Points of interest:
For up to date information of revisions of the Standard visit:
- C committee's website (includes latest working draft)
- C language homepage
- resources list additional references and documents
Convener | Robert C. Seacord <[email protected]> |
Secretariat | Daniel Plakosh <[email protected]> |
Project editor | JeanHeyd Meneide <[email protected]> |
Committee website | Keld Simonsen <[email protected]> |
Mailing list | Keld Simonsen <[email protected]> |
C homepage | <[email protected]> |
GitHub profile | @Jorenar |
SG: C and C++ Compatibility | Nina Dinka Ranns <[email protected]> |
SG: Floating-Point | Jim Thomas <[email protected]> |
SG: Memory Object Model | Freek Wiedijk <[email protected]> |
SG: Memory Safety | Martin Uecker <[email protected]> |
SG: Undefined Behavior | David Svoboda <[email protected]> |
There are a number of books and courses available to help you learn the C language.
The following books were authored by current members of the C Standards Committee: