Tags: shipkit/shipkit-demo
Toggle v0.19.2's commit message
Merge pull request #23 from ChrisCarini/patch-1
Update README.md to reflect the current demo config
Toggle v0.19.0's commit message
Merge pull request #16 from shipkit/sf
Enabled GH releases
Toggle v0.16.56's commit message
Merge pull request #12 from shestee/master
Apply new Shipkit Changelog properties and bump Shipkit plugins
Toggle v0.16.54's commit message
Merge pull request #9 from shipkit/mockitoguy-patch-2
Migrated to travis-ci.com
Toggle v0.16.53's commit message
Merge pull request #8 from shestee/master
Apply new Shipkit Auto Version property
Toggle v0.16.52's commit message
Merge pull request #7 from shipkit/sf
Tweaked dependency declarations
Toggle v0.16.51's commit message
Merge pull request #6 from shipkit/sf
Reordered release actions
Toggle v0.16.50's commit message
Merge pull request #5 from shipkit/mockitoguy-patch-1
Added links to the main doc
Toggle v0.16.49's commit message
Merge pull request #4 from shipkit/sf
Tidy-up and documentation overhaul
Toggle v0.16.48's commit message
Attempted to fix the build failure, simplified the script
You can’t perform that action at this time.