Nettemp is a data colector and monitoring app, with:
- Status dashboard, with grouping, sorting function, gauge, mini charts, map.
- Charts, highcharts, chartsjs, NVD3
- Map, Visual arrangement of sensors on the plan
- Alarm dashbaord, "no data" notification
- Notofication function over mail
- Receiving data in JSON format
- Nettemp nodes sending data to other nettemps
- Nettemp_client as separated app
- monitoring by ping and http/url ping. (nettemp_client)
- nettemp7 in docker
- docker compose file
- in docker compose file is possible to select MariaDB or Sqlite3 database
# install docker
# step 1
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Warsaw && \
sudo apt update && \
sudo apt -y upgrade && \
sudo apt install -y curl && \
curl -fsSL -o && \
sudo sh && \
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER} && \
sudo su - ${USER}
# step 2 (optional)
mkdir ~/nettemp && cd ~/nettemp
# step 3
docker run --name nettemp -p 443:443 -v nettemp-data:/var/www/nettemp/data --restart unless-stopped -d przemeksdocker/nettemp
# step 1
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Warsaw && \
sudo apt update && \
sudo apt -y upgrade && \
sudo apt install -y curl && \
curl -fsSL -o && \
sudo sh && \
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER} && \
sudo su - ${USER}
# step 2
mkdir ~/nettemp && cd ~/nettemp && \
wget && \
docker compose up -d
docker pull przemeksdocker/nettemp
cd ~/nettemp
docker compose pull
docker compose down
docker compose up
You can set in docker compose what configuration is needed ex. port 80, 443, 8000 for Traefik or Nginx Proxy Manager.
- "443:443" # selfsigned ssl cert
#- "8000" # no ssl eg. for traefik
#- "8000:8000" # no ssl
- "80:80" # redirect to 443
# HTTPS: False # if not using https
user: admin
password: admin
import json
token = 'y8k76HDjmuQqJDKIaFwf8rk55sa8jIh1zCzZJ6sJZ8c'
def send(token,data):
url = "https://nettemp_ip/"
r =,headers={'Content-Type':'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token)},json=data, verify=False)
print (r.content)
data = [{"rom":"ds18b20-sensor-1","type":"temp","name":"DS18B20","value":"-10","group":"group1"}]
send(token, data)
curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer y8k76HDjmuQqJDKIaFwf8rk55sa8jIh1zCzZJ6sJZ8c' \
--request POST \
--data '[{"rom":"ds18b20-host1","type":"temp","name":"DS18b20","value":"12","group":"group1"}]' \
- HIH6130 0x27 temperature, humidity
- TMP102 0x48 temperature
- BMP280 0x76 temperature, pressure
- HTU21/SHT21/SI7021/SHT20 0x40 temperature, humidity
- DS2482 - DS18b20 1wire 0x18, 0x19 0x1a, 0x1b temperature
- MPL3115A2 0x60 temperature, pressure, altitude
- TSL2561 0x39 light sensor
- BMP180 0x77 temperature, pressure
- VL53l0X 0x29 distance
- ADXL345/ADXL343 0x53 3 axis accelerometer, motion detection
- DHT11 temperature, humidity
- DHT22 temperature, humidity
- DS18b20 1wire temperature
- DS9490R 1wire - DS18b20 temperature
- lm-sensors
- ping
- example: ESPEasy over POSTtoHTTP
- nettemp 7 full mysql database.
- nettemp 6 is a version with MySQL as the main base and sqlite3
- nettemp5 is a python, flask, Mysql as main base, sqlite for sensor base, not all functions from nettemp beta
- beta nettemp4 is a php, sqlite, python, sqlite for all databases. The richest version in features.
- nettemp 3 is a php, sqlite, python, sqlite for all databases.