- Authors: Jason Stajich and Jon Palmer*
Most of these can be installed via conda packages. Noting that some tools have different samtools version expectations, which can lead to problems. In particular the bioconda install of samtools is v0.2 while the version expected for most other tools is v1.17. This can lead to some issues.
- bwa - https://github.com/lh3/bwa
- minimap2 - https://github.com/lh3/minimap2
- bowtie2 - http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/index.shtml (Optional)
- BBTools - https://jgi.doe.gov/data-and-tools/bbtools/ - supports read-level filtering for contamination and vector/primer
- Trimmomatic - http://www.usadellab.org/cms/?page=trimmomatic (Optional)
- fastp - alternative (preferred) read trimming and quality control https://github.com/OpenGene/fastp
- SPAdes - http://cab.spbu.ru/software/spades/
- megahit - https://github.com/voutcn/megahit
- dipspades - (SPAdes 3.11.1 - note it is not part of later SPAdes packages) http://cab.spbu.ru/files/release3.11.1/dipspades_manual.html
- NOVOplasty - https://github.com/ndierckx/NOVOPlasty
- sourmash (>=v3.5)- https://sourmash.readthedocs.io/ (install via conda/pip)
- NCBI BLAST+ - ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables/LATEST
- ncbi-fcs (for vector screening) - https://github.com/ncbi/fcs/
- ncbi-fcs-gx (for contaminant filtering, alternative to sourmash, requires large memory or SSD drive) https://github.com/ncbi/fcs/
- polca (from MaSuRCA) - https://github.com/alekseyzimin/masurca (polca.sh polishing)
- note that the polca use of samtools supports an old version and will not work with version of samtools installed by default To fix this apply the patch in patches/polca.patch to fix your local version or copy patches/polca.sh to replace version installed in your environment or system.
- Pilon - https://github.com/broadinstitute/pilon/wiki
- NextPolish - https://github.com/Nextomics/NextPolish
- Jason Stajich @hyphaltip - http://lab.stajich.org, @hyphaltip.bsky
- Jon Palmer @nextgenusfs - @jonpalmer.bsky
Palmer JM and Stajich JE. (2023). Automatic assembly for the fungi (AAFTF): genome assembly pipeline (v0.5.0). Zenodo. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1620526
We are working on simplifying the install, ie getting on Pypi and bioconda. Currently you could create conda environment and install like this:
conda create -n aaftf -c bioconda "python>=3.6" bbmap trimmomatic bowtie2 bwa pilon sourmash \
blast minimap2 spades megahit novoplasty biopython fastp masurca
And then install this repo with git/pip:
$ conda activate aaftf
$ pip install AAFTF
# or install latest from github
$ python -m pip install git+https://github.com/stajichlab/AAFTF.git
To install the sourmash database you need to set a place to store your AAFTF databases
$ mkdir -p ~/lib/AAFTF_DB # or make a place that is systemwide
$ export AAFTF_DB=~/lib/AAFTF_DB
# fill in download procedure / add to AAFTF
To run ncbi-fcs or ncbi-fcs-gx in AAFTF through singularit will need to have that installed in system or environment.
This is partially a python re-write of JAAWS which was a unix shell based cleanup and assembly tool written by Jon.
- trim Trim FASTQ input reads - with BBMap
- mito De novo assemble mitochondrial genome
- filter Filter contaminanting reads - with BBMap
- assemble Assemble reads - with SPAdes
- vecscreen Vector and Contaminant Screening of assembled contigs - with BlastN based method to replicate NCBI screening 6a. sourpurge Purge contigs based on sourmash results - with sourmash 6b. fcs_gx_purge Purge contigs based on NCBI fcs-gx tool. Note this runs MUCH faster with large memory.
- rmdup Remove duplicate contigs - using minimap2 to find duplicates
- pilon Polish contig sequences with Pilon - uses Pilon
- sort Sort contigs by length and rename FASTA headers
- assess Assess completeness of genome assembly
- pipeline Run AAFTF pipeline all in one go.
Trimming options spelled out:
usage: AAFTF trim [-h] [-q] [-o BASENAME] [-c cpus] [-ml MINLEN] -l LEFT
[-r RIGHT] [-v] [--pipe] [--method {bbduk,trimmomatic}]
[-m MEMORY] [--trimmomatic trimmomatic_jar]
[--trimmomatic_adaptors TRIMMOMATIC_ADAPTORS]
[--trimmomatic_clip TRIMMOMATIC_CLIP]
[--trimmomatic_leadingwindow TRIMMOMATIC_LEADINGWINDOW]
[--trimmomatic_trailingwindow TRIMMOMATIC_TRAILINGWINDOW]
[--trimmomatic_slidingwindow TRIMMOMATIC_SLIDINGWINDOW]
[--trimmomatic_quality TRIMMOMATIC_QUALITY]
This command trims reads in FASTQ format to remove low quality reads and trim
adaptor sequences
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q, --quiet Do not output warnings to stderr
Output basename, default to base name of --left reads
-c cpus, --cpus cpus Number of CPUs/threads to use.
-ml MINLEN, --minlen MINLEN
Minimum read length after trimming, default: 75
-l LEFT, --left LEFT left/forward reads of paired-end FASTQ or single-end
-r RIGHT, --right RIGHT
right/reverse reads of paired-end FASTQ.
-v, --debug Provide debugging messages
--pipe AAFTF is running in pipeline mode
--method {bbduk,trimmomatic}
Program to use for adapter trimming
-m MEMORY, --memory MEMORY
Max Memory (in GB)
--trimmomatic trimmomatic_jar, --jar trimmomatic_jar
Trimmomatic JAR path
Trimmomatic options:
Trimmomatic trimming options
--trimmomatic_adaptors TRIMMOMATIC_ADAPTORS
Trimmomatic adaptor file, default: TruSeq3-PE.fa
--trimmomatic_clip TRIMMOMATIC_CLIP
Trimmomatic clipping, default:
--trimmomatic_leadingwindow TRIMMOMATIC_LEADINGWINDOW
Trimmomatic window processing arguments, default:
--trimmomatic_trailingwindow TRIMMOMATIC_TRAILINGWINDOW
Trimmomatic window processing arguments, default:
--trimmomatic_slidingwindow TRIMMOMATIC_SLIDINGWINDOW
Trimmomatic window processing arguments, default:
--trimmomatic_quality TRIMMOMATIC_QUALITY
Trimmomatic quality encoding -phred33 or phred64
Example usage:
MEM=128 # 128gb
AAFTF trim --method bbduk --memory $MEM -c $CPU \
--left $READSDIR/${BASE}_R1.fq.gz --right $READSDIR/${BASE}_R2.fq.gz \
# this step make take a lot of memory depending on how many filtering libraries you use
AAFTF filter -c $CPU --memory $MEM --aligner bbduk \
-o $TRIMREAD/${BASE} --left $TRIMREAD/${BASE}_1P.fastq.gz --right $TRIMREAD/${BASE}_2P.fastq.gz
The specified assembler can be made through the --method
The full set of options are below.
usage: AAFTF assemble [-h] [-q] [--method METHOD] -o OUT [-w WORKDIR]
[-c cpus] [-m MEMORY] [-l LEFT] [-r RIGHT] [-v]
[--tmpdir TMPDIR] [--assembler_args ASSEMBLER_ARGS]
[--haplocontigs] [--pipe]
Run assembler on cleaned reads
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q, --quiet Do not output warnings to stderr
--method METHOD Assembly method: spades, dipspades, megahit
-o OUT, --out OUT Output assembly FASTA
-w WORKDIR, --workdir WORKDIR
assembly output directory
-c cpus, --cpus cpus Number of CPUs/threads to use.
-m MEMORY, --memory MEMORY
Memory (in GB) setting for SPAdes. Default is 32
-l LEFT, --left LEFT Left (Forward) reads
-r RIGHT, --right RIGHT
Right (Reverse) reads
-v, --debug Print Spades stdout to terminal
--tmpdir TMPDIR Assembler temporary dir
--assembler_args ASSEMBLER_ARGS
Additional SPAdes/Megahit arguments
--haplocontigs For dipSPAdes take the haplocontigs file
--pipe AAFTF is running in pipeline mode
AAFTF assemble -c $CPU --mem $MEM \
--left $LEFT --right $RIGHT \
-o $ASMFILE -w $WORKDIR/spades_$BASE
AAFTF vecscreen -c $CPU -i $ASMFILE -o $VECTRIM