Make sure you have nodejs, MongoDB installed
Unzip the folder and navigate to package.json
Open the terminal or command prompt and run
npm install
This will create node_modules folder and will install all the required dependency
Run the command
node server
It will print the message
Server is running on port: 3000
Open the postman or Google REST client and try following URL
// To get all the contacts (GET)
// To get specific contact by _id (GET) 2)http://localhost:3000/api/collections/578d30388616cfc9e2738f01
// To add new contact (POST) Payload:
{ "name": "Sripal" "email": "[email protected]" "number": "123456788" } 3) http://localhost:3000/api/collections/
// To remove a contact (DELETE) 4) http://localhost:3000/api/collections/578d30388616cfc9e2738f01
// To update a contact (PUT) Payload:
{ "name": "Sripal-222" "email": "[email protected]" "number": "123456788" }
// To upload a file (POST) Content-Type: multipart/form-data 6) http://localhost:3000/api/collections/upload
// To download a file (GET) 7) http://localhost:3000/api/collections/download/filename