abstraction comes with a cost. This cost manifests as the cognitive burden placed on those who need to understand, maintain, and document it – not just in code, but also in models, documentation, and even organizational structures.
Cognitively, an abstraction can be thought of as a mental gadget that one must "install" in order to work with it. Imagine an empty room that needs to be furnished according to a specific use case. If the chosen abstractions fit well within the team's mental model, the space remains functional – like a well-furnished room where people can move freely and use it as intended. However, if abstractions are difficult to grasp or combine in contradictory ways, the mental space becomes cluttered, leaving little room to maneuver. This is similar to a room overloaded with furniture, making it difficult to navigate or even understand its intended purpose.
For example, if a team introduces a new abstraction X, it incurs the following costs:
- Every developer must understand and adopt X to work effectively within the system.
- The system must be structured around X in a way that ensures maintainability over time.
- Long-term maintenance will require keeping the code, file structure, and models aligned with X, often introducing additional overhead.
Introducing too many incompatible abstractions – or a few abstractions that consume too much of the decision space – can quickly lead to over-engineering. Those responsible for maintaining such systems often find themselves disentangling unnecessary complexity, seeking a new balance that restores manageability by replacing or introducing more adequate abstractions.
If a feature is hard to implement it might indicate that it is something wrong with the feature (or product).
If you know True Name of something you have power over it. Good class name - this is what True Name is in OOP.
"A well-chosen word can save an enormous amount of thought", (said by Mach according to S.R.Cajal, Santiago Ramón y Cajal, "Advice for a young investigator")
See also Mass and Gravity.
A class violates Single Responsibility Principle if it contains implementation of more than one design pattern. Of course there are exceptions.
Archetype is an umbrella concept for other concepts like: prototype
proof of concept
, minimal viable product
. Archetype means something simple
and coherent. If you know the archetype of something you understand the essence
of it. A complex system can be traced back to a one or a number of underlying
Interesting side note: as far as I see it, the tendency is that engineers as they grow their software bigger, do not care much about the underlying archetypes. Imagine how easy it would be to learn about the software if it would contain itself in its earliest forms of being (source code, documentation, drafts etc). Great example: Rust programming language had to start from somewhere.
"View the problem in its simplest forms ... An excellent method for determining the meaning of something is to find out how it comes to be what it is." (Santiago Ramón y Cajal, "Advice for a young investigator")
Sometimes to make further progress you need to un-implement (break!) particular pattern/architecture/solution and put it back into Prima Materia state and only then thansform it into a something new. Metaphors similar to Prima Materia are "primordial soup" and "indifferentiated soup of ideas" (Eric Evans - DDD).
In the beginning, there is no magic, but simply a desire to automate things to reduce repetition. Magic appears as a result of increasing complexity that makes current solution to be inadequate for further progress. Magic can also emerge rather quickly as a result of automating wrong things from the beginning. The holy grail is automation that is always adequate.
Badly designed systems tend to poison systems they interact with.
Do not overdesign your own software if you have a big producer of bad or too opinionated designs nearby. A big producer can be a vendor or a team with authority who decided to rely on a given design a while ago.
Strong, "tight", encapsulation is good but don't forget about the users: Operations people. Good example is debugging facilities - if you close everything then you leave the ops people, who might be you, without any tools to understand or tweak your system. Richard Cook explains this very well: See Velocity 2012: Richard Cook, "How Complex Systems Fail".
(from Writing Solid Code)
Flexibility breeds bugs. Another strategy you can use to prevent bugs is to strip unnecessary flexibility from your designs... The trouble with flexible designs is that the more flexible they are, the harder it is to detect bugs.
...Flexible features are troublesome because they can lead to unexpected "legal" situations that you didn't think to test for even realize were legal...
...When you implement features in your own projects, make them easy to use; don't make them unnecessary flexible. There is a difference. Don't allow unnecessary flexibility.
Ideal interface for a system of arbitrary complexity is a black box with a green play button on it - you take the box, press green button and it just works. The second ideal interface is when you also have a red button to stop the system.
The Single Source (of Truth) concept is one of the first principles beginner programmers learn and often becomes a rule they follow rigorously. However, like many principles in life, it has its exceptions. Blindly adhering to the Single Source rule can sometimes lead to suboptimal results.
A good example of when this principle might fail is the Poor Abstraction scenario. This happens when someone tries to consolidate similar elements into a single source while ignoring their significant differences. In such cases, forcing everything into one place can create an abstraction that is brittle, confusing, or overly complex, ultimately making the system harder to understand and maintain.
Another example is Two Almost Identical Entities. This occurs when someone tries to merge two seemingly identical entities into one, which results in an overly complicated "Single Source of Truth" codebase. This approach often leads to significant branching logic and reduced readability, making the code harder to work with and more prone to errors.
Understanding when to apply the Single Source principle and when to allow for exceptions is crucial for achieving balance and maintaining flexibility in software design. Learning where to follow and where to de-prioritize the Single Source principle is a good skill that distinguishes a more experienced programmer from a beginner one.
When designing a system, there is a trade-off between making it easier to change in the future and striving for perfection. In most cases, choosing flexibility is the better option. If you anticipate changes in context or additional development work that could affect the system, avoid focusing too much on perfecting the existing solution, as it may not hold up under new pressures. Another important consideration is the ability to undo or disable a function that works perfectly now but could cause unforeseen issues in operation. Often, a perfectly working solution can create obstacles for other systems or people involved in operating the system.
Over the years I have seen at least three big units of a hardly manageable legacy code where each of them was built on two almost identical entities. There are two ways of such things to co-exist:
- One is a subclass of the other.
- Two almost identical hierarchies are maintained.
- Two groups of helper functions without a clear separatation of responsibilities between them.
It seems that historically in all three cases it started with one entity that accumulated its features along the way, then came the other which was so similar to the first that programmer avoided extraction of similar modules that both entities had and went with subclassing to get the result quickly or with 2 parallel hierarchies.
To these days I still didn't see or create an elegant solution to this problem. See also "Hard Feature".
One of the key concerns is Control: where control should or should not be, what should have control (be active) and what should not have (passive).
Software should be designed in such a way that there always should be a dedicated place where it is obvious how the control and work flow through the software. This should be effective on all levels of abstraction and for each level of abstraction, such dedicated software should be free of the lower-level implementation details that discourage easy understanding of context.
If something creates a low-level implementation noise on a given level, it might be a good sign that one or more underlying lower layers exist where that lower-level implementation can be represented as a high-level workflow logic (sequence of steps or algorithm).
The lower-level modules should not have control over higher-level modules. It is not only about not having higher-level module imported in lower-level modules and making everything to work through protocols/interfaces but more about what is the flow of control: "what controls what". Two shortcuts: humans should dominate machines, business logic should dominate the system's implementation details.
Overlapping things is a challenge for a human mind and therefore is bad for the whole software lifecycle: design, development, testing and maintenance. This might be two or more classes that do the same thing. This might be two or more people whose responsibilities overlap. Nancy Leveson says Overlapping Control is one of the greatest sources of safety problems: two controllers whose areas of responsibilities overlap (see "Engineering a Safer World"). See also "Two almost identical entities" and "Shadowing/Masking".
The top-level controllers should always have a control over the bottom-level elements. If the controllers include both humans and automation, the humans should always be able to intervene and take over the control provided by the automation.
This heuristic can be turned into explicit design constraint.
Missing, insufficient or incorrect feedback is a great source of troubles for any system.
"All feedback loops must be closed" - this heuristic can be turned into explicit design constraint.
- Separate stable from unstable
- Separate permanent from temporary
- Separate synchronous from asynchronous
- Separate similar from different
- Separate symmetrical from asymmetrical
- Balance and symmetry: if one partition has way more items than the other ones, this may indicate that the partitioning has not been complete.
- Separate construction from operation (one example: Factory vs Command)
- Separate content from presentation (applies to UI-heavy code, great example: HTML/CSS)
- Separate easy from complex: isolate easy, isolate complex, repeat many times
- Separate stateless from stateful
- Separate data from behavior and behavior from data unless you do have a good OOP class/object with good data/behavior balance.
- Separate general-purpose from application-specific
- Separate application-level code from system-level code
- Separate methods that read from methods that write
- Separate decision from condition
- Separate One from Many, separate Many from Many.
Example 1: "Monolithic test case files"
In the following example the _feature1_
or _feature2_
parts and numbers in
the test method names assist a lot in logical grouping of the tested
# Many group #1
test_feature1_1() {}
test_feature1_2() {}
test_feature1_3() {}
# Many group #2
test_feature2_1() {}
test_feature2_2() {}
test_feature2_3() {}
Example 2: the inner block has a multiline routine which could actually be another function that works on one. At the same time this inner block on many. Unless we create that another function we have a conflict between many of the enumeration and many of the instructions inside a block.
EnumerateInstructions(*function, [&](Instruction &instr, int bbIndex, int iIndex)
... lots of lines working on `instr` ...
Group together things that change at the same time. If possible create container data structures so that a change involves a change of one. If possible, group all the changes that happen at the same time together.
Group things that are used together.
Incorrect but observable code can be more valuable long-term than correct but unobservable code. Observable code is easier to inspect, test, and improve, even if it contains mistakes. In contrast, correct but hidden code can become difficult to maintain and debug over time, creating technical debt. Visibility allows for quicker fixes and ongoing improvement, making it more sustainable in the long run.
RAII is good for resource management, such as handling memory, file handles, or network connections, where resources need predictable acquisition and release. However, applying RAII to business logic can lead to significant problems:
Reduced flexibility: RAII assumes that actions are tied directly to scope, but business workflows may need to defer, combine, or otherwise manage actions independently of object lifetimes.
Lack of transaction control: Business operations often involve external systems, validation, or rollback mechanisms that require precise control. RAII hides these processes behind object lifecycle management, making it harder to handle errors or maintain consistency.
Unintended side effects: Business logic often involves workflows with complex rules and dependencies. Tying actions like adding or removing data to the lifecycle of objects can cause unexpected behaviors if those objects are destroyed prematurely or unintentionally.
Debugging challenges: When business actions are implicitly triggered by object lifetimes, it becomes harder to trace when and why specific operations occur. This lack of clarity can lead to subtle bugs that are difficult to identify and fix.
Instead of using RAII, manage business logic explicitly through well-defined methods or services. This approach keeps the logic transparent, easier to understand, and more adaptable to changing requirements.
Working code with a good-enough architecture is better than buggy code with a perfect but overly complex architecture.
Sometimes, you don't have to be nice to code.
- It might be written for a different platform.
- It could be outdated or rely on ancient build tools.
- Some parts may be unnecessary for your needs.
- It may contain mistakes.
In such cases, it is perfectly fine to delete, modify, or hack the code – to make it compile, test it, or simply understand how it works.
When replacing Feature A with Feature B, there are two broad approaches.
1. Remove A, Then Implement B
This strategy is best when:
- Feature A is simple.
- Feature B can be developed quickly.
- Switching to B is straightforward.
In such cases, removing A first and then building B works well, as the transition is fast and manageable.
2. Develop B in Parallel, Switch from A to B, Remove A
This approach is necessary when the transition is complex or time-consuming. Instead of removing A immediately, B is developed alongside it while the existing system remains operational. The switch to B happens only when it is fully developed and tested. A remains available as a fallback until B is proven reliable, after which A can be removed.
This method is particularly useful when:
- Feature B requires significant development time.
- Switching from A to B is complex and requires a dedicated transition mechanism.
For already deployed systems where downtime is unacceptable, the second approach is often the only viable way to ensure a smooth migration.
- Restrict the scope of data to the smallest possible. (The Power of 10: Rules for Developing Safety-Critical Code by NASA)
Sometimes code style can be a blocker. Poorly formatted code can make understanding of it extremely difficult. Do everything to reduce your cognitive load. Real-world example:
let expectedRemainingLoops = Int(ceil( (expectedRemainingElements - Double(currentRemainingElementsForLoop)) / Double(PPENumberOfTasksInCurrentLoop) ))
reads much better if
let expectedRemainingLoops =
(expectedRemainingElements - Double(currentRemainingElementsForLoop)) /
When working on a non-trivial feature branch, consider breaking it down into its core functionality while separating any trivial or unrelated changes that can be integrated independently.
A complex branch can often become more manageable, or even medium in scope, when distilled into its essential parts and split into smaller, separate changes. In some cases, breaking it down properly can eliminate the complexity entirely, leaving only straightforward, incremental updates.
A great anti-pattern that complicates code reviews is creating a changeset that involves both moving and changing things at the same time. This obscures the diffs in the version control system, making it harder to track changes. The solution: isolate moving and changing into separate commits or separate PRs.
Classes should represent a single entity or concept. Naming a class in the
plural form (e.g., Users
) can confuse its responsibility, making it seem like
it manages multiple instances. Instead, use singular names (e.g., User
) and
handle collections separately, such as in a UserList
or UserRepository
. This
ensures clear, focused class responsibilities.
This can be viewed as prototype vs. maintenance programming. Fast Programming is crucial for rapid progress and is often encouraged by the business. However, it rarely allows time to learn from mistakes due to the tunnel vision and "straight ahead" thinking that often accompany it. Slow Programming, on the other hand, has the virtue of reflection and deeper analysis, but it tends to be too slow to launch a business from scratch. Business leaders typically start to appreciate Slow Programming only when they hit the wall of complexity, realizing the need for proper design.
Stable Components is a resort of a Maintenance Programmer. One way for a developer to survive in a large legacy project is to create stable components or extract them out of existing mess of code. Stable component most likely means a testable component: it can be a parsing module or API layer or string manipulation helpers. Having such islands of stability helps a lot to overcome the difficulties of a maintenance programming. See also Periphery and Prima Materia Heuristics.
(from Writing Solid Code)
If your code feels tricky, that's your gut telling you that something isn't right. Listen to your gut. If you find yourself thinking of a piece of code as a near trick, you're really saying to yourself that an algorithm produces correct results even though it is not apparent that it should. The bugs won't be apparent to you either.
Be truly clever; write boring code. You'll have fewer bugs, and the maintenance programmers will love you for it.
Complex software is not to be developed and used by average programmers. This happens anyway because of production pressures. People say: your mileage may vary.
Bad code stems from a lack of knowledge, not malice, even though both bad code and malice share unawareness as their root cause. Sometimes, it helps to put on a "lack-of-knowledge hat" to better understand the intentions behind the code you're reading.
An interesting feature of inexperience is that it imposes limits on a software system's ability to scale. Software written with unawareness at its core will eventually become rigid and nightmarish, to the point where team members start avoiding the "dark forest" of its codebase. The natural consequence is that such software reaches an upper bound of complexity. Paradoxically, this means that someone tasked with re-engineering it will often find its complexity manageable in the end.
Much of what we programmers learn over the years comes from pain, not from goodwill.
The issue lies in assuming that a previous solution or setup is correct simply because it works. This leads to a lack of scrutiny, where the existing solution or setup is not questioned, and investigations proceed based on a flawed premise.
When reviewing a pull request titled "Fixes XYZ," there is a natural tendency to trust the new change more than the existing code. This bias arises from the assumption that the previous implementation was flawed simply because it is being replaced. As a result, one might overlook the consequences of the fix or fail to rigorously verify the correctness of the new change.
To mitigate this bias, it's important to evaluate both the old and new implementations with equal scrutiny. Consider questions such as:
- Is the problem being solved accurately identified?
- Does the new change address the issue without introducing new problems?
- Are the trade-offs of this fix justified compared to the original implementation?
By being aware of this bias, reviewers can ensure a more balanced and thorough review process.
Software engineers frequently resolve merge conflicts, and while this task is often trivial, it presents opportunities for introducing subtle bugs. One contributing factor is the cognitive bias that favors accepting newly introduced changes over preserving existing behavior.
The conflict markers (<<< >>>
) used by Git can obscure important details of
the original code, making it easy to unintentionally discard necessary logic.
A practical approach to mitigating this risk is to slow down and carefully evaluate both conflicting versions. Consider not just the new change, but also what might be lost if an existing line or code chunk is removed. Reviewing the code in context and testing after resolving conflicts can help prevent unintended regressions.
Never ignore errors. Presence of errors indicates that you don't understand your system well enough and therefore don't have a full control over it.
An error can be major or minor but it anyway contributes negatively to the design and operation of your system and also to your understanding of it (see Periphery).
Errors typically ignored by developers include:
- Configuration errors
- Compiler warnings
- Build system errors
- Errors produced by the test suites (flaky tests)
Google for Malfunction 54
for a good example.
Underlying errors shall not be hidden
If a higher-level error wraps some other underlying error, the information about the underdying error shall not be lost. Instead, it should be fully available to the higher-level error for error handling, logging, tracing, etc.
Make a clear distinction between critical and non-critical errors on all levels: source code, software design, error reporting, documentation.
When there is no error handling, presence of asserts gives at least some basic guarantee that software does not do what it is not supposed to.
Every assert becomes a proper error handling eventually.
If you know how to not program defensively in a particular situation go ahead! Otherwise make your code to Crash Early to catch bugs as early as possible: use sensible assertions and stress edge-cases with tests. See Some notes C in 2016: Code offensively and Spotify engineering culture (part 2): "We aim to mistakes faster than anyone else".
If you do not write tests, you will never learn how to write them. It's better to write bad tests than to write none at all.
The ability to do Test-Driven Development (TDD) is not a binary "can or cannot" skill. It's about having a wide range of techniques, patterns, tricks, and hacks in your toolbox. When you have enough of them, you can test almost anything in a reasonable amount of time.
As Michael Feathers puts it in Working Effectively with Legacy Code, "Legacy code is code without tests."
In addition to ensuring quality, testing is essential for simulations that help manage complexity. If I can test and simulate every aspect of my program, I can effectively manage its complexity. However, if there are blind spots – areas that are difficult or impossible to test – I lose control over those areas and must rely on real users to test in the wild.
"If you can't measure it, then it can't be called engineering" (Ivar Jacobson, Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use Case Driven Approach). We can interpret "measure" as "test," with testing serving as both a form of measurement and a core part of engineering.
Ideally, everything should be testable. If something is difficult to test, it often signals a need to improve code quality, toolset, or testing infrastructure. With effort, these can be enhanced. If unsure how to test something, start with a simple approach: stub everything, simplify the network, assert what's necessary, then iterate on refining both the test and the system under test (SUT).
If you are a provider of software or hardware, consider going beyond the standard "interface control document" (ICD) by including basic test sequences – a "Hello World"-type program that allows users to quickly get started with your product. Such examples help users bring the system online and get up to speed without unnecessary guesswork.
The lack of clear "Hello World" or how-to documentation is especially prevalent in the embedded software industry, where companies often rely solely on ICDs or technical reference manuals. This forces end-user software engineers to engage in guesswork and reverse-engineer the documentation to figure out how to bring up a device. While the industry is gradually improving in this regard, there is still a long way to go. By providing a clear and functional "Hello World" example with every product, you empower your users and make adoption of your product much smoother.
If you are a hardware provider, consider supplying software drivers with your device rather than just a technical reference manual for end-users to decipher and implement. As the developer of the device, you understand its functionality better than anyone else. By providing ready-to-use drivers, you save your users the time and effort of implementing the device's features themselves.
With some effort on your part, you can significantly improve the adoption of your product by making it easier to integrate and use. A smooth setup process not only enhances user satisfaction but also reduces the barriers to bringing your hardware to market.
If you supply hardware, consider providing a software simulator that mimics your device. This greatly simplifies integration into users' SIL/PIL/HIL setups, especially if the target users have access to only a limited number of your devices (such as when the device is very expensive).
For language choice, default to Python, as it is widely used for embedded development tools. If performance is critical, a C/C++/Rust simulator is also a great option, as these languages integrate well with embedded environments.
Good documentation is dry and boring. This can create an illusion that writing good documentation is easy when in fact it is not.
Technical documentation is supposed to focus engineer's attention on achieving a given goal such as to build a specific system. It is easier to focus one's attention on things that have structure embedded in them compared to things that are hidden in several paragraphs of prose. Prose has no structure and that is why a reader has to do an extra exercise of creating an order out of what he is reading. If the documentation already has an order in it, the reader can spend less time for a mental reconstruction of the content and focus on the technical facts more easily.
Some of the important tools that communicate order in technical documentation:
- Document structure and table of contents
- Diagrams
- Tables.
Excessively deep nesting in documents or folder structures can hinder the understanding of the overall project or system structure, especially if the principles used for organizing the sections lack consistency. Ideally, a good structure should be intuitive, or at the very least, the organizational principle should be easy to understand and mentally map, facilitating easier navigation of the content.
An encyclopedic document is created over time as a collection of inputs from various ad hoc events, eventually becoming a generic repository of everything. These documents often have complex, nested structures and lack a single consistent narrative. Reading them feels more like going through a dictionary from A to Z rather than following a coherent story. This can make it difficult for readers to stay engaged, which might explain why many people shy away from reading standards altogether.
Standards or guidelines are often structured in this encyclopedic way, as they aim to encompass all aspects of product development or organizational processes. Similarly, requirements specifications can easily take on an encyclopedic form, making them hard to navigate and comprehend.
When creating such documents, it's important to establish a guiding principle that helps readers mentally map and navigate the content. Ideally, the document should include a unifying narrative or story that makes it easier to follow, even if the underlying information is complex or diverse. A clear structure and logical flow can transform an overwhelming collection of information into a useful and accessible resource.
It's great when everyone joins a meeting on time, but an often-overlooked practice is doing a quick sound and video check to ensure everything is working smoothly. A good rule of thumb is to join:
- 5 minutes early for routine meetings.
- 15–30+ minutes early for important meetings, to handle any technical issues in advance.
A well-prepared meeting runs smoothly when attendees know what to expect.
- A strong meeting has a predefined agenda that allows participants to follow a clear execution plan.
- Is the agenda known in advance?
- Can you or your team define it?
- Are there questions or answers that can be prepared beforehand?
Meetings often lack structure, and when no notes are taken, valuable discussions can be lost. A better approach is for someone to take ownership of note-taking in real-time, ideally on a shared screen so everyone can see what is being recorded.
- If your team owns the agenda, align meeting notes with the planned topics.
- Structure notes so key points and next steps are clear.
A meeting without tangible outcomes is just an expensive conversation. At a minimum, meetings should result in:
- Action points: tasks, follow-ups, next meetings.
- Decisions made.
- Recognized trade-offs.
Whenever possible, capturing processes or architectures in a diagram is better than a simple bullet point. Even if no formal notes are recorded, every participant leaves with takeaways and mental models – but written records significantly increase the meeting's effectiveness.
Anti-pattern: Running meetings without documenting useful outcomes, leading to wasted time and repeated discussions.
Before the actual meeting, getting alignment among participants is key, whether for internal team discussions or external events like conferences and large review meetings. When a team participates in an external meeting, it is crucial that everyone is on the same page and presents a unified front, avoiding any visible disagreement or misalignment.
Good questions to determine if a pre-meeting briefing is needed:
- How many attendees already know what will be presented?
- Does the content introduce significant innovation that requires prior context? Could too much new information create confusion within the presenting team?
Common pitfalls:
- Discussing internal team matters in the presence of external participants.
- Asking too many unrelated questions that derail the focus of the meeting, particularly when it disrupts team cohesion and diverts attention from the main agenda. This is especially problematic when an individual undermines the shared position of the team by introducing misalignment.
- Share only the relevant content – close unrelated applications, especially internal company chats, before presenting to an external audience.
- If you need to access other files or perform actions outside the presentation, unshare your screen first, complete the task, then reshare only the necessary content.
- If your team is presenting to an external party, align on the materials beforehand to ensure consistency in messaging.
Agile Software Development Requires Strong Social Network. This statement is a generalization: This idea has been there from the beginning and since the inception of the Agile Manifesto, but the following quote from Kent Beck helps to pinpoint it very clearly:
In The Forest (more specifically on an XP-style team), we handle communication of design & implementation multiple ways:
- Communicative code.
- Readable & predictive tests.
- A strong social network.
It's only when there is a large audience for stable information (such as the JUnit API) that we resort to separate documentation.
See Kent Beck - Anatomy of Oscillation.
Software engineering teams often communicate daily via chat. A proven pattern is for each team member to send updates about their work, allowing the entire team to see these messages.
Examples of such messages include:
- "Task X is done, here's the PR link. @A and @B, could you take a look?"
- "This week my focus is... Next, I am going to work on..."
- "I see your PR, but I'm working on something else."
- "What does the team think about introducing the coding convention ABC?"
While this may seem obvious for some teams, there are others where daily chats are completely silent, reflecting a lack of communication between peers throughout the day. When messages are exchanged, it creates a certain "pulse" within the team, signaling that the group is actively working on meaningful tasks and is open to discussion, iteration, and improvement.
This activity not only serves an informational purpose (increasing awareness) but also has learning, motivational, and even entertaining aspects.
Provide frequent updates to those who rely on your work – your manager, teammates, or anyone following your technical progress. In fast-paced development, keeping others informed helps maintain alignment and prevent surprises.
In an office setting, updates often happen naturally. If the team is well-connected, they can happen during casual conversations or even small talk over lunch. This kind of informal communication spreads information quickly without the need for formal status meetings.
A key benefit of this approach is that by the time your work reaches a review stage – whether a code review, documentation review, or project milestone—everyone will already be familiar with it and may have contributed their input. This reduces friction, speeds up approvals, and makes collaboration smoother.
Stay aligned with your team.
Teamwork involves contributions from all team members. Whether you are a leader or an individual contributor, it is essential to give credit where it's due when expressing an idea that you know was authored by someone else.
This is a good practice because it fosters trust and respect within the team, encouraging open collaboration and the free exchange of ideas. Recognizing others' contributions also boosts morale, motivates continued input, and strengthens the overall effectiveness of the team.
An anti-pattern is when the names of the original authors are omitted, and the work is presented in the first person, either intentionally or unintentionally, as if the content were one's own.
When writing an email or chat message, even if addressed to a select group, consider composing it in a way that it would remain professional and consistent if shared with a larger or unintended audience. Avoid using vague references like "we" and "they", especially when referring to internal teams or external parties such as customers. Refrain from using negative sentences or excessive emotion. Your content should be polished and ready to be forwarded by anyone, at any time, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
"Good enough for each part is often best for the whole system." ("The Art of Systems Thinking")
In "Engineering a Safer World", Nancy Leveson discusses how, in air traffic control, individual flight paths may not be optimized for each aircraft to ensure overall traffic harmony. This approach is necessary because optimizing each flight path individually could lead to conflicts and inefficiencies. Instead, air traffic control systems manage traffic by coordinating flight paths to maintain safe separation between aircraft, ensuring the overall safety and efficiency of the airspace.
- "Rather than trying to find extraordinary people to do a job, design the job so that ordinary people can do it well." ("The Art of Systems Thinking")
...No one comes to work to do a bad job, but the structure of the system may make good work impossible. If management falls into the blame trap, they may fire the offending individual and hire someone else - who may do no better. Rather than trying to find extraordinarypeople to do a job, design the job so that ordinary people can do it well. It is the structure of the system that creates the results. For better results, change the structure of the system.
Unresolved trade-offs, especially those that persist over long periods, can be risky. Decisions left undecided, such as whether to build or buy critical hardware, will not remain open forever. Instead, they tend to resolve themselves by default, often in bad ways, whether due to inertia, external pressures, or short-term needs. Like a coin that always falls on a side, an undecided trade-off will eventually land on an outcome which might not align with strategic goals.
To mitigate this risk, individuals, managers, teams, and organizations should proactively track and resolve open decisions, ensuring that critical choices are made deliberately rather than by default. Tools such as an Open Questions Log or a Risk Registry can support the structured resolution of such trade-offs.
Everyone is busy, including you. The development of software products often takes place in rushed environments, where everyone is focused on achieving specific goals without having time to do things properly or fully explore all the options for what is being built.
How about QA? A company may have a dedicated QA department, or even Safety & Reliability teams in addition. They are most likely also busy, focusing on the most critical tasks to the point that they probably don't have enough time to interact with development teams, understand the real requirements, or provide 100% coverage and a complete assessment of the project scope.
Is it a problem that everyone is busy? Given its ubiquity, it doesn't seem so. Some people even seem to thrive on being busy all the time. Organizations appear to care little about "busyness" itself. What really matters is whether the busy person or department can deliver results according to the schedule or whether something left uncovered by the busy teams could create serious problems for the business.
One unfortunate observation is that it usually takes significant time before the uncovered issues are revealed and addressed from the top down. During this incubation period, enough money is often lost, a number of unhappy customers accumulate, and other losses may occur, depending on the type of project.
Or, busy people themselves get tired... and create new methods and tools. Sometimes, a new tool can eliminate much of the effort required to achieve a goal, or it simply allows a busy person to focus on "what is most important" rather than covering everything.
Every engineering problem can be solved with an infinite amount of cash.
Attempting to accelerate development often leads to greater delays. In highly complex systems, skipping thorough validation, testing, or review processes can result in unforeseen issues, requiring extensive rework and ultimately prolonging the timeline beyond what a steady, methodical approach would have taken.
There is one parable that sounds like this:
Zen teachers often tell the story of a young monk who asked a Zen master:
“How long will it take me to attain enlightenment?” The master thought for a few moments and replied: “About ten years.” The young monk was upset and said: “But you are assuming I am like the other monks, and I am not. I will practice with great determination.” “In that case,” replied the Master, “twenty years.”
and a similar one:
... "But if I work hard, how many years will it take to become a master?" persisted the youth.
"Oh, maybe thirty years," said Banzo.
"Why is that?" asked Matajuro. "First you say ten and now thirty years. I will undergo any hardship to master this art in the shortest time!"
"Well," said Banzo, "in that case you will have to remain with me for seventy years. A man in such a hurry as you are to get results seldom learns quickly."
It is an amusing analogy: like a year starts with a spring and ends with a winter, a similar lifecycle can be observed in a growth of organizations.
Spring is a young company, a handful of people. Not much structure, no strict policies, a startup atmosphere. Not yet a fixed income, but probably investments or lack of them. More full-stack people with broad expertise. Spring is like a village. Colleagues are fellow villagers.
A Summer is a Spring that made it, a company that is flourishing. Exponential growth, more people are hired, extremely steep curve of everything: the development of the company structure, more departments, more specialization. The philosophy of the company is no longer about "finding its way" but rather accelerating on what made a transition from Spring to Summer possible.
Autumn is already a company with legacy. The source of income is known and stabilized. The responsibilities are defined. Less or no people are busy with defining a product anymore but more people are busy with the optimization: improving product, doing sales and increasing revenues.
Winter is a dangerous phase. The company has been making profit and doing its best by exhausting what was known to work well. At this point, the structure of the company is the most fixed and therefore the least resilient. The company may cease to exist because there are younger and more adequate competitors or it can find a way to renew itself and make it into a new year.
Another interesting observation is that a transition from season to season almost never goes smoothly – in order to accomodate for change, the company has to adapt and this very often happens with a good deal of destruction and restructuring (see Prima Materia heuristic). Dropping what does not work and keeping or creating what does might be crucial for such a transition. Not all of the Spring companies make it into Summer. Not all of the companies end up being Winter. Not all of the companies can survive their deep Winter.
One particular management mistake that can be made is trying to apply the best practices of a season A to a season B if the season B is too early or already too late for such an application. Example: imposing a strict top-down style of management on a company of 5-10 people working in a flat hierarchy and making them to adhere to the reporting lines might be extremely inadequate as well as expecting a fully flat hierarchy to work in an Autumn-like business.
Not only we can match seasons and companies, we can also match seasons and personalities:
- Autumn is too boring for spring people who value creativity and individual contribution over hierarchies and defined processes.
- For Autumn people, the Spring is too chaotic and unstructured. Working for a Spring company is inherently unsafe: the younger the company, the less guarantees it can provide to its employees.
- It may not be optimal for a company to have too many people who represent an incompatible season. It can be damaging for a person to get stuck working at a company that does not match their season type. In such cases, a person who found a matching season can be compared to a fish that found its water.
See also Kent Beck's The Product Development Triathlon. His 3 phases: Explore-Expand-Extract can be loosely mapped to the Spring-Summer-Autumn seasons.
Standards provide an idealized or encyclopedic view of how systems should function and how products should be developed. Frequently, a standard represents the combined inputs of multiple companies, making it more extensive than what any single company might realistically implement. For most companies, implementing a standard is a "best effort" exercise.
Some standards are practical only for larger companies and can be counterproductive or harmful for smaller organizations attempting to implement them. Recognizing this, some standards explicitly account for a company's maturity level and offer recommendations on which parts to implement at different stages of development.
Implementing standards and managing their results within an organization can be difficult and complex. However, without any standards, everything becomes 10 to 100 times harder and more chaotic.
Standards seek out best practices, collect them, and generalize them.
Standards favor good practices. If a company has adopted a practice that is not yet conventional but makes sense and adds value, it is unlikely that this practice would be rejected or deemed inappropriate by any standard.
Sometimes it is worse to be wrong than to be early or lack information. The context: passing the project review milestones required by standards.
"One-stop shopping" is a useful requirements writing priciple. Simply, people reading the requirements should be able to get all the information they need from one document or from one section of a document. They should not have to jump between different sections to understand the requirement. (Patterns for Effective Use Cases by Steve Adolph et al., Chapter 7.1)
Safety is not there from the very beginning. A gloomy poet could say that safety blooms on blood. Safety does also not exist on its own: you first need to build something that kills people or causes a loss, then some people will bother to learn from this and take actions. Only then safety gets recognized and truly appreciated.
Consequence: safety is especially sound for those folks who have some experience of dealing with blood, loss or failure.
When implemented well enough, safety becomes boring. Everything is working, no one complains. At that moment, it is easier than ever to forget about why the safety is there in the first place. Example: how often do we bother to look at the safety manuals? Does it mean that the safety is there?
Safety is the extremely fragile and sensitive property of the systems. It so much effort that is put into achieving it and still it is so easy to let the whole system get down. Some of the very popular reasons for the failure are:
- degradation of existing components
- changes to the system that do not take the current system's behavior into account
- new unexpected factors coming outside the system boundary
Consequence: safety requires continuous and intelligent effort.
Handbook of Walkthroughs, Inspections, and Technical Reviews, p.412:
... however, we have to anticipate that we will in fact succeed once in a while - and we must also anticipate what that success will bring. For instance, one error-riddled system was seldom used by its several hundred potential users, so management decided to mount an effort to have the system repaired in a systematic fashion. The resulting system was so dependable and useful that usage suddenly increased by a factor of a thousand over previous usage. This increase in transaction volume made the file design of the system completely inadequate to the daily load - which soon meant that nobody could get results fast enough to be useful. The entire problem - and so many others like it - could have been avoided if the review group had only considered that unavoidable law of nature: Success breeds failure. So, ..., be prepared for the inevitable reaction. If you start making systems better, your users will want more of the same - the best side effect of all.
Safety is often seen as a defensive discipline, in contrast to fields focused on creation, innovation, and action, which drive progress. While these fields push forward with new ideas and developments, safety functions as a secondary, backing force. Its role is to prevent harm, minimize risks, and ensure that these actions happen within a secure framework. Safety doesn't seek to lead the charge but to protect and enable other processes to unfold without catastrophic failure.
However, the drive to "lead the charge" often means safety is ignored or sidelined until it's too late. In this way, safety acts like a belt that holds uncontrolled progress together, preventing it from falling apart when the inevitable risks are not properly addressed.
Medicine isn't the most exciting thing, and no one wants to spend all their time thinking about it. But it's clear that humanity can't thrive without it, even with all the amazing achievements of civilization.
In the same way, organizations focus on building things that work and often don't think much about safety or quality as long as things are fine and customers are happy. But over time, they may realize that the "health" of their products, teams, and development processes also matters.
How safety and quality are handled depends a lot on experience and knowledge. Not long ago, amputation was seen as the best way to treat many illnesses. This shows how much we've learned and how practices improve over time. Engineering also needs to grow in this way, moving beyond quick fixes to create stronger, longer-lasting solutions.
Too much simplicity can be a problem. Overly simplistic interfaces may prevent operators from engaging their brains fully, which could negatively impact their performance in critical situations. If an interface is too simple, operators can fall into automatism, executing the wrong action due to a lack of alertness. There are serious concerns that software and interface designers should prioritize preventing user mistakes, rather than focusing solely on aesthetics.
- Kent Beck - Mastering Programming
- Heuristics of Software Testability
- The Law of Leaky Abstractions
- Lessons Learned in Software Development
Copyright (c) 2015-2025 Stanislav Pankevich [email protected].