This is the software that runs .
This allows you to manage sprints backed by Bugzilla data.
- Code:
- Issues:
- CI:
- IRC:
- #scrum on
- Bugzilla 4
- a recent version of the Bugzilla API
Currently, scrumbugz uses Bugzilla search urls to define a sprint. It converts the parameters in the search url to a form which it then uses with the Bugzilla API.
Thus, in order to use scrumbugz, you need a Bugzilla instance that's running a recent version of Bugzilla and the Bugzilla API. We think the minimum version is Bugzilla 4, but haven't verified this.
pip install -E ./venv/ -r requirements-dev.txt
That sets up all the dependencies required.
Then you should create a local file. First, copy the template over:
cp settings/ settings/
and edit it.
After that, activate the virtual environment:
. ./venv/bin/activate
./ syncdb
This also creates a superuser which you can use to log into the admin.
By default the settings/ file is setup for a local memory cache. This should be fine for local testing and you shouldn't need to do anything else. If you'd like to more closely mimic production, you can install memcached or Redis and configure the CACHES setting in settings/ accordingly.
./ runserver
Static media will be handled automatically by Django 1.3's built-in handler.
Pull up the home page which should now be at http://localhost:8000/. Click the Admin link on the right of the nav bar. Login with the admin account you setup in during syncdb, then go back to the home page. Once you're logged in you'll see buttons for creating and editing projects and sprints.
The bugzilla url for a sprint should be the url for a query defining the sprint. For example, SUMO uses the target to define sprints, so the query url for our 2012.6 sprint is: