The official PHP library for the Shoptet REST API.
See the Shoptet API doc.
- PHP 8.3 and later
SDK require the following extensions and libraries in order to work properly:
If you use Composer, these dependencies should be handled automatically.
If you install the library manually, please ensure that these extensions are available.
You can install the sdk via Composer. Run the following command:
composer require shoptet/api-sdk-php
To use the sdk, use Composer's autoload:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
require_once '/path/to/api-sdk-php/init.php';
For authorization, you need to set the partner domain URL and the token.
If token does not exist or is expired, you will need to obtain it first. For Obtaining a fresh public API token, you need to have the OAuth token for the eshop. See how to get access token for more information.
// Set partner domain URL for obtaining fresh public API token
try {
// Try to authorize request with token for some eshop
} catch (TokenHasExpiredException | TokenNotFoundException) {
// If token has expired or not found, create fresh public API token with specific OAuth token for eshop.
\Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Sdk::createFreshPublicApiToken('token-for-target-eshop', 'oauth-token-for-target-eshop');
// Try to authorize request again with fresh public API token
You can obtain oAuth access token after addon is installed in the eshop and you receive installation callback request. See how to process addon installation for more information.
// Set partner domain URL for obtaining fresh public API token
$requestData = new \Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Endpoint\OAuth\CreateOauthAccessToken\CreateOauthAccessTokenRequestData([
'client_id' => 'some-client-id',
'client_secret' => 'some-client-secret',
'redirect_uri' => '',
'code' => 'fdqmcvw0b89p3xv31j7w....', // use code from request
$authorizationFacade = \Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Sdk::createAuthorizationFacade();
// obtain and store new OAuth token
$authorizationFacade->addonInstallationCallback('oauth-token-for-target-eshop', $requestData);
For storing tokens, there is in default basic implementation used FileTokenStorage
which stores tokens in the file system.
Default path for storing tokens is:
protected const string DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE_PATH = '/tmp/shoptet-api';
This implementation is not recommended for production use. You should implement your own token storage which implements TokenStorage
\Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Sdk::setTokenStorage(new MyTokenStorage());
$createdBrandResponse = \Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Sdk::createBrand([
'data' => [
'name' => 'Brand name',
'description' => 'Brand description',
'indexName' => 'brand-name',
Read more about possible methods, how to call endpoints with request body.
$listOfProductResponse = \Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Sdk::getListOfProducts();
//... Process response
try {
$listOfProductResponseNextPage = $listOfProductResponse->getNextPage();
} catch (\Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Exception\OutOfRangeException $e) {
//Next page is out of range - Last page already reached
List of supported webhooks can be found in \Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Webhook\Event
Use the enum above or plain string in request body to register new webhook.
'data' => [
'event' => \Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Webhook\Event::BRAND_CREATE,
'url' => ''
// Add/remove custom header
\Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Sdk::setHeader('X-MY-AWESOME-HEADER', 'my-awesome-header-value');
$httpClient = \Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Sdk::getHttpClient();
* Set connection timeout on 60sec
* Default is 30sec
* @see \Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\HttpClient\CurlClient::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
* Set timeout on 90sec
* Default is 80sec
* @see \Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\HttpClient\CurlClient::DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
echo $httpClient->getTimeout(); // 60
echo $httpClient->getConnectTimeout(); // 90
When the API rate limit is exceeded, the SDK throws a RateLimitExceededException
You can handle this exception by retrying the request after the suggested Retry-After
For more information, see the Rate Limiting section in the API documentation.
try {
// ... Prepare the order entity
// Send the request, which may exceed the rate limit
$response = \Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Sdk::createOrder($orderEntity);
} catch (\Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Exception\RateLimitExceededException $e) {
// Try again after Retry-After
$retryAfter = $e->getRetryAfter();
// ...
You can customize the default CurlClient with extra options.
The keys should be valid CURLOPT_*
constants or their integer equivalents.
The options will be used in curl_setopt_array()
// Add/remove custom option in HttpClient
->addOption(CURLOPT_PROXY, 'my-proxy.local:80');
The SDK provides multiple options how to handle response body automatically.
- Return response body as the corresponding
object- Factory class:
- Default option
- Factory class:
- Return response body as array
- Factory class:
- Factory class:
- Return response body as raw string
- Factory class:
- Factory class:
echo get_class(\Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Sdk::getEshopInfo()->getBody()); // Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Endpoint\Eshop\GetEshopInfoResponse\GetEshopInfoResponse
// Set response factory to ArrayResponseFactory so the response body will return as array (not the Entity)
\Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Sdk::getHttpClient()->setResponseFactory(new \Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Factory\Response\ArrayResponseFactory());
echo gettype(\Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Sdk::getEshopInfo()->getBody()); // array
If current HttpClient is not sufficient you can implement your own Client.
The client must implement \Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\HttpClient\ClientInterface
The library does minimal logging.
Logging can be configured with a PSR-3
compatible logger.
Default Logger is the Psr\Log\NullLogger
- So the logs end up in the void.
If you need to process snapshot job result, i.e. /api/products/snapshot
, you can use JobResultProcessor
or Sdk helper method Sdk::processSnapshotResult
This method gets job result file path from response and processes it.
It returns an iterator over snapshot job result data. This method use Generator to process data with smaller memory footprint.
$snapshotResultData = Sdk::processSnapshotResult('3xhzjz2');
foreach ($snapshotResultData as $entity) {
// do something with entity
All exceptions should implement Shoptet\Api\Sdk\Php\Exception\Exception
There are 3 base types of Exceptions:
To run unit tests, use the following command:
composer test:unit