Repo for the web gallery developed at UIST 2020.
Deployed for UIST 2020 at
See the current version here
To get started with the example setup, clone this repo with the site-template
branch checked out:
git clone --branch site-template
To run the example, start the site:
yarn && yarn programs && yarn start
You can then visit the gallery in a browser at http://localhost:3000
To bundle the site, run:
yarn build
and the output will be available in dist
. The example is built with the vite
bundler, using the svite
frontend. You can set various options in
vite.config.js and the
svite CLI. You can use other bundlers as
well, as long as they can bundle svelte components.
To use your own program, add the corresponding JSON file to
. Then, change src/main.js
to use the new program.
// src/main.js
import Gallery from "./components/Gallery.svelte";
// import program from "./data/uist-2020.program.json";
import program from "./data/my-conference-2021.program.json";
// scripts/prerender.js
import Gallery from "web-program-gallery";
// import program from "../src/data/uist-2020.program.json";
import program from "../src/data/my-conference-2021.program.json";
Run yarn program
to convert the program data, then yarn start
to confirm
your changes. You can change how the gallery data is represented by customizing
The web gallery tries to use semantic HTML and styles as much as possible. While there are some rules for properly flowing content inside the gallery tiles, much of the gallery is left untouched for you to provide extra CSS rules. The example uses Water CSS to get a basic look and feel, but you're not required to keep this stylesheet and can replace it with your own.
To configure various aspects of how the gallery displays content, you can
customize the variables in src/vars.css
The prior documentation covers usage of two main parts, the
svelte component, and the convert.js
script which
creates data for the component to use. You're free to use your own build systems
with these components. We will be continually updating this documentation to
better illustrate how to use these tools on their own.