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Web3 content platform, Hertz + Go template + FTS5 full-text search, supports Ethereum and XuperChain, compatible with Hugo ecosystem, uses Wasm extension plugins, requires only 200M memory


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Web3 content platform, Hertz + Go template + FTS5 full-text search, supports Ethereum and Baidu Super Chain, compatible with Hugo and WordPress ecosystems, uses Wasm extension plugins, and requires only 200M memory.

As a static site: The static files generated by gpress are consistent with Hugo, and gpress can also be simply considered as the backend management of Hugo, compatible with Hugo theme ecosystems. Multiple Hugo themes have been migrated: even, doks, book, geekdoc...
As a dynamic site: gpress is simple in functionality, with only 7 menus, 5 tables, and 5000 lines of code. It uses SQLite, starts with one click, and requires only 200M memory, supporting full-text search. It is compatible with WordPress theme ecosystems, and multiple WordPress themes have been migrated: generatepress, astra...
As Web3: gpress already supports Ethereum and Baidu Super Chain account systems and will continue to iterate decentralized features based on Wasm, allowing data to be a bit freer...
As a newcomer: Compared to excellent content platforms like Hugo and WordPress, gpress still has many shortcomings, being simple and immature in functionality...
Documentation: Click to view the documentation

The personal blog is built using gpress, with dynamic search and backend management, while the rest are static pages.

Development Environment

gpress uses as the FTS5 full-text search extension. The compiled libsimple file is placed in the gpressdatadir/fts5 directory. If gpress fails to start and reports an error connecting to the database, please check if the libsimple file is correct. If you need to recompile libsimple, please refer to

The default port is 660, and the backend management address is
First, unzip gpressdatadir/
Run go run --tags "fts5" ..
Package: go build --tags "fts5" -ldflags "-w -s".

The development environment requires CGO compilation configuration. Set set CGO_ENABLED=1, download mingw64 and cmake, and configure the bin to the environment variables. Note to rename mingw64/bin/mingw32-make.exe to make.exe.
Modify vscode's launch.json to add ,"buildFlags": "--tags=fts5" for debugging fts5.
Test needs to be done manually: go test -v -timeout 30s --tags "fts5" -run ^TestReadmks$
Package: go build --tags "fts5" -ldflags "-w -s".
When recompiling simple, it is recommended to use the precompiled version from
Note to modify the Windows compilation script, remove the libgcc_s_seh-1.dll and libstdc++-6.dll dependencies for mingw64 compilation, and turn off BUILD_TEST_EXAMPLE as there are conflicts.

rmdir /q /s build
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DBUILD_TEST_EXAMPLE=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=release -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++" -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-Wl,-Bstatic -lstdc++ -lpthread -Wl,-Bdynamic"
make && make install


The backend Refresh Site function will generate static HTML files to the statichtml directory, along with gzip_static files. You need to copy the css, js, image of the currently used theme and the gpressdatadir/public directory to the statichtml directory, or use Nginx reverse proxy to specify the directory without copying files.
Nginx configuration example:

### CSS files of the current theme (default)
location ~ ^/css/ {
    #gzip_static on;
    root /data/gpress/gpressdatadir/template/theme/default;  
### JS files of the current theme (default)
location ~ ^/js/ {
    #gzip_static on;
    root /data/gpress/gpressdatadir/template/theme/default;  
### Image files of the current theme (default)
location ~ ^/image/ {
    root /data/gpress/gpressdatadir/template/theme/default;  
### search-data.json FlexSearch JSON data
location ~ ^/public/search-data.json {
    #gzip_static on;
    root /data/gpress/gpressdatadir;  
### Public files
location ~ ^/public/ {
    root /data/gpress/gpressdatadir;  
### Admin backend management, request dynamic service
location ~ ^/admin/ {
    proxy_redirect     off;
    proxy_set_header   Host      $host;
    proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For   $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
### Static HTML directory
location / {
    proxy_redirect     off;
    proxy_set_header   Host      $host;
    proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For   $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; 
    ## If there is a q query parameter, use the dynamic service. Also supports FlexSearch parsing public/search-data.json
    if ($arg_q) { 

    ### Enable gzip static compression
    #gzip_static on;

    ### Nginx 1.26+ does not need to 302 redirect to the index.html under the directory, gzip_static will also take effect. This configuration is kept for record.
    ##if ( -d $request_filename ) {
        ## Not ending with /
    ##    rewrite [^\/]$ $uri/index.html redirect;
        ## Ending with /
    ##    rewrite ^(.*) ${uri}index.html redirect;      
    ### Static file directory of the current theme (default)
    root   /data/gpress/gpressdatadir/statichtml/default;
    ### if directive may conflict with try_files directive, causing try_files to be invalid
    ## Avoid directory 301 redirect, e.g., /about will 301 to /about/           
    try_files $uri $uri/index.html;
    index  index.html index.htm;

Backend Management Supports English

The gpress backend management currently supports both Chinese and English, with the capability to extend to other languages. Language files are located in gpressdatadir/locales. By default, the system uses Chinese (zh-CN) upon initial installation. If English is preferred, you can modify the "locale":"zh-CN" to "locale":"en-US" in the gpressdatadir/install_config.json file before installation. Alternatively, after successful installation, you can change the Language setting to English in the Settings and restart the system to apply the changes.

Table Structure

ID defaults to timestamp (23 digits) + random number (9 digits), globally unique.
Table creation statement gpressdatadir/gpress.sql

Configuration (Table Name: config)

Reads gpressdatadir/install_config.json during installation.

columnName Type Description Remarks
id string Primary Key gpress_config
basePath string Base Path Default /
jwtSecret string JWT Secret Randomly generated
jwttokenKey string JWT Key Default jwttoken
serverPort string IP:Port Default :660
timeout int JWT Timeout Seconds Default 7200
maxRequestBodySize int Max Request Size Default 20M
locale string Language Pack Default zh-CN,en-US
proxy string HTTP Proxy Address
createTime string Creation Time 2006-01-02 15:04:05
updateTime string Update Time 2006-01-02 15:04:05
createUser string Creator Initialization system
sortNo int Sort Order Descending
status int Status Link Access (0), Public (1), Top (2), Private (3)

User (Table Name: user)

There is only one user in the backend.

columnName Type Description Remarks
id string Primary Key gpress_admin
account string Login Name Default admin
passWord string Password -
userName string Description -
createTime string Creation Time 2006-01-02 15:04:05
updateTime string Update Time 2006-01-02 15:04:05
createUser string Creator Initialization system
sortNo int Sort Order Descending
status int Status Link Access (0), Public (1), Top (2), Private (3)

Site Information (Table Name:site)

Site information, such as title, logo, keywords, description, etc.

columnName Type Description Remarks
id string Primary Key gpress_site
title string Site Name -
keyword string Keywords -
description string Site Description -
theme string Default Theme Default uses default
themePC string PC Theme First get from cookie, if not, get from Header, write to cookie, default uses default
themeWAP string Mobile Theme First get from cookie, if not, get from Header, write to cookie, default uses default
themeWX string WeChat Theme First get from cookie, if not, get from Header, write to cookie, default uses default
logo string Logo -
favicon string Favicon -
createTime string Creation Time 2006-01-02 15:04:05
updateTime string Update Time 2006-01-02 15:04:05
createUser string Creator Initialization system
sortNo int Sort Order Descending
status int Status Link Access (0), Public (1), Top (2), Private (3)

Navigation Menu (Table Name: category)

columnName Type Description Remarks
id string Primary Key URL path, separated by /, e.g., /web/
name string Navigation Name -
hrefURL string Redirect Path -
hrefTarget string Redirect Method _self,_blank,_parent,_top
pid string Parent Navigation ID Parent Navigation ID
templateFile string Template File Current navigation page template
childTemplateFile string Child Theme Template File Default template for child pages, if not set, default uses this template
keyword string Navigation Keywords Yes
description string Navigation Description Yes
createTime string Creation Time 2006-01-02 15:04:05
updateTime string Update Time 2006-01-02 15:04:05
createUser string Creator Initialization system
sortNo int Sort Order Descending
status int Status Link Access (0), Public (1), Top (2), Private (3)

Content (Table Name: content)

columnName Type Description Whether to Tokenize Remarks
id string Primary Key No URL path, separated by /, e.g., /web/nginx-use-hsts
title string Title Yes Uses jieba tokenizer
keyword string Content Keywords Yes Uses jieba tokenizer
description string Content Description Yes Uses jieba tokenizer
hrefURL string Self Page Path No -
subtitle string Subtitle Yes Uses jieba tokenizer
author string Author Yes Uses jieba tokenizer
tag string Tags Yes Uses jieba tokenizer
toc string Table of Contents Yes Uses jieba tokenizer
summary string Summary Yes Uses jieba tokenizer
categoryName string Navigation Menu Yes Uses jieba tokenizer
categoryID string Navigation ID No -
templateFile string Template File No Template
content string Content No
markdown string Markdown Content No
thumbnail string Cover Image No
signature string Private Key Signature of Content No
signAddress string Signature Address No
signChain string Chain of Address No
txID string On-chain Transaction Hash No
createTime string Creation Time - 2006-01-02 15:04:05
updateTime string Update Time - 2006-01-02 15:04:05
createUser string Creator - Initialization system
sortNo int Sort Order - Descending
status int Status - Link Access (0), Public (1), Top (2), Private (3)

Copyright and Software Copyright Description

  • The software copyright registration number of this gpress is 2025SR0120223
  • The software copyright of this gpress is owned by us, and secondary software copyright applications are prohibited. Infringement will be prosecuted
  • The copyright of programs developed by developers using gpress belongs to the developers
  • Please retain the copyright without any other restrictions. That is to say, you must include the original license agreement statement in your distribution, whether you distribute it in binary or source code form
  • The open-source version is released under the AGPL-3.0 open-source license and is provided for free use, but it is not allowed to release and sell modified and derivative code as closed-source commercial software!


Web3 content platform, Hertz + Go template + FTS5 full-text search, supports Ethereum and XuperChain, compatible with Hugo ecosystem, uses Wasm extension plugins, requires only 200M memory








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