docker run --network host
- Visit http://localhost:9000
- Go 1.11
- Go < 1.11 will be like any other go project without vendor or dependency management
make kubeyaml-server
- Visit http://localhost:9000
- Go 1.11
- Probably other versions of Go. Haven't tested.
go get
cat test-yaml/deployment.yaml | kubeyaml
cat test-yaml/deployment.yaml | kubeyaml -versions 1.12
cat test-yaml/pod.yaml | kubeyaml -versions 1.11,1.12
`cat test-yaml/pod.yaml | kubeyaml -versions 1.12 -silent`
- Make the binary with
make kubeyaml
- Build the image with
- Push the image with
- On the server, restart the kubeyaml service which will pull and restart the image.
- Make the binary
IMAGE_TAG=staging ./scripts/
IMAGE_TAG=staging ./scripts/
service kube-validate-staging restart
- Add new minors to scripts/update-schemas.go
- Run
go run scripts/update-schemas.go
- Update lookup.go to add new minor versions
- Update cmd/generate/main.go
- Update cmd/server/main.go
use certbot on the host
sudo cerbot --nginx
and fill out the details
Most json schema validators do not validate YAML against json schemas.
I did try this but then realized go can't do dynamic object lookup and only loads objects that are directly referenced.
I did but then deleted it because I am not a good python programmer.