Learn about clouds and stuff.
This repository contains the infrastructure for CMPT-474 at SFU. Enter at your own risk.
On innovate.cs.surrey.sfu.ca
, the software is installed at /opt/innovate/deployments/cmpt-474
Change to that directory to run all necessary commands.
A few access privileges are set by sudo ./install.sh
. This does not actually move any files.
To run the system, type sudo ./start.sh
. If you forget the sudo
, you are opening yourself
to a world of pain. The simplest escape is
sudo pm2 stop www
sudo pm2 stop worker-run
sudo pm2 stop worker-evaluation
sudo pm2 kill
Note that simply doing pm2 stop www
and then running start.sh
will simpy resume the same
executable (no changes will take effect). To make changes visible, do pm2 kill www
then run start.sh
Cloud requires the following software:
- node.js
- Redis
However, certain features will only be available if you have additional software installed:
- Git
On some versions of Ubuntu nodejs isn't up-to-date:
# Install python-software-properties for add-apt-repository.
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
# Add the node.js PPA for the latest version of node.js.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
# Update all the software sources.
sudo apt-get update
# Install the stuff we need.
sudo apt-get install nodejs redis-server lxc git
# Install brew if you don't have it already.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)"
# Install node.js and redis.
brew install node redis git
- Install node.js from here: http://nodejs.org/download/.
- Install redis from here: https://github.com/rgl/redis/downloads.
- Install git from here: https://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/.
After you have installed node.js and Redis you can get started with the actual software.
Either download the code as a zip file from https://github.com/sfu-innovation/cmpt-474/archive/master.zip and extract it to a folder called "cloud" or use git:
# Get the source code.
git clone https://github.com/sfu-innovation/cmpt-474.git cloud
Then proceed:
cd cloud
# Setup some configuration values.
cp config.example.json config.json
subl config.json
# Install package dependencies.
npm install --production
# Run the service.
npm start
There is a configuration file that controls the majority of the settings run by the stack.
"setting": "value"
Control which addresses and ports are listened on by specifying a listen directive. Listen can be either an array of listen directives or a single directive. A directive can be either the boolean value true to assume all defaults, an integer value specifying the port with the rest of the values as defaults, a string value specifying the address with the rest of the values as defaults, or an object containing keys for all the properties.
Remember: Some operating systems (Linux, Mac OS X) require elevated privileges to listen on ports below 1024.
"listen": true
"listen": [ 80, 443 ]
"listen": { "port": 80, "address": "", "protocol": "http" }
Control how information is logged.
"logging": {
"level": "info",
"transports": [
{ "type": "console", "settings": { "colorize": true }},
{ "type": "file", "settings": { "filename": "./var/log/server.log" }}
If you wish to include account verification in your stack.
You can sign up for a basic free account at MailDrill.
"activation": {
"rateLimit": {
"path": "/",
"limit": 5000,
"interval": 3600
A priority-sorted list of platforms to use to create instances. The first platform that works will be selected for use. If a platform "enable" attribute is set to false, the platform will be ignored during the election process.
"platforms": [
{ "type": "lxc", "enabled": true, "settings": { } },
{ "type": "native", "enabled": true, "settings": { } }
Complete documentation can be found in the /doc folder in the repository.
If you're hacking the source code, looking for more documentation or just want to make sure things are running as intended you can get started with the built-in Mocha test suite found in /test.
# Make sure development dependencies are installed
npm install --dev
# Run the test suite
npm test
A RESTful API is available for you to use over HTTPS in order to do things like spin up new instances, update services and run benchmarks.
This API can be used directly via the command line with curl, within Python, or by any system which is able to send and receive HTTP requests and responses with JSON bodies.
Most functionality requires an API key to use. When this API key is required, it is provided in the X-API-Key header field. Each key is rate-limited to 1000 requests every 5 minutes or so in a feeble attempt to prevent abuse. Information about key usage is provided in the response header for every request.
export ENDPOINT="https://innovate.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cloud"
curl -d'{ "email": "[email protected]" }' -XPOST "${ENDPOINT}/api-key"
cloud-control create-key --email "[email protected]"
import cloud
api = cloud.create("https://innovate.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cloud")
api.createKey(email="[email protected]")
export ENDPOINT="https://innovate.cs.surrey.sfu.ca/cloud"
export API_KEY="8a324ae07a..."
curl -i \
-H"X-API-Key: ${API_KEY}" \
-H"Content-type: application/json" \
-d'{"test": true}' \
cloud-control --api-key "8a324ae07a..." info
import cloud
api = cloud.create("https://localhost", "8a324ae07a...")