Core is a framework which allows for fast API prototyping. Based off of Fiber.
The (pun fully intended) core of Sphire Core is the Config
struct. This is the entrypoint
of the framework, and must be instantiated as follows:
var App core.Config = core.New()
Within core.New()
(located in factory.go
), we look at the SPC_ENV
environment variable
which must coincide with the configuration JSON filename. If SPC_ENV
is set to dev
for instance
then the configuration JSON filename must be dev.json
. By default, it uses dev.json
Within New()
, the Load()
function is called, which loads our JSON configuration into
the Config
struct. It then proceeds to call Factory()
which instantiates our enabled services.
It is then possible to simply run App.Run()
to start listening on our designated address:port.
The framework can run in the simple runner:
package main
import (
core ""
var App := core.New()
func main() {
That is all that is required.
Routing in Core is simple. We create a function with this signature:
func handler(ctx *routing.Context) error {
body := core.Res{}
return core.HandleResponseJSON(ctx, body.Byte(), App.S.OK)
Then, we add it to our app
before calling app.Run()
package main
import (
core ""
var App = core.New()
func main() {
App.Router.Get("/our-custom-route", handler)
App.Router.Get("/non-mantis-route", nonMantisHandler)
func handler(ctx *core.Context) error {
body := core.Res{
Body: []byte(`{"x": 3}`),
BodyString: string("hello"),
return core.HandleResponseJSON(ctx, body.Byte(), App.S.OK)
func nonMantisHandler(ctx *core.Context) error {
return core.HandleResponseJSON(ctx, []byte(`{}`), App.S.OK)
That is all there is to it. Things like MySQL and Redis are set up automatically
when they find a configuration, and hang off of the App
struct (like the Mantis logger).
Core utilizes the StatsView package ( to display a quick
statistical view of memory usage etc. This can be viewed at :18066/debug/statsview
- Implement FastWS (
- Implement Proper CORS, CSRF, Limiter, etc (
- Implement Goth (