A .NET Standard library that provides access to Ubiquiti's UniFi Controller API, versions 4.X.X and 5.X.X of the UniFi Controller software are supported.
//get all clients on the default site
using (var unifiClient = new Client("https://demo.ubnt.com/"))
await unifiClient.LoginAsync("superuser", "password");
var result = await unifiClient.ListAllClientsAsync();
//get all clients on the default site ignoring invalid certifiate
using (var unifiClient = new Client("https://localhost:8443/", null, true))
await unifiClient.LoginAsync("superuser", "password");
var result = await unifiClient.ListAllClientsAsync();
//get change site
using (var unifiClient = new Client("https://localhost:8443/", null, true))
await unifiClient.LoginAsync("superuser", "password");
var siteList = await unifiClient.ListSitesAsync();
unifiClient.Site = result.siteList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name != "default")?.Name;
var result = await unifiClient.ListAllClientsAsync();
//get all clients by setting the site in the call
using (var unifiClient = new Client("https://localhost:8443/", null, true))
await unifiClient.LoginAsync("superuser", "password");
var siteList = await unifiClient.ListSitesAsync();
foreach(var site in result.siteList)
var result = await unifiClient.ListAllClientsAsync(site.Name);
//Set site on connection
using (var unifiClient = new Client("https://localhost:8443/", "abc123", true))
Currently this library supports the following methods.
- Login
- Logout
- GetControllerStatus
- ListCountryCodes
- GetSystemInfo
- ListSites
- ListSiteAdmins
- ListSitesStats
- ListSiteSettings
- ListAllAdmins
- CreateSite
- RenameSite
- SetSiteCountry
- SetSiteLocale
- SetSiteSnmp
- SetSiteManagement
- SetSiteGuestAccess
- SetSiteNtp
- SetSiteConnectivity
- DeleteSite
- AuthorizeGuest
- UnauthorizeGuest
- ExtendGuest
- ListGuests
- ClientDetail
- BlockClient
- ForgetClient (Alias of ForgetClients)
- ForgetClients
- UnblockClient
- ResetClientConnection
- ShowClientLogins
- ListOnlineClients
- ListAllClients
- ListKnownClients
- AddClientNote (Alias of SetClientNote)
- RemoveClientNote (Alias of SetClientNote)
- SetClientNote
- CreateUserGroup
- DeleteUserGroup
- UpdateUserGroup
- AssignClientToUserGroup
- ListUserGroups
- CreateFirewallGroup
- UpdateFirewallGroup
- DeleteFirewallGroup
- ListFirewallGroups
- ListDevices
- ListDeviceTags
- ListRougeAp
- ListKnownRougeAp
- AdoptDevice
- RestartDevice
- RenameDevice
- DisableAp
- OverrideLed
- LocateDevice
- SiteLeds
- ListBackups
- CreateVoucher
- RevokeVoucher
- ListVouchers
- ListWLans
- CreateWLan
- DeleteWLan
- DisableWLan
- EnableWLan
- ChangeWLanSSID
- ChangeWLanPassphrase
- ListNetworks
Nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/UnifiApi/
Install-Package UnifiApi
This class is based on the work done by the following developers:
- Art of Wifi: https://github.com/Art-of-WiFi/UniFi-API-client/
- domwo: http://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Wireless/little-php-class-for-unifi-api/m-p/603051
- fbagnol: https://github.com/fbagnol/class.unifi.php
- and the API as published by Ubiquiti: https://dl.ubnt.com/unifi/5.8.24/unifi_sh_api