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Arpy Framework

Arpy is a bare-bones PHP MVC framework that runs super fast and uses a 
teeny amount of memory.

It doesn't cater for every need but is designed to be quick to run, 
quick to hack, and easy to understand!

Built in functionality

Arpy has some built in classes for commonly used functions however only 5 are "required". 
Router, Controller, Config, CCache and View, everything else is pretty much left up to you.

* Auth - key value for basic checks
* CCache - for caching classes you want to have a single instance of quickly
* Config - very simple key value store
* Controller - for controlling app logic
* Cookie - for basic cookie set / get / destroy
* Curl - GET / POST for cURL-ing
* Dater - for translating /displaying dates in different timezones
* EMail - of the PHPMailer variety
* FCache - for caching data to the filesystem (json encoded)
* MCache - for caching data in memory (uses APC as default but could be improved for memcached etc)
* Model - for simple database access, provides a few helper functions
* Mysql_Database - slight abstraction / functions for use by Model
* Router - for routing http requests (requires apache & mod_rewrite)
* Session - for basic set / get access
* Str - for some string manipulation that isn't built in, truncate etc.
* View - rendering output, also supports templates (with some of HTML5 boilerplate)

The framework is set up with some default views / logic in the controller / model to do 
what I most commonly do. Don't like it / want it? Change it!

### Requirements

Again, this isn't built to work for every possible scenario, just what I use most commonly

* Linux
* PHP 5.3 and above
* Apache 2 with mod_rewrite

Optionally it can also make use of..

* PHP APC extension
* cURL

### Who uses it?

* []( - Running the site.
* []( - Work in progress :-)


A bare-bones PHP MVC framework that runs super fast and uses a teeny amount of memory.






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