Let WebAssembly's exported function support more data types for its parameters and return values.
See demo program in rust_bindgen_func.
use wasmedge_bindgen::*;
use wasmedge_bindgen_macro::*;
// Export a `say` function from Rust, that returns a hello message.
pub fn say(s: String) -> String {
let r = String::from("hello ");
return r + s.as_str();
Run with command will compile the above code to a WASM bytes file.
cargo build --target wasm32-wasi --release
Use exported functions in Rust SDK.
Refer to the completed exmaple in rust-sdk-test
fn main() {
let vm = Vm::new(Some(config)).unwrap();
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let wasm_path = Path::new(&args[1]);
let module = Module::from_file(None, wasm_path).unwrap();
let vm = vm.register_module(None, module).unwrap();
let mut bg = Bindgen::new(vm);
// create_line: string, string, string -> string (inputs are JSON stringified)
let params = vec![
Param::String("A thin red line"),
match bg.run_wasm("create_line", params) {
Ok(rv) => {
"Run bindgen -- create_line: {:?}",
Err(e) => {
println!("Run bindgen -- create_line FAILED {:?}", e);
Use exported Rust things from WasmEdge-go!
Refer to the completed example in bindgen_funcs.go
import (
bindgen "github.com/second-state/wasmedge-bindgen/host/go"
func main() {
// Instantiate the bindgen and vm
bg := bindgen.Instantiate(vm)
/// say: string -> string
res, _ := bg.Execute("say", "wasmedge-bindgen")
fmt.Println("Run bindgen -- say:", res[0].(string))
Find all the data types you can use!
You can find how to call the exported function from go host here.