makes easy implementing custom dependency injection mechanisms
where dependencies are expressed using type annotations.
is useful as a building block for frameworks, or as a library
which helps to implement dependency injection (thus the name -
ANnotation-based Dependency Injection).
License is BSD 3-clause.
pip install andi
andi requires Python >= 3.9.
See the following classes that represents parts of a car (and the car itself):
class Valves:
class Engine:
def __init__(self, valves):
self.valves = valves
class Wheels:
class Car:
def __init__(self, engine, wheels):
self.engine = engine
self.wheels = wheels
The following would be the usual way of build a Car
valves = Valves()
engine = Engine(valves)
wheels = Wheels()
car = Car(engine, wheels)
There are some dependencies between the classes: A car requires and engine and wheels to be built, as well as the engine requires valves. These are the car dependencies and sub-dependencies.
The question is, could we have an automatic way of building instances?
For example, could we have a build
function that
given the Car
class or any other class would return an instance
even if the class itself has some other dependencies?
car = build(Car) # Andi helps creating this generic build function
inspect the dependency tree and creates a plan making easy creating
such a build
This is how this plan for the Car
class would looks like:
- Invoke
with empty arguments - Invoke
using the instance created in 1 as the argumentvalves
- Invoke
with empty arguments - Invoke
with the instance created in 2 as theengine
argument and with the instance created in 3 as thewheels
But there is a missing piece in the Car example before. How can
know that the class Valves
is required to build the
argument valves
? A first idea would be to use the argument
name as a hint for the class name
(as pinject does),
but andi
opts to rely on arguments' type annotations instead.
The classes for Car
should then be rewritten as:
class Valves:
class Engine:
def __init__(self, valves: Valves):
self.valves = valves
class Wheels:
class Car:
def __init__(self, engine: Engine, wheels: Wheels):
self.engine = engine
self.wheels = wheels
Note how now there is a explicit annotation stating that the
argument is of type Valves
(same for engine
and wheels
The andi.plan
function can now create a plan to build the
class (ignore the is_injectable
parameter by now):
plan = andi.plan(Car, is_injectable={Engine, Wheels, Valves})
This is what the plan
variable contains:
[(Valves, {}),
(Engine, {'valves': Valves}),
(Wheels, {}),
(Car, {'engine': Engine,
'wheels': Wheels})]
Note how this plan correspond exactly to the 4-steps plan described in the previous section.
Creating a generic function to build the instances from
a plan generated by andi
is then very easy:
def build(plan):
instances = {}
for fn_or_cls, kwargs_spec in plan:
instances[fn_or_cls] = fn_or_cls(**kwargs_spec.kwargs(instances))
return instances
So let's see putting all the pieces together. The following code
creates an instance of Car
using andi
plan = andi.plan(Car, is_injectable={Engine, Wheels, Valves})
instances = build(plan)
car = instances[Car]
It is not always desired for andi
to manage every single annotation found.
Instead is usually better to explicitly declare which types
can be handled by andi
. The argument is_injectable
allows to customize this feature.
will raise an error on the presence of a dependency that cannot be resolved
because it is not injectable.
Usually is desirable to declare injectabilty by
creating a base class to inherit from. For example,
we could create a base class Injectable
as base
class for the car components:
class Injectable(ABC):
class Valves(Injectable):
class Engine(Injectable):
def __init__(self, valves: Valves):
self.valves = valves
class Wheels(Injectable):
The call to andi.plan
would then be:
is_injectable = lambda cls: issubclass(cls, Injectable)
plan = andi.plan(Car, is_injectable=is_injectable)
Dependency injection is also very useful when applied to functions.
Imagine that you have a function drive
that drives the Car
through the Road
class Road(Injectable):
def drive(car: Car, road: Road, speed):
... # Drive the car through the road
The dependencies has to be resolved before invoking
the drive
plan = andi.plan(drive, is_injectable=is_injectable)
instances = build(plan.dependencies)
Now the drive
function can be invoked:
drive(instances[Car], instances[Road], 100)
Note that speed
argument was not annotated. The resultant plan just won't include it
because the andi.plan
parameter is False
by default. Otherwise, an exception would have been raised (see full_final_kwargs
documentation for more information).
An alternative and more generic way to invoke the drive function would be:
drive(speed=100, **plan.final_kwargs(instances))
supports classes defined using attrs
and also dataclasses.
For example the Car
class could have been defined as:
# attrs class example
class Car:
engine: Engine
wheels: Wheels
# dataclass example
class Car(Injectable):
engine: Engine
wheels: Wheels
Using attrs
or dataclass
is handy because they avoid
some boilerplate.
Retaining the control over object instantiation could be desired in some cases. For example creating a database connection could require accessing some credentials registry or getting the connection from a pool so you might want to control building such instances outside of the regular dependency injection mechanism.
allows to specify which types would be
externally provided. Let's see an example:
class DBConnection(ABC):
def getConn():
class UsersDAO:
conn: DBConnection
def getUsers():
return self.conn.query("SELECT * FROM USERS")
requires a database connection to run queries.
But the connection will be provided externally from a pool, so we
call then andi.plan
using also the externally_provided
plan = andi.plan(UsersDAO, is_injectable=is_injectable,
The build method should then be modified slightly to be able to inject externally provided instances:
def build(plan, instances_stock=None):
instances_stock = instances_stock or {}
instances = {}
for fn_or_cls, kwargs_spec in plan:
if fn_or_cls in instances_stock:
instances[fn_or_cls] = instances_stock[fn_or_cls]
instances[fn_or_cls] = fn_or_cls(**kwargs_spec.kwargs(instances))
return instances
Now we are ready to create UserDAO
instances with andi
plan = andi.plan(UsersDAO, is_injectable=is_injectable,
dbconnection = DBPool.get_connection()
instances = build(plan.dependencies, {DBConnection: dbconnection})
users_dao = instances[UsersDAO]
users = user_dao.getUsers()
Note that being injectable is not required for externally provided dependencies.
type annotations can be used in case of
dependencies that can be optional. For example:
class Dashboard:
conn: Optional[DBConnection]
def showPage():
if self.conn:
self.conn.query("INSERT INTO VISITS ...")
... # renders a HTML page
In this example, the Dashboard
class generates a HTML page to be served, and
also stores the number of visits into a database. Database
could be absent in some environments, but you might want
the dashboard to work even if it cannot log the visits.
When a database connection is possible the plan call would be:
plan = andi.plan(UsersDAO, is_injectable=is_injectable,
And the following when the connection is absent:
plan = andi.plan(UsersDAO, is_injectable=is_injectable,
It is also required to register the type of None
as injectable. Otherwise andi.plan
with raise an exception
saying that "NoneType is not injectable".
can also be used to express alternatives. For example:
class UsersDAO:
conn: Union[ProductionDBConnection, DevelopmentDBConnection]
will be injected in the absence of
type annotations can be used to attach arbitrary metadata that
will be preserved in the plan. Occurrences of the same type annotated with
different metadata will not be considered duplicates. For example:
class Dashboard:
conn_main: Annotated[DBConnection, "main DB"]
conn_stats: Annotated[DBConnection, "stats DB"]
The plan will contain both dependencies.
Sometimes a dependency can't be created directly but needs some additional code to be built. And that code can also have its own dependencies:
class Wheels:
def wheel_factory(wheel_builder: WheelBuilder) -> Wheels:
return wheel_builder.get_wheels()
As by default andi
can't know how to create a Wheels
instance or that
the plan needs to create a WheelBuilder
instance first, it needs to be told
this with a custom_builder_fn
custom_builders = {
Wheels: wheel_factory,
plan = andi.plan(Car, is_injectable={Engine, Wheels, Valves},
should be a function that takes a type and returns a factory
for that type.
The build code also needs to know how to build Wheels
instances. A plan step
for an object built with a custom builder uses an instance of the andi.CustomBuilder
wrapper that contains the type to be built in the result_class_or_fn
attribute and
the callable for building it in the factory
from andi import CustomBuilder
def build(plan):
instances = {}
for fn_or_cls, kwargs_spec in plan:
if isinstance(fn_or_cls, CustomBuilder):
instances[fn_or_cls.result_class_or_fn] = fn_or_cls.factory(**kwargs_spec.kwargs(instances))
instances[fn_or_cls] = fn_or_cls(**kwargs_spec.kwargs(instances))
return instances
By default andi.plan
won't fail if it is not able to provide
some of the direct dependencies for the given input (see the
argument in one of the examples above).
This behaviour is desired when inspecting functions
for which is already known that some arguments won't be
injectable but they will be provided by other means
(like the drive
function above).
But in other cases is better to be sure that all dependencies
are fulfilled and otherwise fail. Such is the case for classes.
So it is recommended to set full_final_kwargs=True
when invoking
for classes.
Let's go back to the Car
example. Imagine you want to build a car again.
But this time you want to replace the Engine
because this is
going to be an electric car!. And of course, an electric engine contains a battery
and have no valves at all. This could be the new Engine
class Battery:
class ElectricEngine(Engine):
def __init__(self, battery: Battery):
self.battery = valves
Andi offers the possibility to replace dependencies when planning,
and this is what is required to build the electric car: we need
to replace any dependency on Engine
by a dependency on ElectricEngine
This is exactly what overrides offers. Let's see how plan
be invoked in this case:
plan = andi.plan(Car, is_injectable=is_injectable,
overrides={Engine: ElectricEngine}.get)
Note that Andi will unroll the new dependencies properly. That is,
and Engine
won't be in the resultant plan but
and Battery
In summary, overrides offers a way to override the default dependencies anywhere in the tree, changing them with an alternative one.
By default overrides are not recursive: overrides aren't applied
over the children of an already overridden dependency. There
is flag to turn recursion on if this is what is desired.
Check andi.plan
documentation for more information.
uses type annotations to declare dependencies (inputs).
It has several advantages, and some limitations as well.
- Built-in language feature.
- You're not lying when specifying a type - these annotations still work as usual type annotations.
- In many projects you'd annotate arguments anyways, so
support is "for free".
- Callable can't have two arguments of the same type.
- This feature could possibly conflict with regular type annotation usages.
If your callable has two arguments of the same type, consider making them different types. For example, a callable may receive url and html of a web page:
def parse(html: str, url: str):
# ...
To make it play well with andi
, you may define separate types for url
and for html:
class HTML(str):
class URL(str):
def parse(html: HTML, url: URL):
# ...
This is more boilerplate though.
Currently andi
just inspects callable and chooses best concrete types
a framework needs to create and pass to a callable, without prescribing how
to create them. This makes andi
useful in various contexts - e.g.
- creation of some objects may require asynchronous functions, and it may depend on libraries used (asyncio, twisted, etc.)
- in streaming architectures (e.g. based on Kafka) inspection may happen on one machine, while creation of objects may happen on different nodes in a distributed system, and then actually running a callable may happen on yet another machine.
It is hard to design API with enough flexibility for all such use cases.
That said, andi
may provide more helpers in future,
once patterns emerge, even if they're useful only in certain contexts.
Nothing better than a example to understand how andi
can be useful.
Let's imagine you want to implemented a callback based framework
for writing spiders to crawl web pages.
The basic idea is that there is framework in which the user can write spiders. Each spider is a collection of callbacks that can process data from a page, emit extracted data or request new pages. Then, there is an engine that takes care of downloading the web pages and invoking the user defined callbacks, chaining requests with its corresponding callback.
Let's see an example of an spider to download recipes from a cooking page:
class MySpider(Spider):
start_url = "htttp://a_page_with_a_list_of_recipes"
def parse(self, response):
for url in recipes_urls_from_page(response)
yield Request(url, callback=parse_recipe)
def parse_recipe(self, response):
yield extract_recipe(response)
It would be handy if the user can define some requirements
just by annotating parameters in the callbacks. And andi
make it
For example, a particular callback could require access to the cookies:
def parse(self, response: Response, cookies: CookieJar):
# ... Do something with the response and the cookies
In this case, the engine can use andi
to inspect the parse
method, and
detect that Response
and CookieJar
are required.
Then the framework will build them and will invoke the callback.
This functionality would serve to inject into the users callbacks some components only when they are required.
It could also serve to encapsulate better the user code. For example, we could just decouple the recipe extraction into it's own class:
class RecipeExtractor:
response: Response
def to_item():
return extract_recipe(self.response)
The callback could then be defined as:
def parse_recipe(extractor: RecipeExtractor):
yield extractor.to_item()
Note how handy is that with andi
the engine can create
an instance of RecipesExtractor
feeding it with the
declared Response
In definitive, using andi
in such a framework
can provide great flexibility to the user
and reduce boilerplate.
can be useful also for implementing a new
web framework.
Let's imagine a framework where you can declare your sever in a class like the following:
class MyWeb(Server):
def productspage(self, request: Request):
... # return the composed page
def salespage(self, request: Request):
... # return the composed page
The former case is composed of two endpoints, one for serving a page with a summary of sales, and a second one to serve the products list.
Connection to the database can be required to sever these pages. This logic could be encapsulated in some classes:
class Products:
conn: DBConnection
def get_products()
return self.conn.query("SELECT ...")
class Sales:
conn: DBConnection
def get_sales()
return self.conn.query("SELECT ...")
Now productspage
and salespage
methods can just declare
that they require these objects:
class MyWeb(Server):
def productspage(self, request: Request, products: Products):
... # return the composed page
def salespage(self, request: Request, sales: Sales):
... # return the composed page
And the framework can then be responsible to fulfill these dependencies. The flexibility offered would be a great advantage. As an example, if would be very easy to create a page that requires both sales and products:
def productspage(self, request: Request,
products: Products, sales: Sales):
... # return the composed overview page
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