Schoolsyst is a web app designed to help students throughout their entire days, from note-taking to grades-managing. It offers the following features:
- Take your notes from an intelligent word processor meant for writing consistently beautiful notes easily and as fast as possible.
- Add your homework using a smart date picker, and easily see everything you need to get done in one page.
- Enter your grades and analyze your performance with diverse stats and goals you can set up for yourself.
- Take a quick peek at the Timeline to know how long you have to wait before the current course finishes, or to check where and when your next course takes place.
- Learn efficiently from your notes by letting the software ask you questions, and estimate your grades
- Easily share your notes with classmates in PDF, plain text and other formats
- Add schedule 'mutations' -- deleted, rescheduled or added courses, and see them on your schedule.
- (coming soon) Let schoolsyst wake you up, taking into account holidays and schedule changes.
- (coming soon) Fire up the 'bag' app to help you do your bag when you just want to go to sleep.
I built schoolsyst alone, and the app is, as of now, targeted at french people. I will translate it at some point but I need to learn about school system differences between France, USA, UK and other countries before opening it up.
For now, schoolsyst runs on a tiny VPS, and the API is therefore limited to requests from *
. If you want to run this app locally, you may want to also run the API, explained on the repo's README.
Here's how to install the frontend:
- Clone the repo and
into it
git clone
cd frontend
Install NodeJS, version
. The installation procedure changes depending on your platform, head over to NodeJS's website -
Install the project's dependencies
yarn # Using yarn, or
npm install # Using npm
- Start the app
yarn dev # Using yarn, or
npm run dev # Using npm
This will serve the app on http://localhost:3000
Great to hear!
- If you already have code modifications ready to implement your idea, start a pull request
- If you no idea on how to code it (or some), make an issue about it.
Please take a look at the roadmap before submitting you idea
All people who helped the project will have their names (and more info if you want) on
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