A multi-tool for processing Fuji EXR Bayer images
Self-similarity Driven Demosaicking of Fuji EXR images
after www.ipol.im/pub/art/2011/bcms-ssdd/
Portions of this software (supporting the ssdd
subcommand) were originally
written by A. Buades [email protected] with contributions from Nicolas
Limare. Adapted to Fuji EXR by Gene Selkov [email protected].
All files are distributed under the terms of the LGPLv3 license.
This source code provides an implementation of the Self Similar demosaicking algorithm, as described in IPOL http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/bcms_self_similarity_driven_demosaicking/
The code is written in ANSI C, and should compile on any system with an ANSI C compiler.
The libtiff header and libraries are required on the system for compilation and execution.
Simply use the provided makefile, with the command make
dcraw -v -w -d -s all -6 -T -b 0.7 raw.RAF
./fuji-exr ssdd raw_[01].tiff out.tiff
: Fuji raw image, shot in EXR high-res mode, or in P-moderaw_[01].tiff
: camera sensor data in 16-bit grayscale (Bayer), two framesout.tiff
: demosaicked RGB output, rotated 45 degrees
Presently supported camera orientations: landscape (horizontal), portrait (270 CW). Other orientations need more work (interleaving rules are different for each).
dcraw -d -s all -4 -T 160206_172303.RAF
fuji-exr linear 160206_172303_* interpolated.tiff
convert interpolated.tiff -separate interpolated-%d.tiff
radial-distort 1.002002 -0.006203 0.008245 -0.003979 interpolated-0.tiff interpolated-distorted-0.tiff
radial-distort 1.000725 -0.000260 -0.001201 0.000909 interpolated-2.tiff interpolated-distorted-2.tiff
fuji-exr ssdd -x 3264x2464 interpolated-distorted-0.tiff interpolated-1.tiff interpolated-distorted-2.tiff out.tiff