iPOJO Guice Support. This library has the aim to provide an iPOJO/Guice integration.
A component that want to take advantage of this integration needs to perform the following step:
Creates a classical Guice module that will be exported as an OSGi service.
@Provides(specifications = Module.class)
public class SampleModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
and it's associate instance (needs to provide a name that we will use later):
<ipojo xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="org.apache.felix.ipojo http://felix.apache.org/ipojo/schemas/CURRENT/core.xsd"
<instance component="org.ow2.jonas.ipojo.guice.example.module.SampleModule"
name="sample-module" />
Just define an instance of the pre-defined GuiceInjectorComponent provided by this library.
<ipojo xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="org.apache.felix.ipojo http://felix.apache.org/ipojo/schemas/CURRENT/core.xsd"
<instance component="org.ow2.jonas.ipojo.guice.internal.InjectorComponent"
<property name="modules" type="list">
<property value="sample-module" />
Creates a classic iPOJO component that will be annotated with the @GuiceSupport annotation.
@GuiceSupport(name = "sample-injector")
public class GuiceInjectedComponent {
private IRandom randomizer;
public void start() {
System.out.println("Random number: " + randomizer.getRandom());
Once the bundles have been started, you should see the following output:
Start SampleModule
Random number: 0.10249957740836657
- Contribution to Apache iPOJO or OW2 Chameleon
- Ease usage (maybe remove the explicit injector component creation)
- Maven 2+
- Java 5+
Check out and build:
git clone git://github.com/sauthieg/ipojo-guice.git
cd ipojo-guice
mvn install