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Retrack Retrack · License: AGPL v3 Build Status

Retrack - track changes in a web page, API, or file.

Getting started

Before running the Retrack server, you need to configure the database connection. If you don't have a PostgreSQL server running, you can run it locally with the following Docker Compose file:

docker-compose -f ./dev/docker/postgres.yml --env-file ./.env up --build --force-recreate

To remove everything and start from scratch, run:

docker-compose -f ./dev/docker/postgres.yml down --volumes --remove-orphans

Make sure to replace POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust in Docker Compose file with a more secure authentication method if you're planning to use a local database for an extended period. For the existing database, you'll need to provide connection details in the TOML configuration file as explained below.

Once all services are configured, you can start the Retrack server with cargo run. By default, the server will be accessible via http://localhost:7676. Use curl to verify that the server is up and running:

curl -XGET http://localhost:7676/api/status

The server can be configured with a TOML configuration file. See the example below for a basic configuration:

port = 7676

name = 'retrack'
host = 'localhost'
port = 5432
username = 'postgres'
password = 'password'

# Connection details for Web Scraper service.
web_scraper_url = 'http://localhost:7272/'

# SMTP server configuration used to send emails (signup emails, notifications etc.).
address = "xxx"
username = "xxx"
password = "xxx"

# Trackers specific configuration.
max_revisions = 10
min_schedule_interval = 600_000
schedules = ["@", "@hourly", "@daily", "@weekly", "@monthly", "@@"]

If you saved your configuration to a file named retrack.toml, you can start the server with the following command:

cargo run -- -c retrack.toml

You can also use .env file to specify the location of the configuration file and database connection details required for development and testing:

# Refer to for more details.

# Path to the configuration file.

If you plan to interact with the web page trackers, you'll also need to have Chromium installed and start the Web Scraper component:

npm run watch -w components/retrack-web-scraper

To run with the debug output from Playwright, use the following command:

DEBUG=pw:protocol npm run watch -w components/retrack-web-scraper

You can also use .env file to configure Web Scraper:

# A path to the Chromium/Chrome executable.

# An amount of time in seconds to cache the web page content by the Web Scraper component.


Retrack - track changes in a web page, API, or file




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