A few functions for working with alignments in FASTA format
Requires Julia version >=
Julialign uses a slightly modified version of the bit-level coding scheme for nucleotides by Emmanuel Paradis (described here, and implemented in the R package ape).
run | description |
src/bootstrap.jl | Bootstrap an alignment by sampling sites with replacement |
src/closest.jl | Find the closest sequence to a query by raw-distance |
src/collapse.jl | Heuristic for stripping out the redundancy from a set of similar sequences |
src/del_typer.jl | Type alignments for pre-specified deletions |
src/pairsnp.jl | Get pairwise SNP distances within/between alignments |
For example, issue
julia src/collapse.jl -i input.fasta -r reference.fasta
at the command line to run the collapse function.
Run any function with the -h
flag to get a full list of options, e.g. julia src/bootsrap.jl -h
Be aware that command line options are subject to change at the moment.