With one simple plugin call, Wysihtml5 Size Matters makes your wysihtml5 editor automatically resize to fit the editor's content.
You can view a demo of the plugin here.
Assuming you have jQuery in your project, include jquery.wysihtml5_size_matters.js
<script src="path/to/jquery.wysihtml5_size_matters.js">
Initialize the plugin after initializing wysihtml5. You'll need to ensure the editor is loaded (i.e. in the DOM) before calling wysihtml5_size_matters()
Important: wysihtml5_size_matters()
expects to be attached to the editor's iframe, available via editor.composer.iframe
var editor = new wysihtml5.Editor("wysiwyg", {
toolbar: "toolbarID"
editor.on('load', function() {
// The wysiwyg editor is in the DOM. It's safe to make the plugin call